Overprotective Parenting


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I have no time to read the article...but, I scrolled through and just looking at the pictures brought back some super great memories of when I was a youngster. I so want to go play in that adventurous playground. Run through the tires and try to sit inside them and have someone roll me down the hill. We did that when I was little.


I love the backyard forts. My friends and I built plenty of those. We used sheets. My mom always had to go looking in the back yard and take the sheets down that we used to build our big forts. Memories!


I am not sure if parents are over protective today... but, I think a lot of them take the easy way out with allowing their children to watch hours upon hours of tv, internet surfing, cell phone texting etc. Sometimes they use those things as babysitters.


Parents need to get their children out of the house for play time. It's sad that even a 5 year old knows how to get on the internet... but doesn't know how to build a fort in the back yard. I know it takes extra time to be out there or supervisor activities, but it's well worth the time.


Thanks for the memories!

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