I need help with one of my "Best Friends"

Guest Dalbinder101

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I was not encouraging derogatory remarks, but at some point exes, or crushes need to be discussed and if the date or new person doesn't have the patience to listen, then they won't work. It establishes a trust level immediately and illustrates how the feel about a relationship. If you don't have that level of confidence or are a nasty person, then don't talk of exes.

I find it so interesting to hear how other people talk of others, as it is a good gauge of their character and it establishes a trust factor immediately. I am no saint and I do gossip on occasion, but it startles me so often when I hear other people speak such ills.

Sadly, I find more often than not, most people are quite nasty and petty, but disguise it pretty well in public, especially when giving advice or speaking of themselves.

Amen to Beefche.

Can she be THAT stupid? - YouTube

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Talk about exes when you're in a relationship, sure. Or at least have a few dates under your belt. But on the first date? That would just make me wonder what he was going to say about me to his next date, and not make me want to go on any more with him. Yikes.

How's that working out for you?

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