Recently Baptised and Confirmed


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My name is Al Logan and I was confirmed a few weeks ago. I came to the Church when the missionaries came up to me when I was exercising in the park.

Before that I had lived a dark life in which I had destroyed many people and families. My transformation began in March 2011, when I started helping my aging Great-Grandparents around the house. My time with my Great-Grandparents transformed me from a rude, hateful, and greedy person, from a person who was willing to hear the Gospel.

The Missionaries convinced me to come to the Church when I began to finally understand the Gospel as restored by Joesph Smith. During one of my meetings with the Missionaries, one of them mentioned Mosiah 27; while reading it I saw many parallels to my past and knew that if God can forgive Alma, he can forgive me.

I have been lurking around the board for a few weeks and I know I will have a good time here.

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Hello and welcome but more important then that......Congradulations on your baptism and welcome into The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. The gospel is Wonderful and it is for all people who will humble themselves and repent, repentance is a daily thing and Christ the greatest physician of us all we take away our sins. He will help us with all things! At your baptism started your wonderful new journey. The gospel is true I hope you will follow it all your days and continue to learn and grow ..and learn to trust in Him, not in the ways of men. Are your Great Grandparents members?

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Hello and welcome but more important then that......Congradulations on your baptism and welcome into The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. The gospel is Wonderful and it is for all people who will humble themselves and repent, repentance is a daily thing and Christ the greatest physician of us all we take away our sins. He will help us with all things! At your baptism started your wonderful new journey. The gospel is true I hope you will follow it all your days and continue to learn and grow ..and learn to trust in Him, not in the ways of men. Are your Great Grandparents members?

My Great-Grandmother passed away in January, and my Great-Grandfather politely declined to join. I feel my relationship is stronger with a lot of people, even though I am the only person in my family to be a member.

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You are part of a world wide family now. A year after your ggmother passes away you can have her baptism done in one of our Temples. She will have the chance to accept it or decline it. You can ask the missionary's more about this or your Bishop. My advice to you is to mingle with the people in your ward and get to know them your all brother's and sister's now. Let His light shine thru you!!!!

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