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Everything posted by Gerlinde

  1. @ Alaskagain, you wrote: These are not facts. These are some opinions which have been set to print. This are facts, proved by scientists from different sciences (archiology, etnology, theology) and not a "possibility". As i saw in the chatroom before, they are a lot of believers who don't want to believe this, cause it was against their own FAITH! But truth will be truth and it doesn't matter what anybody wish to believe! You wrote: So, according to you, and authors you choose to believe, the goddesses and Jezebel were against Jehova. Yes, this was the problem1 They was a group of people who adore a goddess first. Then they came believers of jehovah, and want to "convert" them with violence. They don't want this, and jezebel fight for her faith and against jehovah. Is there no free choice by jehovah and their believers? You wrote: I do have a problem with anyone claiming to follow some idea that is against Jehova and setting forth the proposition that they are right in doing so. So, what will you do with me, who adore to the goddess? Would you kill me? Call the Mormon secret service to put me in prison? Ask President Bush to send me to Guantanamo? Or make in the temple a baptizmal for the dead for me (cause i can't do something against ist)? What would be your favorite? @ Willowthewisp, you wrote: I believe the beginning started with Adam and Eve and that they probably knew both mother Goddess and Father God. As my evidences prove it, there was Eve first and then followed Adam (see the Book "Adams Rip" from Robert Graves) or other books from this short stuff I quoted. You wrote: Perhaps it is in response to this that the Jews chose to focus on the Father rather than the Mother. If you write me a personal mail, i can send you some interesting articles, even about transgender people and goddesses.
  2. Dear LN, first of all, I like your pic! I don't want to "convert" people here ore at other places (bye the way, this is not what a witch would do). But as a witch, i like to read feminist books or books about ancient histories and societies like matriarchy. For example, here a quote from a book which i translate from German into English: So Elizabeth Gould Davis wrote in her book "The First Sex" having been published in 1971 this: "(...) Archeology proves more and more that there really was a golden age indeed, a gynaocratic Period, who lasted innumerable millennia, up to the twilight of written history.(...) man was peacefull, the Divinity female, and the woman towering above.There were peace and justice under a space merciful goddess, and the long clothes of the priestesses are made of the gown of the male priests who followed later up to today. The monotheism of which one thought once Mose or Echnaton has invented it, was in front of the early history far spreads. "It this one seems in which Evans was right if he claimed that it was a monotheism "female form of the goddess prevailed" (E.O. James, "The Cult of the Motter Goddess", P. 250). Even the all-powerful Jahwe, the God of Moses and of the later Hebrews were originally a goddess, Iahu-'Anat, the name even had been stolen by the Sumerian goddess. Theodor Reik asks what really happened with the original goddess of the Jews. He then gives the answer: "The Torah forms the basis on which the Judaism exists. They is regarded as older than the world and a cosmic role is ascribed to her (at the creation).(...) We still recognize the first female goddess even in this diluted form" (Theodor Reik, "Pagan Rites in Judaism", P. 76). And Robert Aron makes thoughts on the pre-Mosaic Jews to himself. He asks whom they admired before Jehova. And he comes to the conclusion from Reik: Torah, which is older than God". (Robert Aron, "The God of the Beginnings", P. 10-11). (...) Raphael Patai points to forty places in which the goddess admiration is mentioned under the Hebrews in the old testament (Raphael Patai, " The Hebrew Goddess"), even after all the later patriarchal expenditure. The goddess shared the temple with Jehova at the time of Jeroboam. And the reason why Jezebel has such a bad reputation under Christians and Jews was, that she was for the goddess and against Jehova and had converted King Ahab to her faith in the goddess. "The goddess cult was ", so deep rootedly in Palestine" wrote E.O. James, " that all drastic reform tests from jahweists survived until the end of the king power" (E.O. James; The Ancient Gods", P. 91-92)." (Quoted from Elisabeth Gould Davis, "The First Sex", P. 64ff, German Edition) This are facts, not fiction. Maybe some in this group got problems with it, but this is not a fact problem, it a a problem of their own.
  3. I got only one single question: I as a witch, can i talk about some topics here? Topics like: Goddesses Priesthood for women in the bible Witchhunt Destroying of goddesses cults in ancient times by christian and jewish believers Homophobia in different churches (including the LDS) What do you think?
  4. I remember a lot of members and non members i met as i served on my mission. For example sister Schutt, which we found and baptized. Later she married a RM and moved to Southern Germany. i have had a phone call with her several weeks ago, and she don't want to talk with me cause i leave the church and have had a sex change. Or brother Picklapp, our landlord, a member of the church and also a bus driver. He didn't want also to talk with me for the same reasons. I guess, I'm the boogeyman/posterchild for them!
  5. I know the bishop of the Berlin branch of CoCH. a real nice guy, and i like this church cause they got a lot of good points like women as priesthood holders and that they are gay friendly. but i saw on the other hand that they denied some stuff from their own church history. They believe e.g. that Brigham Young and not Joseph Smith created the polygamy, and that joseph smith NEVER maried other women except Emma Smith. so, that was my reason why i can't join in.
  6. In München? (In Munich?) Kennst du noch jemand aus den Gemeinden? (Do you know somebody from the wards?) Ich habe keinen Kontakt mehr, seit ich die Kirche verlassen mußte. (I don't have had any contact after I must leave the church).
  7. Auf jeden Fall besser als mein english! (At least better than my English). Ich freue mich, hier so freundlich aufgenommen zu werden (I'm glad for this warm welcome here). Wo warst du auf Mission (Were do you served on your mission)? Ich diente in Hamburg und Östereich von 1979-1980 (I served in Hamburg and Austria from 1979 to 1980).
  8. I would like to see older or newer church films/movies in English here in Germany on DVD or Video. I only don't know where I could get these from. And the films also must be cheaply because I am unemployed (in the month 345 euros at the disposal). Does anybody know a reliable source?
  9. Hello, I am Gerlinde from Berlin, Germany. But all of you can call me Linda. So my friends call me. And sometimes also "fat cow" (my boss is so charming). I am quite flexible in it (lol)! I am not a member of the church and don't want to join to the church either. I was once a member of the church and was excluded because of transsexualism. For more information about the topic ts this Internet page is very good (partial there in several languages): Lynn Conway's homepage Perhaps somebody wonders why I am here? I' m in my heart remained always a member of the church, even if the church doesn't want to have me as a woman with a transsexual past. And the Internet is a terrific opportunity to feel accompanying to the church and to share the testimonies with other people from the church. If somebody is interested in it, to learn more about ts my life, he or she can send me an e-mail. The right place wouldn't be here for this. Linda PS: This is me :