3 Reasons Why the Latter-day Saint “3 Heavens” Doctrine Makes So Much Sense

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We Latter-day Saints are known for some pretty unorthodox beliefs, but our teachings about Heaven, while different, are absolutely beautiful, comforting, merciful, inspiring, motivating, ethical, and logical all at the same time. For those that aren't familiar with our doctrines about Heaven, here's a brief review and some thoughts on why this teaching is so awesome: Telestial, Terrestrial, Celestial Latter-day Saints believe there are three degrees or "kingdoms" of Heaven. God the Father lives in the highest degree of Heaven, called the Celestial Kingdom. The people that inherit the Celestial Kingdom after the Resurrection and Final Judgment are those who accept Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, strive to keep the commandments, and receive certain ordinances by proper authority, such as baptism. The people that will live here are people who desire to live here. They want to become "joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17) and dedicate themselves to becoming more like Him during their mortal lives. The next kingdom down is called the Terrestrial Kingdom. Those that go here are good people, but people "who were blinded...

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