No Regrets -- Gospel Basis For Living Life to the Fullest


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I was recently sent a youtube video about living life with no regrets.  That's probably a good goal.  But then it said a statement that I've oft heard, but I'm still not sure if I believe.


Those at the end of their lives reflect and realize that what they most regret is not what they did, but what they didn't do.

This can be taken a number of different ways.  Some are good.  Some are very, very bad.  

From a secular perspective, I can see that taking chances is what we're supposed to do.  We have to do what no one else is doing in order to find our niche in life.  In business the key to success is not to be a commodity, but to be special -- not just by label, but by reality.  What makes our product or service better than anyone else's?  The successful business is willing to do that which the unsuccessful business is not willing to do.  What are we willing to do that no one else is willing to do?  

Gospel principles tell us that we are individuals.  We all have a special mission in life.  That's what patriarchal blessings are about.  We need to play our part in that symphony of life.  It's not a symphony if everyone plays the same instrument.  It's not a choir if everyone sings the melody.  We are not the Body of Christ if all we see are heads with no hands or feet.  Or what's worse, what if we're all just hairs?

But when we talk of taking chances or doing what no one else is doing we have to consider boundaries.  But let that not be what we mortals consider boundaries.  First and foremost, would the Lord approve?  For some, this is limiting.  For others, it is quite liberating.  I know of some who believe making money at all above the necessities is something the Lord would not approve of.  Others who believe Lord approves of anything because...reasons.  But the fact is that the Lord wants everyone to be very successful in their mission in life.  Sometimes that has to do with money.  Other times, it doesn't.  But living life to the fullest really comes from fulfilling that mission.

We do what we have to do.
We depend on the Lord to guide us.
We use the talents and abilities has given us.
We take chances where it doesn't violate gospel principles.
We seriously consider wisdom, but have faith in the Lord when we are ready to take chances.

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