good for something


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Fifty years from now,

I know that I will look back

on my life with regrets.

I will lean back in my rocking chair

and flirt with my wife,

silver hair draping her shoulders

while she reads me another psalm

as I watch a new world

walking by our porch,

just waiting to bury and forget about us.

I know that I will cringe

remembering those crossroads

where high blood pressure jobs

and peaceful sunsets

after another day of headaches

got lost because I was not wise like Frost.

I almost bet that the money I have then

will be even less than what I have now.

I have seen grandparents pass on

without remembering my name

or even being able

to call me the wrong one anymore.

My son or daughter

may have to shut me

behind closed doors

so that their kids won't have to see

good 'ol Grandpa like this.

I'm not trying to draw tears,

only a conclusion.

A hoary head is a glorious crown

if it is found

in the way of righteousness.

The Carpenter's nail-pierced hands

build broken bonds

and smooth out splintered lives,

covering my every sin, mistake

or wrong direction I take.

I will not be surprised

if this is the perfect frame

that fits my future portrait,

but maybe that same young world

walking by, pursuing those highs

which brought my generation low,

will stop and notice my wrinkled face

glowing with a peculiar peace

from Him Who carries His children

from first tooth to gray hairs,

so despite the rights

that I have wronged in my life,

may it testify that God cared.

Copyright 2008. Streetlight Publications.

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