Christian Vs Mormon?


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I recently came across this video, and I have to say it made me confused on some points.

While I love Jesus, why does he discriminate within his own followers? And within the context of this video, is this man incorrect?

Thanks to anybody who can give me some guidance.

This man they were "trying" to talk to was not with the spirit, he was very confrontational and was not about to listen to any L.D.S truths. He is 100 percent misstaken in the things he was saying, and wouldnt give they missionaries the opportunity to talk. I would love to be able to have this man sit down with me for a couple hours. He would come away with a little differant way of looking at things to say the least. If there is something that you do not understand, you are welcome to 'P/M" me and ask, i would be more than happy to give you another perspective.


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Could you give more details on what points you're confused about? What makes you think Jesus discriminates within his own followers?

Well there are many different denominations of Christianity. In the same way that many religions all purport to be the true way to find God, the many denominations of Christianity seem to be the many ways one might reach Jesus. I guess it confuses me because I want to take the right way and you never know for sure if what you are taught is that way, given that so many other people are seemingly finding that right path in other ways.

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I recently came across this video, and I have to say it made me confused on some points.

While I love Jesus, why does he discriminate within his own followers? And within the context of this video, is this man incorrect?

Thanks to anybody who can give me some guidance.

Interesting. I served a mission in the 'bible belt' of the USA, and meeting these kinds of folks can be quite a harrowing experience. There is no love there, none. His behavior is not justified by the scriptures he quotes, not in the least. He was there to embarrass the missionaries, and he made sure that he did it. Sad.


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Well there are many different denominations of Christianity.

True that.

In the same way that many religions all purport to be the true way to find God, the many denominations of Christianity seem to be the many ways one might reach Jesus.

Jesus = God, right? Or are you just being open minded?

I guess it confuses me because I want to take the right way and you never know for sure if what you are taught is that way, given that so many other people are seemingly finding that right path in other ways.

The 'right' way is to feel the Spirit and follow it. If it leads you to Mormonism, then that's great. If it leads you elsewhere, then that's great too. If you're already LDS and you think it may be leading you elsewhere, then you should pray and fast about it, and take council of your Bishop. 99.99% of the time, in this situation there is a problem that needs to be addressed before making the choice to leave. In my experience, anyway. Yes, I do leave open the possibility that someone may legitimately be led out of the Church. Amazingly unlikely, IMO, but possible.

You don't have to agree with any man (or woman), but you do need to be sure it is truly the Spirit who is leading you. If you can't tell, that's a matter to address right away.

Prov. 3: 5-6


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Interesting. I served a mission in the 'bible belt' of the USA, and meeting these kinds of folks can be quite a harrowing experience. There is no love there, none. His behavior is not justified by the scriptures he quotes, not in the least. He was there to embarrass the missionaries, and he made sure that he did it. Sad.

One more thought:

1 Cor. 13: 1-4, 8, 13

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

• • •

8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.


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Well there are many different denominations of Christianity. In the same way that many religions all purport to be the true way to find God, the many denominations of Christianity seem to be the many ways one might reach Jesus. I guess it confuses me because I want to take the right way and you never know for sure if what you are taught is that way, given that so many other people are seemingly finding that right path in other ways.

Many people I met on my mission in Georgia told me they felt that it doesn't matter which church you belong to as long as you believe in Jesus. Being taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS that there are some important things to consider about a church or religion, we would try to teach that- but there was no need for us to argue their point.. we accept truth from wherever it can be found, in or out of our church. We seek to teach and we seek to be taught.

You may be aware of the unique teachings of the church concerning the apostacy of Christ's original church and the need for a restoration- and that this restoration occured with the prophet Joseph Smith starting with his visit with God in 1820. If you know these stories, then you probably know how important it is to know if they are true or not. If you don't know them yet, read them at

We would try to share these things with whoever would be willing to listen, but if there were some who didn't want to listen, it was best to just move on. Everyone's at a different point in life, so not everyone is ready for or needs the teachings of our church at the same time, but we do believe that eventually, in this life or the next, everyone will be fully taught and have the chance to accept or reject the full truth of all things.

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Well there are many different denominations of Christianity. In the same way that many religions all purport to be the true way to find God, the many denominations of Christianity seem to be the many ways one might reach Jesus. I guess it confuses me because I want to take the right way and you never know for sure if what you are taught is that way, given that so many other people are seemingly finding that right path in other ways.

Well you can go either Beleive in him, {which is a good way to go} Or you can go "beleive in him AND be offered up eternal family blessings along with beleiving in him? The lord accepts all whom worship him, but there is much more he has offered for us along with beleiving in and loving him. I think i,ll go with worshipping the lord AND being with my earthly family in the eternities. :)
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