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Everything posted by lose_the_excuses

  1. Hello. I am looking for missionaries who served in Australia or New Zealand. If you did, contact me via pm I have some exciting news about those areas that you probably would like to know.
  2. quite an unusual STORY for sure, not sorry. My brain outruns the 1 finger I use to type. Thanks for the welcome skalenfehl.
  3. Hey FHGeek. I can totally understand where your coming from. I by nature am a very shy person and I always seem to get myself assigned to families that either are barely active or nearly impossible to get a hold of, but no matter what happens, don't get discouraged and quit doing your home teaching because I did that for a while and after about 6 monthe of never doing my home teaching I show up to church one Sunday and find out that the wife of one of the families I was assigned to was diagnosed with cancer a few months earlier and they really needed my Priesthood authority for blessings and for the comfort and support that we lend to our home teaching families and I was nowhere to be found. Needless to say, I was absolutely crushed when I heard this. Believe me my friend, it feels a lot better to be there when you feel that your not needed than to not be there when they need you most. Good luck and I wish you the best.
  4. Hello everyone. I am glad to be here. I was born in the Imperial Valley, California. I lived there 23 years, moved to Arkansas for 10 years. I joined the church there in Arkansas(that is quite an unusual sorry for sure) then moved to Idaho where I live today with my Wife and 3 children. I am in the Elders Quorum Presidency, I work in Logan Utah and have my own side business. That's about it. Thanks for having me. It's always fun associating with like minded people.