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Traveler last won the day on January 5

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  • Birthday 08/22/1946

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    Sandy Utah
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    Science, Cycling, Skiing, (outdoors in general), Liberty and Gospel Doctrine.
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    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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  1. Thank you @zil2 : In another thread I presented the scripture notion of line upon line upon and precept upon precept upon precept. Initially we read this in Isaiah. Some think that there are other ways to “translate” this, but we are given the same translation in the Book of Mormon and through several prophets and apostles in conference talks. Abraham chapter 3 is given in ancient Egyptian "scientific" understanding. We have a parallel to this in D&C86 that is given in Newtonian level of scientific understanding. Through the restoration we are given multiple witnesses – not just in scripture but in law, ordinance and covenants (mostly in the temple). The ancient understanding of someone that sought the law, ordinance and covenants of G-d (temple worship) were described as the “Righteous”. Thos that transgressed the law, changed the ordinances and broke the covenants were called the “Wicked”. The term “stiff nick” in the Book of Mormon is a direct reference to accepting covenants in the temple. I believe that the Book of Mormon is the great key to understanding. In 3Nephi Jesus tells us that he, the Christ “suffered” from the beginning. I am not sure we interpret the “suffering of Christ” correctly. I think that from the very “beginning” Jesus “atoned” or "suffered" for our fall and our sins. Even before the fall and our commission of sins. All of which enabled the “Plan of Salvation” in order for us to partake of G-d’s mercy to the fulfilling of justice. That without Christ there is neither mercy nor divine justice. There is one final element to the law, ordinance and covenant that completes the mercy and justice of G-d. That final element is our investment, which is called repentance. Part of our repentance is to see things in a new “light” such that we abhor sin "darkness" and desire to be one with G-d (and his Son Jesus Christ). The Traveler
  2. I believe all citizens should be taxed on their economic increase – similar to a tithing tax for the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Traveler
  3. Perhaps it is possible that Klaw is yeowling about things of little or no spiritual significance – beyond the consideration that all things should be loved and appreciated in their proper order. First to love G-d, second to love your human neighbors (hard for me to love humans that I do not like very much), and then once you have accomplished such, that we love all good things that G-d has created. 😁 The Traveler
  4. I am not sure about such reports of upsetting our allies. I am hearing reports that the entire world is has hope for changes. Especially in that USAID if funding. I am hearing that very few like the intrusive manner USAID is spent contrary to county’s culture and traditions. I also have insights inside of Mexico. That our border needs to be fixed but there is more than just what is flowing into the USA – many in Mexico are concerned with how the cartels are financed and armed. They claim that the US government and media focuses on just one side of the border problem. That they suffer for more than us because of our border policies. This make me wonder if the cartels have as much influence in USA politics and procedures as they do in Mexico. What concerns me more than anything is that the Democrats in the USA are so united and fixed on stopping the opening up of transparency in all our governments and NGO processes. @JohnsonJones – I would be specifically interested in what governments are upset with Trump’s initiatives. And is such governments are deeply imbedded in LGBTQ+ and against traditional families. The Traveler
  5. Some thoughts: I was taking a religion class at BYU in my previous life. The professor made an interesting statement (obviously tongue-in-cheek), that if he caught anyone praying during the exam, he would confiscate their exam, and they would fail the class. He said that we were to rely on our own work and preparation for the exam. Another thought: Scripture tells us that we learn line upon line upon line and precept upon precept upon precept. We are also encouraged to gather together often. I think one reason to gather is to share our spiritual precepts. The problem is that so many seem to think of scripture as a singularity. That each verse has one and only one intended meaning. I am of the mind that there is much more to D&C 8:2-3 than the idea that revelation (including the spirit of revelation) is the essence of information and understanding. For example, I have the impression that there is power and intelligence within the spirit of revelation. The reason I use the terms power and intelligence is because the power to do things, like crossing the Red Sea on dry ground, has elements of both power and intelligence. The same holds true of the creation and even other things that are given by revelation (translating scripture – understanding scripture in general.) I do not believe that a scripture is understood by the spirit of revelation unless someone is motivated to repent and change. One definition of repentance is to “see” things in a new light or perspective in such a manner that we are changed – not just in our thinking. The Traveler
  6. It looks like there is a deal with Mexico to gain better control of our border with them. I am especially excited to hear that the USA is going to end illegal military grade arms flowing into Mexico. Without drugs and human trafficking (modern terms for slavery) the cartels will be at risk for survival. One other hole in this border with Mexico is stolen black market petroleum coming to the USA to petroleum companies through black market deals controlled by the cartels. I believe there is a possibility that Mexico will benefit more from Trump’s deals than the USA. I also think that there is something rotten in the DC swamp protecting the cartel control of our southern border. I doubt this will all go silently into the night. I wonder if the politicians that support the cartel are being uncovered. Canada, on the other hand, does not seem to understand what is going on nor what is actually at stake. As of now, it would seem that the Canadians are hating Trump but as things move forward – there may be big changes coming to Canada. China is an enigma to me. I am guessing that China will pull back and sit this one out – waiting for a political change in the USA. But if Trump’s AI push happens – China will lose the AI initiative. I believe the big question will come down to who want on board the Trump train verses those intent on stopping it. To what extent will opposition to the Trump train go to stop it (both at home and abroad)? The Traveler
  7. I agree with your post. I would add that I see no benefit in drawing any conclusion. @prisonchaplain, whom I respect greatly quoted from scripture. However, from what I know about ancient Biblical textual criticism – I would consider that Biblical scripture in our modern version as not reliable enough. I would rather think in terms of realizing that there is possibly more to this drama. But I must also admit that this is a topic for which I have little interest. Thanks for your post – I hope to hear more from you. The Traveler
  8. I read your question some time ago and did not think I had anything to answer – leaving this to others thinking perhaps to learn. However, I was reading in the Book of Mormon. In particular in Helaman chapter 10 starting with verse 7 and giving explanation in the following verses 8 and 9. More is explained in this chapter that gives indication for what purpose this power is given. If I understand it correctly – it is a power reserved for prophets and is somewhat specific for preparing for the coming of the L-rd. Thank you for asking the question. The Traveler
  9. I suspected that the server for the website was hacked. When I attempted to connect I received a screen indicating that I had been banned. Since I am able to post at this point – I assume that either the hack banned me or cleared me. 😁 The Traveler
  10. My good and dear friend, I think you missed the most critical point. Consider carefully your words: “most of us would be less than thrilled to be executed for a crime we didn’t commit.” This indeed was the very redeeming act of Christ in behalf of all humanity. Jesus said that there is no great love than that love that inspires a person to give their life for the benefit of others. The last act of a disciple of Christ should mirror the Christ that we follow – a life dedicated (including its passing) for the greater good and benefit of others. The Traveler
  11. I am glad that Christ had the attitude different than most. The Traveler
  12. I agree with @Vort . Many argue that any death penalty is too harsh and a social pariah. A particular argument that I have encountered is that it would be better to free 99 murders than to mistakenly put to death one innocent. My response to that argument is that I would rather be the one innocent unjustly put to death than to ever even back the idea of releasing 99 murders into a society – with them thinking or realizing that they can and did get away with murder. The Traveler
  13. I do not think this is just an Asia tradition. This was strongly a part of my Scandinavian LDS pioneer upbringing. I was constantly reminded that my behavior reflected on my parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and especially on my siblings. After college, part of the reason I took a job with the Defense Department on the East Coast was to get away from being my father’s son, the brother of my siblings, and the relative to so many. I dearly longed to be known by my own name. A great epiphany occurred when my parents came to visit me and the local dignitaries, upon meeting my parents would say, “So you are the parents of ‘The Traveler’ – it is an honor and a pleasure to meet you.” It was the first time I felt I belonged in my family. The epiphany is – that not only will children bring honor or shame to parents – the honor or shame is reciprocal. That parents (family) will bring honor or shame to their children. All of this has deep roots in the words of a prophet (which I forget) that said something along the line that the greatest thing or gift a father can give his children is to love and honor their mother. Similar for the mother – the greatest gift a mother can give her children is to love and honor their father. I have come to believe that the greatest shame of all eternity is to break this traditional (temporal or spiritual) bond of honor, trust and love of family. The Traveler
  14. Sorry - if spell check does not catch it I never will. Thanks for the fix. The Traveler
  15. Funny you would make that reference. I love Asiah and spent time working there. I admit to culture shock from my family heritage. I also have a personal theory about the role of Asians (gentiles) in the last-days. The Traveler