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Everything posted by neo_xero8

  1. Well that's horrible! I'm glad I live in a podunk town. lol. As far as your friend goes, dont' be mad at him. He'd stick up for you if he could. I say look at it this way. Would you rather him have gotten involved, and then something worse maybe happening to him? Wether he helped or not, you were probably gonna get the shaft one way or the other. I wouldn't be mad at him, I'd be very relived that he wasn't hurt. That's just me though. (glad to hear you're ok, other than headaches for a month!)
  2. Matt Nathanson? Limbeck, and Mike Park? I'll give them all a shot for you speedomansam! Jack Johnson is the man, by the way, I love his new album. I like Weezer pretty well too, I'll try out Ozma, Juliana Theory, and The Get Up Kids as well. I have ALL of JEW's stuff that I can find. LoL. Static Prevails - Futures. Save Bleed American and Futures, the rest I ripped from a friends CD onto my computer, I like putting the music on my computer, most of it I've purchased, or downloaded from band or associated websites. But I do have Shareaza on my comptuer, so I'm not 100% legal. I'll try your link as well! Thanks!
  3. As a Senior missionary in my Branch always asks whenever I get off topic, "Is what you want to know essential to your eternal salvation?" In this sense I'd be hard pressed to answer in the negative, to which he would respond, "Well then you don't need to know it." And if ectoplasmic kinesis were the case, there would be a spirit behind it and it would have been a vision, b/c that's how I'm interpreting ectoplasmic kinesis here, and the way I interpret diaphoretic prolepsis is, it was his imagination. Either way, I'm sure the person in question must have had been touched by the Spirit to offer up such a story to the general population of the church. I'm not arguing Snow, just another point of view.
  4. In all honesty Jason, if you're not interested in opinions or debating, and you are an active member of a forum, then you would be a self-promclaimed hypocrite. This is the nature of forums, posting opinions and discussing them, no matter how hard you try to distort that fact, it always remains. I'm not trying to offend either. I personally don't find Mercy synonymous with Charity, not that I don't succumb to any dictionary on the matter, but to me Mercy is extended to a person only to satisfy the demands of Justice. In this case there were no demands to satisfy. I do find Charity to be a good word however, the pure love of Christ. That would bring those opinion of ours into harmony with each other.
  5. Snow, I would like to inform you that I'm not kidding and ther are literally close to 100 self proclaimed homosexual people in my school, all of which have informed me that they have chosen that themselves for one reason or another. I'd appreciate it if you were jumping to conclusions. If I post on these forums it's just my opinion, but I'm not going to flat out lie.
  6. music is music, we all have our own opinions. Personally I don't believe Metallica, Korn, Ozzy, Disturbed, Slipknot, Rammenstien, or Staic-X do alot in general for the spirit, if you wanna look at it that way, and if you you pretty much have to condem all the other ones. I love AC/DC and Led Zeppelin, I don't like all of Zepp, but I'm an avid fan of both, Angus is a genius, and John Bonham is a Drum Deity. Aerosmith is great too, but everything else I don't havea lot for, in general that is, I do like a few songs but not all of them. (BTW, if anyone argues that Mutter is a wholesome song, I'll fight them, b/c I've read the translated lyrics). lol. I'm mostly an Alternative Rock guy, Goo Goo Dolls, JEW, Third Eye Blind, Fastball, Nine Days, Vertical Horizon, Dishwalla, Toad the Wet Sproket, Matchbox 20, bands like that. But that's just me, I like some hard rock bands, but I don't get into the screaming thing, it runs me out. What are some other old rock bands you guys like? I'm all about discussing music, but if this turns into an arguement, I'm out.
  7. as with all of his children, God hates their sins and not them. God loves you gay or straight. He may not be happy with your actions or choices, but he still LOVES you. I don't care what anyone says, there are about 100 gay people in my school, self proclaimed anyway, and every homosexual person i kno wof, has CHOSEN to be that way, and I don't believe it has ANYTHING to do with genetics. I think that it is directly related to temptation and the Adversary. I believe that if they truly want to, anyone can overcome homosexual feelings. I believe homosexuality is a sin, "neither is the man without the woman or the woman without the man," girls were made for guys, and vice versa, that's the way it is. But in either case, God loves us all people, as much as I don't like gay people, I respect their right to live and do as they please as much as anyone else, as a VERY FAMOUS PROPHET once said, "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." I believe that not only applies to religion, but to everday life as well. But this is just my particular view on the subject.
  8. This is deep gospel doctrine! LoL. Can spirits walk the Earth? Well, one of the general authorities, I'm not sure when or where or who, talked about going to a Stake center one night, only to be rebuked by his ancestors for not pursing his family history and temple work. That particular story in itself proves that it IS possible, I also remember hearing another story about going to a stake center or some other church building, and beings resembling Stripling warriors guarding all the doors. These are storys i've heard in CHURCH, not on the internet, or from other members, but stories i've heard told in Sacrament meeting. I personally believe that spirits that people see, are either: A)Spirits of the devil, B) Spirits of those who have accepted the truth, but have not recieved their baptism or temple ordinacnes, or C) another possiblility i haven't even thought of yet.
  9. "Exactly. And I would add that God doesn’t need us at all. In His mercy he created us, and in His Love, He will offer us Salvation." I would like to debate, I do not back this with doctorine or scripture, I just wish to offer a new point of view, and I won't tear down your opinion. I belive taht God did NOT create us in mercy, but in Love, and for his own Joy, i think as my parents derive joy from me and that's why they had me, the same that God created us, to bring him more Joy, he created us out of his love. "QUOTE Satan benefits greatly from our worship of him and therefore this is the only reason he wants us to worship him. He does not care for those that worship him but intends to punish those that do not worship him. Again it appears to me that Jason’s G-d is the Satan I fear. I strongly disagree, and I challenge you to prove this from the Bible (or even your Mormon writings). Show me where Satan gains benefit of anything? Show me how Satan can punish anyone without God’s permission? " First of all Satan gains great benefit of drawing us away, he benefits from his own enjoyment at having drawn away another soul, this is just my personal belief, but it's a fact that he wants us all to be miserable like unto him, so if we are drawn away and made miserable, then he has benefited. He has succeded in his purpose. Seondly, I don't believe that God really punishes or Satan. I believe that when we disobey, God decides to test our faitfulness through a test, Satan administers this test, but God regulates the difficulty of it, based on what he knows we can, or can't handle. Once again, these are my personal testimonies and not doctrine. Satan has no counter-plan. He/it does as instructed, period. Of course he doesn't have a counter-plan, if he did there would be no way for him to enact it, as he is infintesimal in power compared to Heavenly Father. I also believe that Satan is not instructed to do anything really. He can be cast out through the power of the Holy Ghost obviously, however, as far as his own purposes are concerned, I believe he is his own boss in that department. These are my own opinions, I'm not saying anyone here is wrong, this is just what I think, I'd rather this remain a debate, and no become an arguement, there is no benefit from arguement.