Mendelian Genetics


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We are told that we enter this live with a veil of forgetfulness over our minds.  Many religions do not believe we have any memories but for LDS, the concept is we came to this life having forgotten all.  It is necessary that we forget for this experience to be complete.  Why? – that is part of what is forgotten.  However we are told we exercised agency to come to earth and we will exercise agency to determine our next life.  One reason I have speculated that we have forgotten all is for the same reason for the child game of pin the tail on the donkey.  So we have an excuse for pinning the tail where it does not belong.  Likewise we have excuse for our sins to make repentance possible.  We cannot repent of something we do deliberately with no regret.


The assumption that we do not know things here in our mortal life because we never knew them; is an assumption based in the false teaching of the Great Apostasy that this life is the beginning of your choices.  Thus it is we chose to make mistakes while blindfolded – however, it also appears to me that by our agency we chose previously the mistakes we would make – all is according to our own plan.  If it is not according to our plan how can we claim agency?  If we only act out G-d’s plan then the agency is his not ours.


There is one final way to consider this – this is through the lens of covenant.   We came to earth because me made a covenant with G-d.  What is that covenant we made with G-d?  Perhaps before we answer that question we should ask the question – What is a covenant?  And how does agency apply to covenant?

The covenant we made was to do the things we are told during this life despite forgetting what happened in the previous life.  The covenant is like signign up for a college class, in the end there is a final exam and we would agree to be graded at the end of the course. Some people didn't want to be graded in the end so they left the program and then weren't allowed to take the final exam.


We have not forgotten all as we all came to this life with certain spiritual characteristics and the light of Christ.  Those little things may seem like we came to this life starting with nothing but that is not true.  It is over those little things that we are being tested, so it makes sense to isolate them during the test.  It is like covering the chalk board and closing all the text books during an exam, then the test relates to personal knowledge.  This test is that way.  It is not a test to see if we follow the crowd or if it makes logical sense but one of personal character and integrity, will we do the things we said we would because that is our character, to be true to self, to have integrity.

This life could not be a test of character if we came to this world with none of our own character.  It doesn't have to be 100% our character as God can sift out the stuff that comes from our carnal natures vs spiritual natures.  He can take into account the servant that received one talent vs five and make an accounting of 'where much is given much is required.'  In that way, the test isn't over the sum total of what one has but what one did with what was given.  Then the test is about character and integrity and obedience and faith.  The test is not over fund of knowledge or knowledge acquired while in this state (unless that was given as a test of obedience) but more about whether we do the things we are told, revealing our true nature, a Celestial one, a Terrestrial one or a Telestial nature.

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