For Digital Shadow: How to identify God talking to me

Guest tomk

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I am starting this thread, not because I have the question, but because I am trying to answer the question for someone else, specifically Digital Shadow (DS for short).

As I understand it, DS, you have felt feelings of "joy" and "peace" before in your life, but you attribute these feelings to "biochemical responses."

Is that correct?

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I am surprise no one has posted to you an answer yet. Those "feelings" are indeed Biochemicals that can be cause by our Spirit or even be Self Induced. Distinguishing between the two can be hard. One of the ways to distinguish is to learn by the fruits. When one is following those things if it leads to wickedness and a loss of love for men and God then it is the wrong voice. If a person begins to judge men it is also an indication that it is the wrong voice. We all have many voices. The problem is finding the one that is God. And this voice will be the most quietest voice of all. So if a man does not learn to silence all the other voices seeking our attention one cannot hear God.

The first thing one needs to do is go into the gospel of Repentance. Repentance is a purification process and it is also a great silencing the voice of Satan. Because those devils....really hate it when a person is repentant and seeking the Spirit of contrition...[Contrition is the ENEMY of PRIDE and all Forms of expressions that comes from the EGO.]

RE: God thru Elijah in his cave taught on the Still Small Voice. [OT]

And Isaiah also spoke on the voice being the way of Holiness.

In addition to this voice, there are dreams, visions, burning heart [bossom], instincts, all kinds of signs, portents and omens.

so it is not God's ability to contact is that is lacking but our ability to hear and to discern.

Our body of flesh do react to what our Spirit is experiencing. When our Spirit is experiencing great joy, this is translated to our body in various means. [For God is Spirit and also all things of God are Spiritual and sometimes it is manifested as the burning bosom when we are reading or doing something that our Spirit and God highly approves of]

Also when our Spirit is so sad by what we do, think and say and it wishes to leave to end its do diseases, afflictions follow us until we are unable to continue in our path of wickedness or death ensues.

I hope this helps.

Peace be unto you


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I am surprise no one has posted to you an answer yet. Those "feelings" are indeed Biochemicals that can be cause by our Spirit or even be Self Induced. Distinguishing between the two can be hard. One of the ways to distinguish is to learn by the fruits. When one is following those things if it leads to wickedness and a loss of love for men and God then it is the wrong voice. If a person begins to judge men it is also an indication that it is the wrong voice. We all have many voices. The problem is finding the one that is God. And this voice will be the most quietest voice of all. So if a man does not learn to silence all the other voices seeking our attention one cannot hear God.

The first thing one needs to do is go into the gospel of Repentance. Repentance is a purification process and it is also a great silencing the voice of Satan. Because those devils....really hate it when a person is repentant and seeking the Spirit of contrition...[Contrition is the ENEMY of PRIDE and all Forms of expressions that comes from the EGO.]

RE: God thru Elijah in his cave taught on the Still Small Voice. [OT]

And Isaiah also spoke on the voice being the way of Holiness.

In addition to this voice, there are dreams, visions, burning heart [bossom], instincts, all kinds of signs, portents and omens.

so it is not God's ability to contact is that is lacking but our ability to hear and to discern.

Our body of flesh do react to what our Spirit is experiencing. When our Spirit is experiencing great joy, this is translated to our body in various means. [For God is Spirit and also all things of God are Spiritual and sometimes it is manifested as the burning bosom when we are reading or doing something that our Spirit and God highly approves of]

Also when our Spirit is so sad by what we do, think and say and it wishes to leave to end its do diseases, afflictions follow us until we are unable to continue in our path of wickedness or death ensues.

I hope this helps.

Peace be unto you


While this may be true in some cases, the Lord made it clear that it is not the only causitive factor. Sometimes we're sick because it's part of our mortal experience, not due to sin.

Still waiting for DS to post. :)

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I am starting this thread, not because I have the question, but because I am trying to answer the question for someone else, specifically Digital Shadow (DS for short).

As I understand it, DS, you have felt feelings of "joy" and "peace" before in your life, but you attribute these feelings to "biochemical responses."

Is that correct?

Sorry for the delay, I didn't check the forums last night after I got home from work. I didn't imagine there would be a whole thread devoted to my issues with talking to God. Hey, this is finally a thread we can't derail :)

In any case, yes. Your statement is correct.

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The whisperings of the Spirit usually start out small and easy to miss or confuse with your own thoughts and feelings.

When you pray and seek for an answer, and then you perhaps get a prompting or feeling of something you should do, you should experiment on that by doing that thing and see what becomes of it. If you feel it leading you closer to God, then you can know that the original prompting you felt was indeed from His spirit.

For me and a lot of others, maybe for most people, God doesn't answer all at once- but little by little, as long as we act in faith on the promptings we receive.

See Moroni 7, especially verses 11 through 19

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