Listen To The Generals......the Dishonest Harry Reid


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Oh I thought Don Imus lost his job for making a crude statement.

That’s a bit of an understatement. “Nappy Headed Whore” is an abhorrent comment, not merely “crude.” And Imus wasn’t let go because of this one “crude statement.” He had made comments like this many times before, and been warned by the station it did not want him making comments of this nature. But he did it one last time, and this was one of the worst of them.

But as far as Freedom of Speech, he did not lose his right to it. He could continue to make his comments anywhere he went, just not at the station. For the station owners also were entitled to their Freedom of Speech as well, and in this case because they were his employers, their FoS superseded his, as they had the ability to fire him, and they did.

Additionally, his sponsors had their Freedom of Speech as well. They didn’t like what Imus said; in fact, they were absolutely appalled by his remarks. Therefore, they chose to say so by removing their sponsorship, which was perfectly within their rights. So they did.

Thus, no one’s Freedom of Speech was violated. Everyone had to right to say what they did; however, Imus’ comments crossed the line the station had told not to cross--yet he crossed it again. His Freedom of Speech wasn’t violated. He violated his employer’s instructions. Thus, they fired him. Very cut and dried.

I do not believe that freedom of speech allows someone to incite a riot and not be held responsible for it.

What you describe is called “The “Shouting Fire in a Crowded Movie Theatre” test, and it only applies to those who do so on purpose to cause panic. Intent is the bottom line when considering if someone is guilty of it.

Neither Bill Maher nor the Dixie Chicks purposely said what they did to cause an uproar. They both were giving their opinion, and had no idea of the firestorm their words would create. So the "Shouting in a Theatre" test does not apply to either of them. Therefore, your implication they are not entitled to Free Speech fails with Maher and the Chicks.

However, both Maher’s and the Chicks’ fans and financial supporters also had a First Amendment right to not buy their products or not watch their shows. The fans reactions were a result of the timeliness of 9/11, not Maher’s or the Chick’s comments.

And respond they did. They trashed the Chicks' CDs, and Maher was fired from his show. Therefore, the fans, sponsors and statiions also exercised their Freedom of Speech.

So it is disingenuous for Conservatives to berate Liberals by using Imus as an example of “If Conservatives say it Liberals forget about his First Amendment rights and want him gone.“ Obviously it is "People" who do this, some conservative and some liberal. This constant polarization of the "bad liberal" is a myth that is perpetuated on this board because of the majority of conservatives.

And Free Speech is alive and well with Imus, Maher and the Dixie Chicks. None of them ever were in danger of that.


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I don't feel sorry for Imus or Maher. Freedom of speech doesn't relieve you from the consequences.

But what about the many institution of higher learning, who will willingly invite terrorist to speak, but will not allow a conservative because he or she is too controversial.

What about those who say that if you don't believe that global warming is a bigger threat than global terrorism, your are equal to those who deny the holocaust.

I can go on and on, but what would be the point. I look forward too Elphaba's list of things that President Clinton did. It will be the first time, any one has told me, what he did. I know that he claimed victory for a great many things, but know one can tell me how he did it.

First thing that everyone says, who wants to defend President Clinton, is that he balanced the budget. So what were the policies that he put forth that mad it happen? Did he grow the economy some how, or did he ride the economic wave that we all did, from the growth of the personal computer?

Now I'm even boring myself - goodnight all- allmosthumble

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