ysa splitting families apart

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I don't know about there but here YSA wards are optional attendance. I've found through observation that families who are tight tend to stay in their home wards together anyway. Sometimes a YSA may want some space to find a testimony,wife,husband,whatever. Others are career motivated or studying and have moved from overseas where they might not have any family. The program is inspired. Despite the situation with your friend and her son your actually on shaky ground when you start questioning the Lords programs and then back those questions with resentment. Maybe if you take a step back and look at the full picture you will realise that the ark isn't going to fall and there's no need to put your hand forward to steady it.

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Personally I think people should be in family wards and think YSA wards are anti family. I think have YSA activities, not wards. But to each his own....works for some and not others. There is no one shoe that fits everyone in this case. I never went to the singles meat market wards, bur some people love them and that is fine.

Keep in mind that a YSA ward is still a ward, a unit in the church of Jesus Christ. ALL wards, YSA included, are established by the LORD through the Prophet. Please remember that and your feelings toward this kind of ward next time you are asked to sustain President Monson whether it be in a temple recommend interview, general conference, stake conference, etc. To put it the way a Bishop did in his talk to the ward he was over when I was on a mission, if you have a problem with church policies, doctrine, how things are established, you have a problem with the Lord's way and you know who wins.

Edited by apexviper
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so is her bishop in trouble too because he agreed with her and seen in happen many times? Wish they had them when I joined the Church. I was the only one in my family who was a member and the stress they put on families back in those days made me feel I didn't fit in. Anyway someone previously said she was smothering him and he wasn't ready for that. She has had a good think and agrees. It was so good to find him again after all that time.

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