11 Facts About the Bible That Will Actually Come in Handy One Day

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Today's topic: Bite-sized Bible blips. There's a TON to learn about the Bible, its history, its story, its impact, and its quirks. Here's a hodge-podgy list of just 11 awesome tidbits. A few are just fun facts, while some are more lengthy, informational, and even quite important to know. 1. Three wise men? You know the story. Three fancy-looking guys ride up on camels and present the baby Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Well, nowhere in the Bible does it say just how many wise men showed up. It could have been two. It could have been twenty. Who knows! Also, Jesus wasn't a baby by the time they arrived. 2. The books of the Bible are organized by style, not chronology Because the Bible begins with Genesis, an account of the creation and dawn of mankind, we often assume what follows throughout the Bible is chronologically sound. It's not, nor was it meant to be. I mean, speaking generally of the Old/New Testaments, the Old comes chronologically before...

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The Nicene Creed was not created by Christians, but by Constantine who was an avowed Pagan who wanted to unify the masses and keep them under subjection. It, along with other "creeds of men" was rejected by God and have been the cause of most of the problems with the lack of unity in the churches today. God told Joseph Smith that they were an abomination before him and that the truth would be shown unto Joseph later. The biggest truth that it missed was the Manhood, the Fatherhood and the Godhood of God himself and that he and his Son are two separate beings, thus the reason they both showed up in regards to Joseph's prayer, the vision that started the restoration of all things and the putting down of the false creeds of man. 

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