Use This Awesome App to Prepare for Your Mission

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Opening a mission call is one of the most exciting things Latter-day Saint young adults will do. After finding out where they're going, preparing missionaries want to find out all they can about the area. Now, learning about your particular mission has been made easier through an app called Lifey. Lifey allows returned missionaries to give advice and inspiration to preparing missionaries through short videos posted to the app. It's a great way to learn what to expect and get excited. How did Lifey begin? The concept began when Alex Balinski felt inspired to look into BYU's Broadcast Journalism program in 2006. He felt like Heavenly Father wanted him to do something related to videos. Alex started the Prepare to Serve YouTube Channel in 2012 after serving a mission. During that time, he interviewed hundreds of returned missionaries about their experiences. Since then, the idea has expanded to include video resources about other aspects of life in addition to missions. People can now view and contribute to videos about health, religion, cities,...

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