How To Say A Pray In The Teacher's Class?

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Can anyone give me an example?


Well like all prayers you begin by addressing Our Heavenly Father

You then might offer thanks for blessings enjoyed as a group and other things as directed by the spirit.

Perhaps ask for blessings to be with your Teacher and invite the Spirit to be with the Teacher and the class members

Ask for any other blessings you may feel lead to by the Spirit

Close in the name of Jesus Christ


I hope that helps and welcome to the board. :D

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Guest prnldsfrms

There is a pattern to prayer in the Bible called the Lord's prayer (in Matthew, if I recall). But just address God with respect, talk to him as you would talk to your loving earthly father who knew you absolutely and loved you unconditionally (which means sometimes when you're talking about how you messed up you'll also be squirming) about what you are thankful for and what you need from Him. And close by saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ" then join everyone else in saying Amen (which means they agree with what was said).

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Hah, a teacher! I was just called out of being the Teacher's president before I was just confirmed a priest. That time is so great if you can make the most of it. (and trust me, I know. I'm 16, fresh out of those shoes. :P)

Shoofly's format is really well set out. Also, it helps me personally to think of everything I've been thankful in the day a couple of minutes or so before I actually give the prayer. If you can get yourself in the habit of praying every night, that will help as well. I've noticed that through that practice, my prayers have gotten longer and more heart-felt, and I actually feel like I'm speaking to the Savior. I wonder what would happen if I could get into the morning routine. ;)

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Might be a little awkward, since I'm not used to typing my prayers, but I'll give it a shot.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank thee for this day. Thank thee for the oppurtunities that thou hast had in school and seminary and for the strength given at both times, and I ask that thou will help me to continue. Please bless me with safety as I journey on to my other destinations in the day, and help me to avoid temptation. Also, please bless those who are struggling to find whatever their objective is, that they may be able to recieve light and find it, particularly (sorry Douglas, I'm using you as an example here :P) Douglas, who is seeking to find the truth. I thank thee once again for my oppurtunity. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

I'm no expert, I'm sure a high number of this forum would my prayers look like a minor's. (well, technically I am. :P) Yours don't have to be quite so long either, I've built up over time. Just remember the basic format that's already been posted, and you'll be fine. The Lord isn't picky when you're speaking to him.

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Might be a little awkward, since I'm not used to typing my prayers, but I'll give it a shot.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank thee for this day. Thank thee for the oppurtunities that thou hast had in school and seminary and for the strength given at both times, and I ask that thou will help me to continue. Please bless me with safety as I journey on to my other destinations in the day, and help me to avoid temptation. Also, please bless those who are struggling to find whatever their objective is, that they may be able to recieve light and find it, particularly (sorry Douglas, I'm using you as an example here :P) Douglas, who is seeking to find the truth. I thank thee once again for my oppurtunity. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

I'm no expert, I'm sure a high number of this forum would my prayers look like a minor's. (well, technically I am. :P) Yours don't have to be quite so long either, I've built up over time. Just remember the basic format that's already been posted, and you'll be fine. The Lord isn't picky when you're speaking to him.

Just when you pray for a group substitute me my or I for the words we us and so forth. Remember you are praying for the group. Just my two cents.


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a difference between public and private prayer. When we pray in private, we talk with the Lord about all things that are important to us. We repent of our sins. We ask for specific guidance and revelation for ourselves. We speak of ourselves in the singular form: I thank Thee . . . Please guide me . . . Help my family, etc.

When we pray in public, especially in a Priesthood meeting or other Church function, our prayers are slightly different. We are speaking for the group, not only for ourselves individually. Thus, it would not generally be appropriate to say, "Bless my cat Samson that his tumors will get better." Samson may be important to you individually, and you may certainly talk with God about him in your personal prayers. But a public prayer is concerned with the things of the group for which you are acting as voice.

Perhaps in the setting of a Teacher's Quorum, you would express gratitude for the Atonement of Christ, for the restoration of the Gospel through Joseph Smith, and for a living Prophet. You might also give thanks for the lessons that have been taught there. You may ask for the Lord to help the Quorum to live by the principles you have learned that day.

Essentially, you need to remember why you are in the meeting. It is a meeting of the Priesthood of God. If you are in the mindset and spirit of such a gathering, you will naturally pray for those of your quorum who are less active. You will naturally pray for those over whom your quorum has stewardship. You will naturally give thanks for the blessings of the restored Gospel.

Be more concerned about who you are becoming than you are about the words you are saying in prayer. Then the right words will come, because they will be given by the Holy Ghost.

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