Baptized At 8, Converted In My 30s


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It's too late and I should go to bed, but I've been trawling LDSforums and thought I should introduce myself (it's only polite you know).

I'm Jen and a life-long member who married an agnostic and didn't go to church for 11 years. Eventually we split ways and I decided to investigate the church to see if there was anything about it that interested me, or if I wanted to finally give up religion for good. I didn't want this to be for my mom or my very LDS brothers and sisters, but for me. If it didn't gel... so be it.

I went back to church 2 years ago, Christmas. Took my 2 year old and my 6 year old and gussied us up and found a chapel and sat in the back row.

Oh dang, I'm tearing up just writing this down. Shoot.

Ok, so back row. - and I sang my fool heart out. I sang those Christmas songs like they were the last songs I would ever sing. When sacrament was over, the male choir director came right up to me and said "you sang so loud, I could see your fillings." The spirit bore witness to me right then and there that these were good people, they weren't perfect, just like me. And that this was HIS church and these were HIS people and "Jen, you KNOW where you're supposed to be, so just be there already!"

Sometimes the Lord uses plain language.

It wasn't that easy, I had a lot of years of negative views of Christianity thrown at me from my ex-husband and that's tough to shake. But I did go back, week after week, and I studied and really prayed, and I got a quieter, deeper answer than I'd ever had. I didn't tell my family I was active for many months; it took me that long to be ready to apologize.

Anyhow, I just want to tell people that you CAN come back. The Lord is big on second chances. And he'll bless you more than you know. I went from a broken marriage and an empty heart to a Temple marriage with my second husband (the best husband known on this or any other planet you can think of) and a true peace that I've never known in my life. I may have been baptized at 8, but I was converted at 35.

Thanks for this site and thanks everyone for posting. It's made my week.

Mrs.Dr.Shot (Jen)

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It's too late and I should go to bed, but I've been trawling LDSforums and thought I should introduce myself (it's only polite you know).

I'm Jen and a life-long member who married an agnostic and didn't go to church for 11 years. Eventually we split ways and I decided to investigate the church to see if there was anything about it that interested me, or if I wanted to finally give up religion for good. I didn't want this to be for my mom or my very LDS brothers and sisters, but for me. If it didn't gel... so be it.

I went back to church 2 years ago, Christmas. Took my 2 year old and my 6 year old and gussied us up and found a chapel and sat in the back row.

Oh dang, I'm tearing up just writing this down. Shoot.

Ok, so back row. - and I sang my fool heart out. I sang those Christmas songs like they were the last songs I would ever sing. When sacrament was over, the male choir director came right up to me and said "you sang so loud, I could see your fillings." The spirit bore witness to me right then and there that these were good people, they weren't perfect, just like me. And that this was HIS church and these were HIS people and "Jen, you KNOW where you're supposed to be, so just be there already!"

Sometimes the Lord uses plain language.

It wasn't that easy, I had a lot of years of negative views of Christianity thrown at me from my ex-husband and that's tough to shake. But I did go back, week after week, and I studied and really prayed, and I got a quieter, deeper answer than I'd ever had. I didn't tell my family I was active for many months; it took me that long to be ready to apologize.

Anyhow, I just want to tell people that you CAN come back. The Lord is big on second chances. And he'll bless you more than you know. I went from a broken marriage and an empty heart to a Temple marriage with my second husband (the best husband known on this or any other planet you can think of) and a true peace that I've never known in my life. I may have been baptized at 8, but I was converted at 35.

Thanks for this site and thanks everyone for posting. It's made my week.

Mrs.Dr.Shot (Jen)

Beautiful story Jen. Glad to have you here!


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Guest AutumnBreez

Welcome Jen!

Beautiful! Thank you!!

Hope to see you here more often-

I have been married in that situation- twice.

First was atheist. My husband now- is open to having a Creator-

He seems to be opening up more and more.

He was raised around the LDS church-forced down throat on weekends from divorced father while living with mom (against church)

He was baptised at 13 and up to Teacher (2 years?) when he quit.

Spending week with mom and then weekend with dad/stepmom/stepsiblings must have been tough, let alone make a teen do something they don't want to-- will surely cause them to have an attitude--this church stuff stinks, etc. unknown resentments, now his dad has passed away in Sept 07 and things have changed since.

I had stayed away 12 years- until then--sang at the funeral, listened to speech, felt the Spirit, desired to come back a few times but did not due to the prospect of difficulty in marriage from coming back. Seen what happened in first marriage when I converted in the first place (24 yrs old). I knew I would have to go alone this time too. Second husband doesn't realize or know that he is doing some of the same things first one did- attempts to overthrow my better judgement in going to Church. Despite the hurdles- I came back anyway. If he loves me and wants to join me it will be wonderful, if he leaves me because he says he wants to see me happy- it is a cop out on his part. I love him and imagine us going to the Temple someday to be sealed for eternity. Hope he will stay and join me! Now we have teens- one has joined at 13 yrs of age- and the other boy is almost 16 and has his own views (school science influences, and lack of commitment issues). Prayers for him appreciated! I let him bring friends, this helps. Last weekend he did not have one and he was so bored and hated being there, he said that they were speaking mumblejumbo- (found out it was about Revelations-swords and stars)

I regret not coming back sooner when the kids were alot younger and could have more influence on them. Even though you were inactive to find it yourself, the impact from your youth was still a factor in you realizing the truth. Glad you came back while your kids are still young.

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Now we have teens- one has joined at 13 yrs of age- and the other boy is almost 16 and has his own views (school science influences, and lack of commitment issues). Prayers for him appreciated! I let him bring friends, this helps. Last weekend he did not have one and he was so bored and hated being there, he said that they were speaking mumblejumbo- (found out it was about Revelations-swords and stars)

While many members of the Church doubt the accuracy of scientific views regarding age of the earth and evolution, there are still some who understand that there is no conflict between these. Unfortunately, some prominent Brethren have made many members feel 'heretical' if they do believe in evolution, etc. At the same time, other prominent Brethren are saying that the Church has no official stand on the issue. So, people just beleive whatever (which makes a lot of sense to me).

For a brief sketch on the church and evolution, see my second post in this thread here.

I'll admit, though that symbolism (stars, dragons, etc) is so foreign to our way of thinking these days, that it can be quite a shock to 'scientifically' minded people. Nevertheless, symbolism is unparalleled in its ability to teach concepts and principles to us. Goes way beyond logic and reason.

Let me, or Traveler, or others (? not sure who-all) on this list know if you need more info.


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Hello Jen and welcome...

I returned to Church after a 30-year inactivity (in my heart I always knew what was right and true). My non-LDS hubby, wonderful man that he was, would not join me in my faith... it was difficult, but I was fortunate because he supported me and honored my faith. When I say "difficult" I mean emotionally because I wanted so much for him to be at my side in Church, in the temple, etc. Never happened... now I've been widowed nine years... but my testimony is stronger than ever... when I first started attending at first, it as the music that made me weep. Certain songs like "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd" was a two-hankie for me...

Good luck. Hope you'll like it here...

The Garden Girl

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