Why Feeling Useless is Fruitless

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When I got married last year, everything was going great. I started a new job a few months before and started earning more money. My husband had just gotten a raise at his job as well. We were both in school and working, so we were on the same page and financially we were doing well. Then in December I graduated, and because I graduated I could no longer work my on-campus job and I had to find a new one. Eventually, I was able to get a part-time job and an internship, but it was unclear when my job would start. All of this cumulated with my husband starting a new semester and me feeling useless. Added to this feeling of uselessness was the fact that I had to start working. We were doing okay, but savings were running low and my income was more important than ever. The day before my husband started school, I was in a panic. In fact, I had not one, put two panic...

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