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Posts posted by breeb

  1. I have to say I'm not a believer, but I will never watch Signs or Fire in the Sky again!! I have to say Fire in the Sky was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. I was looking up for signs of an alien invasion for months after that.:eek:

    As for Contact, I dont remember an LDS reference, so it must have been taken out for some reason.

    I do, however believe in the Loch Ness Monster. No joke, I really believe she's there.

  2. I will be 26 in September. I have never been into the pop music scene because of the vulgar is a better word.......lyrics. Its not that your old. I'm still what the world considers "clubing" age and I can't stand that crap! Kids don't listen to the words so I think you just need to let them know what they really are. That kind of dancing is definately not appropriate especially in the chapel. It may just be their ignorance though.

  3. I used to work at the parking services at Salt Lake Community College. I saw a lot of funny things but learned to keep myself under control. People tripping up stairs, running into the glass doors, all sorts of things.

    Anyway, one day I had a kid hand me his paper work to purchase his parking permit. As I looked down at the paper it read Last Name: Head First Name: Richard

    I tried my hardest, but couldnt hold it in. My face was turning red. He noticed I was struggling and said as calm and understanding as could be, "Its my name isnt it?" I appologized and he said, "Its ok. It happens all the time. My parents are from England and they dont use that term over there."

    I worked at the college for 6 years and came across a lot of crazy names. Most of them were foriegn so it wasnt that shocking, but when I saw this clean cut post-missionary boy standing in front of me named Richard Head I could control myself.

  4. I was out of high school. Maybe 20 years old. I was really disappointed. I had always been told the same thing, so when I got my very "basic" blessing I was way bummed. Now that I'm a little older Id like to get a copy and read it again. See if it has more meaning now. My sister's was much more specific.

  5. Ok..I hope I dont make this too long. I have a very deep testimony of tithing. I'm going to share some very personal information with you all, as I feel we are all truely brothers and sisters and there does seem a genuine love between all of us. My husband has been laid off to many times to count, so I had to go to work. We have decided, after many many many prayers, that he is to use his talents for income. He's an artist. He is working on a childrens book, writing and illustrating. My job pays very little, and now they have cut our hours drastically. We sometimes don't know how we are going to afford groceries. Please know that I am not exagerating. I had to go apply for WIC because we didnt have any money to buy formula for my baby. We had to potty train our 2 year old right away because there was no way we could get him more diapers. We still make sure we pay tithing first, and we have been able to get by. We have the food we need, but no extras. I am addicted to soda (not caffine just soda, any kind of soda). I have had to go without. Im not going to say money has magically found its way into our bank account, but we have been able to get by. SURPRISINGLY.

    I want you to know it is almost impossible to pay tithing sometimes. I truely know that from current experience. Im not going to judge or tell you what to do, but I know that we will be blessed for our obedience. Whether we see it right away or not. Believe me, there are times when we wonder whether paying tithing is helping us or not. I know that eventually we will be able to recognize the Lords blessings as long as we continue to faithfully pay our tithing.

    I hope this helps and you will be in my prayers.

  6. When I pray publicly I use thee and thou because it is concidered proper. It seems to me church, in a way, has its own language, and at church thee and thou is proper. I admit I am one of those that doesnt really use them properly and some times durring personal prayer I will stumble over them. I tend to stop and think about whether or not I used it correctly. Since my personal prayers are much more intimate and involved than my public prayers I can become distracted and lose the spirit. Therefore I have decided to be a you and your prayer person durring personal prayer, but continue to use thee and thine for my public prayers.

  7. First of all, my heart goes out to you. My brother is exactly the same way. We took him in and he broke all the rules (having girls over and drinking alcohol) and wouldnt pay the $200 in rent. I had to kick him out. I'm not saying you should kick her out, but she needs to learn to take responsibility. Otherwise what is she teaching her son? She can't just coast threw life. It'll only get her so far. Your in-laws will have to come to grips with that some day. Otherwise they will never be able to help her. My mom struggles with that daily. He always needs money, but she can't keep giving it to him. We are all scared he'll end up on the streets. You can't even imagine how scared I am for my brother, and he doesnt have any kids. I cant even begin to tell you how worried I'd be if he were responsible for taking care of a child knowing he can't take care of himself.

  8. I've been to that famous mormons website. I was just wondering about anyone not on their list. Like Bill Murray? I'm pretty sure he's not. In fact I dare say I'm possitive he's not. I think the rumor about him came from owning a minor league baseball team here in Utah. He used to own the Trappers.

    As for Roseanne, what I read was that one parent is Jewish the other is LDS. She was raised in an LDS family, which she is very outspoke against, but has chosen the Jewish side over the LDS side. Which is exactly the reason I asked. I love to hear all the different versions. Obviously we won't ever know for sure unless we hear it from their own mouths, but its always fun to hear the different variations to the rumor.

  9. Just a fun little question. I had a discussion with a friend from Arizona (he just moved to Utah, yes I'm a Utah Mormon ahhhhhhhh!:eek:) about famous mormons. He said his dad did some construction work on Harrison Ford's house and he had "evidence" of being LDS. I have a hard time believing he is LDS. I've searched the web and can't find anything. Does anyone know if he is or had any ties to the church, and who else in Hollywood is LDS?

    Some of the obvious are; Gladis Knight, Gordon Jump, and Jon Heder.

    One that is not so obvious is Roseanne.

    Steve Martin and Bill Murray are some others that have been rumored to be LDS.

    This is a subject that is always fun for me. Its one of my favorite running jokes through out the singles ward movies.

    Have fun!

  10. Thank you all for your great answers. The reason I was asking is this; As I was soaking in the tub after a long day I got to thinking. I wonder how Mormon feels about being the one mostly refered too when refering to the Lords church. He must feel honored. Then it turned into....I wonder if the Lord feels any disrespect that His church is being refered to as Mormonism instead of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. I dont think anything negative about the term Mormon. In fact I'm honored to be a "Mormon", and I know the Lord isnt petty so he's probably happy with it as long as His church is getting possitive recognition. I dont think everyone uses the term Mormon in a durogitory manner. Anyway, my thoughts then turned to; how lucky are we? We are one of the very few Christian churches that actually have the name of the Lord right in our title. Its amazing to me that so few churches actually recognize the Lord in the title of there church. Do we really stop and think what that means? I want everyone to stop and really think about it on a personal level. What an honor it really is to be members of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. Not of Joseph Smith, not Mormon, but of Jesus Christ. Forget for a second what others think of us and really ponder how lucky and honored we are.

    I dont know why this hit me so hard, but I've always just thought the same as most. Just of our church, and its service and kindness. For some reason for the 1st time ever I realized the importance of the name of our church. I will now automatically think of the Lord 1st. Its really hard for me to put into words, but I hope you all can feel the importance as I have. Don't be hurt when you hear the term Mormon anymore. He was and is a great and important man and we should be honored. WE know who Mormon is and its not a bad thing to be "Mormon". No matter what was intended by it, but always remember what an honor it is to have Christ right in the title of our church.

    Thanks a lot for your participation. I hope I didnt come of to preachy. It was just a thought that I had that I wanted to share with all of you.

  11. I have The New Testament Made Easier Part 1 by David J. Ridges.

    Without it I would be totally lost in the New Testament. I read

    a chapter in the Net Testament, then read the same chapter in

    the Ridges book. For the most part I understand the Book of Mormon

    very well but I'm also going to get Ridges books on the BoM for

    new insight.

    My Uncle just bought me his (David J Ridges) Old Testament, BoM, and D&C, and will be sending the New Testament later. This particular Uncle used to be a drug addict and struggles with scriptures. He is completely changed, he even became Branch Pres at one time, but because he messed his head up he can't understand them on his own. He's bought them for many people. He knows I struggle with the technical part of the scriptures, so he sent them to me. I couldnt be happier. I've had them for a week. I started with the BoM, and I can already feel how much I've grown spiritually. Coincidentally, on Sunday the Bishop asked me into his office and told me he's thought of me daily and strongly feels the Lord has seen such a growth in me that as long as I continue this way I will be able to go to the temple in 3 months instead of the 5 or 6 we had agreed on two weeks yearlier.

    I feel it is directly linked to my UNDERSTANDING of the scriptures. Everyone keeps talking about the Holy Ghost guiding you. My feeling is that understanding the scriptures invites the Spirit more for me. I would be lost without these books.

    Hope this helps.....just an FYI David J Ridges also writes most of the teaching manuals for seminary, institute and church....i know a lot of people recomended them as well.

  12. I have a question for everyone. Members and non-members. What are your thoughts and feelings when you hear the name The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and when you hear The Mormon Church? I'm curious to know what you feel and think about each.

    I'm curious to know what non-members think and feel too, if there is anything, but please be respectful if its negative. I dont want this to get out of hand. Im also curious to know what you think and feel about the name of your own church.

    I'll explain my reason for asking after I get a few responses.

    Thanks a bunch!:D


  13. I just read the first page so I dont know if anyone has mentioned it, but you can check out The Mod Bod or Cover Wear. I think its and Coverwear :: Modest, less-revealing, t-shirts, long t-shirts, layering t-shirts, and under T’s. I love them! I always wear them under my shirt. They go tight against my body (but not can wear them alone) and if I'm not wearing one of their shirts I feel naked even though I'm completely covered.

    Hope this helped....sorry if im repeating.....i didnt have time to read everyones response.

  14. I definately believe in "ghosts". I put it in quotation because im not sure I would call them that. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt the spirit world here on earth with us? I could be misunderstanding that, but if its true then it only makes sense. My husbands grandma was visited by her dead son. My husbands mother died when he was 16. At the time he had a brother on a mission. When their dad called to tell him she had died, he said, "Mom died" before his dad had a chance to say anything about it. She had come to him and told him to stay and finish the work. My husband comes from a very spiritual family and I believe from time to time the veil is thinner for them.

    My moms house is "haunted". Again quotations because im not sure thats what to call it. My stepdad is a servant of satan. I know that sounds dramatic, but he is. The worst kind too. He pretends to be the guy everyone wants or wants to be. He puts on a nice show for the ward (or used to anyway, he doesnt go to church anymore. I think he's tired of pretending), but behind closed doors he's very manipulative and abusive. I'm not even going to explain it because you'll all think I crazy. He's really good at making us all look crazy. Anyway, I believe he invited in the bad spirits. We all felt them. It makes total sense. You attract people that are like you. You feel more comfortable around people like you. Good or bad. Works both ways. I believe he attracted the bad ones because his spirit is bad. They say Satan's voice is soft and inviting otherwise he wouldnt be so powerful. Well my stepdad is the same. Very trusting.

    Again, I know it sounds dramatic, but thats what me and my sister believe anyway. Did that answer your question?:lol: