"Unsafe in any quantity"


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1 hour ago, Vort said:

Wikipedia (a perhaps less-than-unimpeachable source) say the following:

The citation given is:


Not if it's 600 times sweeter. Sucralose-sweetened soda pop, for example, would require only 1/600th the sugar usage that sucrose-sweetened soda pop would take.

That the interests for competing artificial sweeteners also lobby against their competition is hardly surprising, nor any sort of evidence that the sugar lobby does not do so.

Yeah, Wikipedia...

Agreed that other competition is not mutually exclusive.

The 600 times sweeter thing.  Hmmm...  It still seems odd.  Why would sugar want to squash the use of sugar in yet another application?  

Let's look at it another way.  Say, there really are two competing markets, the "diet" market and the "non-diet" market.  If sucrose is competing with honey and corn syrup in the non-diet market, I don't see this as changing the market at all.  There really is no competition.  It is competing with other non-sugar based sweeteners in the diet market, so yes, they'd want to encourage it to compete with aspartame and saccharin.  

The only counter I can think of is that splenda is competing with sugar in the non-diet market.  So far, I see little evidence of this.

And whatever happened to sorbital?  I kinda liked it.


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