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hello to all of you! im new on here and its hard to follow the convos when im not involved!! if i knew you it would be easier to talk!! introduce yourself!!!


Hi Alana....

Welcome to the boards from the Great White North of the great and beautiful Upper Peninsula... Are you a Yooper or a Troll (meaning one who lives beneath the bridge... LOL).

Where are you from?? In the Soo here.....

Silver Girl

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yea i am from the northern lower peninsula!! :)

Well, you dad offers a lot to this board, and we have been pleased to get to know him... Come in and make yourself at hime!!

Silver Girl

PS. Are you guys buried in snow?? We got 12 inches or more in the last 2 days... It is sunny here this morning, but COLD!!

The snow is blowing around and it is pretty, like living in a snow globe.... Well, it is pretty from inside!!

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Well, you dad offers a lot to this board, and we have been pleased to get to know him... Come in and make yourself at hime!!

Silver Girl

PS. Are you guys buried in snow?? We got 12 inches or more in the last 2 days... It is sunny here this morning, but COLD!!

The snow is blowing around and it is pretty, like living in a snow globe.... Well, it is pretty from inside!!

we are not BURIED but last night we got rain and the temperatures dropped overnight so the roads are real icy which is why we had no school!!! :) yea!! im guessing you dont have school today either??

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we are not BURIED but last night we got rain and the temperatures dropped overnight so the roads are real icy which is why we had no school!!! :) yea!! im guessing you dont have school today either??

Actually, much to my 2 son's dismay, it stopped snowing around 1 or 2 in the morning, and they had time to plow the roads... They had school today!! They were not amused!!

I, on the other hand, laughed!!

Silver Girl


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Snow storm, eh? You probably got the one that just passed through us! How many inches did you get? We wound up with 7 or 8, I can't remember. :-P

umm... about 8 to 10 inches... enough to cover the roads to close school!! i heard we're supposesd to get another one next monday, do you think you'll get it too??

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Oh my goodness! 8 inches of snow! Oh wow! We got 3 inches of rain! :P I live in at the South east part of Arizona, so I have never been in a snow storm before!! Do you guys like the snow?

i dont really like it.. but its nice to look at around the holiday season!! i cant believe you've never beeen in a snowstorm!!! i've been through millions!!!!!

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hello to all of you! im new on here and its hard to follow the convos when im not involved!! if i knew you it would be easier to talk!! introduce yourself!!!


Hello alanna and welcome to the board, And all i can say to you is that i,m really worried about that worm youve got on a hook, He looks very scared! :blink:
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Yeah, the snow you're expecting on Monday I think they said was hitting us either tomorrow or Friday night. (argh, quote button isn't working :-S)

I actually kind of like the snow. Cold and depressing at first, (as in, when I was younger), but once you actually get used to it and start finding things to do, I was actually looking forward to it. Ice too, I look forward to ice. Maybe it's because I'm a Minnesotan, I'm a hockey player, or I'm just nuts. :-P

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Yeah, the snow you're expecting on Monday I think they said was hitting us either tomorrow or Friday night. (argh, quote button isn't working :-S)

I actually kind of like the snow. Cold and depressing at first, (as in, when I was younger), but once you actually get used to it and start finding things to do, I was actually looking forward to it. Ice too, I look forward to ice. Maybe it's because I'm a Minnesotan, I'm a hockey player, or I'm just nuts. :-P

our school doesnt have hockey but a school in our area does.. how did you get into playing hockey?

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I think it was my friends. My dad was always played basketball on Saturday mornings at the church, so I actually played in this junior basketball league from maybe age 4 to 7. But during that time my closest friends, two friends, and I would play street hockey together literally every single day. (I mean literally. If they were going somewhere, I'd either go with them, or my parents would check if I were sick since I wasn't at their house playing hockey)

So eventually, I don't know, they carved roots into me, and hockey became way more fun than basketball to me. I joined up in a league when I was 7 or 8, and now those friends and I are 3 of the 6 sophomores on Varsity. :-P

I don't mean to turn this into a hockey discussion, but have you ever heard the Detroit HoneyRoasted? (It's a youth group, a dominant one. We've played several teams from other states, and the HoneyRoasted are pretty good.)

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Oh dear oh dear....

I leave you guys for one week and already hockeydude is turning this place into a hockey rink! lol jk jk

Well hello alanna!Nice name by the way what does it mean?

Anyway lol I help moderate the boards here.I'm your age as well!I enjoy reading and writing.And get this..I have never even seen real snow.Except on tv.Of course that probably has something to do with living in South Africa lol

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Oh dear oh dear....

I leave you guys for one week and already hockeydude is turning this place into a hockey rink! lol jk jk

Well hello alanna!Nice name by the way what does it mean?

Anyway lol I help moderate the boards here.I'm your age as well!I enjoy reading and writing.And get this..I have never even seen real snow.Except on tv.Of course that probably has something to do with living in South Africa lol

hockeydude, ive never heard of the detroit honeyroasted (???) but thats kool that you had friends with the same interests as you when you were young.

lolgirl that sounds soo unusual that you have never seen snow before... but its nice to know you help with moderating, if i have any questions ill be sure to ask you

i have a framed poster haging on the wall in my room that says what my name means, but ill have to get back with you on the meaning


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