Still In My Early Stages


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Well First Off a little info on me. My name is Michael, am an ex-catholic, and as of late, I have been reading the Book of Mormon, and have found it to be true. I have not met with any Missionaries yet. As my wife is anti-Mormon to the Core and Doesnt want me to continue my studies. But I feel in my heart this is right. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for me.

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Guest AutumnBreez

Hello and welcome Michael!

Though she thinks she is anti- Mormon does not mean it can't be changed.

There have been many that have thought they were anti and later converted.

There are alot of things out there on internet, but the negative does not hold weight when compared to other anti literature. Anti compared to anti, there are conflicts.

Other questions: Does she know any Mormons? Has she been around churches/other Christians that have been bashing Mormon Christians? Christian like? no, not at all. I can always go to her enemy to find out info about her, can you really trust the info has been altered/tweeked to fit their angry cry.

When you hear the words from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints proclaim that it is the only true church, this is not saying that the other don't have some truth. The fullness, the Priesthood and the authority thereof is a missing ingredient to the others, they are just missing couple pieces. Not saying that they don't have good intentions.

Jesus Christ cryed out to our Father in Heaven in prayer, and on the cross. It is comforting to me to know I too can pray to our Heavenly Father. (Jesus was not talking to himself.)

The sacrafice Jesus made- I can have forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I know Jesus Christ died for me. I know He lives. He died for all of us, even though we had not left our Fathers side at that time, he knew us, and that we were going to need him from the beginning. This is part of the plan. Our tests and trials make us stronger, not just for ourselves but as a testimony for others to pull through their issues in life.

Not going to say that your journey ahead will be easy while you convert. Not only is your wife not going to like it. Neither will the advesary. Your wife can be softened. Ask /pray for this help with her.

Your heading in the right direction and advesary wants to keep you away from the full truth.

Roadblocks ahead- However, you can get through it through prayer, and also help from the Missionaries.

I am married to a man that has hang ups too. He has softened and respects my choices, over time it seems to be getting easier. Time to time we disagree with some issues, it blows over eventually. He has learned to not push anti on me.

I will not debate. Debates are not peaceful. I do not push him to read scriptures, he should not push anti-lit. on me.

I waited around twelve years, not going back because I did not want the confrontations. I kept believing it was going to end in divorce if I went back. ( I am a convert and returned. ) You can not hide the truth, it will come out. Hiding and pushing it back can cause great resentment. This is not healthy for your body or your relationship. Take care- AutumnBreez

Another question if you don't mind: Where do you live, what state? right now I live in VA, the Bible belt is strong, and it is hard Missionary work. Plus other influences have pulled them from learning about the fullness.

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Thank You for you Prayers, as for me. I live in Arizona. My wife is not going to change her mind, I say this because she is Penticostal and her family are LDS basher and so is her Paster who think the LDS Church is a Cult. But to me, as I read the Book of Mormon and pray, I know the truth. I havent really talked to any missionary expect a few LDS friends I have. They think am making a great choice, in learning more and maybe sometime in the near future I can be Baptized into the church. But in the mean time I will continue to learn and pray so when the time is right am fully prepared.

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I find the FAIR, and it's FAIR Wiki as being helpful in dealing with basic Anti-Restoration issues. FAIR has a what's new section on the main page with the link to it's wiki on it. I particularly enjoyed it's response to 50 so-called unanswerable question's an Anti-LDS ministry was raising.

You could try getting her to visit the FAIR Wiki page with you. Let her look up what bother's her instead of letting her bring up anything and everything at once that upset's her.

I tend to find person's critical of the LDS tend to become quite skilled in bringing up witnessing issues. But they never develop the superior skill of learning how to resolve issues for themselve's. I know of top Evangelical people involved in outreach to Mormon's that have studied Mormonism for year's and never come up with a single answer. But i see answer's to the same issues and feel justified in retaining my current church membership.

I am not actually LDS, but Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). We split from the LDS after about fifteen years. And have been on different doctrinal and historical tracks ever since.

I have been reading again a book entitled Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith by Floyd Mcelveen. It came with a film that FAIR responded to in-depth at it's wiki. But it's typical of every single Anti-Mormon book i have ever read. Contrary to what the writer's of these book's think the trivia in these book's are not unanswerable.

My best advice is to be friendly.

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Guest girlydolphin

Hey Lanz. Nice to meet you briefly in chat.

All I can say about your situation is pray. It will bring you peace and possibly soften the heart of your wife. The Lord is mindful of you and your situation, Lanz. Always remember Him. He will guide you.

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