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Posts posted by japacific

  1. That's the thing. The LDS believe that the Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel, but it doesn't mention a single thing about it. I assume that means that that principle was not taught to any of the Nephites in the book.

    I'm sure you have been asked this before at some stage, but how do Mormons justify what Gordon Hinckley said when asked about the topic.

    Q. Don't Mormons believe that God was once a man?


    I wouldn't say that. There was a little couplet coined, "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become." Now that's more of a couplet than anything else. That gets into some pretty deep theology that we don't know very much about.

    And again on whether his church still holds that God the Father was once a man,

    "I don't know that we teach it. I don't know that we emphasize it... I understand the philosophical background behind it, but I don't know a lot about it, and I don't think others know a lot about it.'

  2. Hi japacific,

    This " history " has nothing to do with a " feeling it in your heart ". There are countless writtings ( many who were not believers that Jesus was the Son of God ) that he ( Jesus ) not only existed but indeed that he claimed to be the Lord. Many of those who were eye witnesses as well as " Jewish historians " did not believe what he taught but did in fact record it.



    Well I'm wrong about alot of things, so I could be wrong about this too. I was under the impression that there is no evidence he existed. You said there are writings from eye-witnesses. I've never heard that, but if there is or there isn't, it doesn't matter much to me. I said in the first place that I personally think that he was a real person. I would love to see references of those eye witness accounts if you are able to find them for me. I'm just about to go to bed though because its 1.30 in the morning down here in Australia. Thanks for the chat you guys.

  3. Well theres opinions on things, and then theres facts. It doesn't always have to be just people's opinions.

    Here is an example.

    I guess everyone knows the game where you take three cups and put an item underneath one of them. Lets say you and your friend both play and I move the cups around.

    I put a ball under the middle cup, then move the three cups around and around trying to confuse the both of you. Then I ask you which cup is the ball underneath?

    Now you were watching closely and you think its under the left cup. Your friend was also watching but thinks its under the right cup? Both of you have an opinion only. You could be right, or your friend could be right, or you could both be wrong.

    In this example, lets say I lifted the cups up and showed you that the ball was actually not under the left, not under the right, but under the cup in the middle. You can see that people are entitled to their opinions and beliefs. But there is also the fact there, that does not change no matter how much you want to debate that...its still under the left cup...If you know what I mean.

    So when I say I gave up what I believe for what is facts - I really mean that. Not that I just changed my opinion on things, but I had no choice after seeing facts. Things that testable and provable. Its a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

  4. Yes indeed,

    I also don't believe that Abe Lincoln existed either!!!! After all, there is no one currently living that can say otherwise :):)

    Yeah I know what your saying. But thats assuming the only way to prove someone ever existed is if they are still living and breathing and you can shake their hand today. Theres photos and ... well this is ridiculous. The difference between Abe Lincoln and Jesus is there is proof Mr Lincoln existed....And I'm not talking about feeling it in your heart and knowing without a doubt he existed.

  5. Well, I think Hemi means the reception of spiritual knowledge. When we leave the path, there is no doubt that we can learn and discover new ideas, but we become more and more "on our own" in the pursuit. And the spiritual light we once had, well, the diminishes and we are left to determine truth on our own in our infinite weakness.

    Yep you hit the nail on the head. I know thats what he meant anyway. By your definition I will confess that all that spiritual light I had before has completely diminished. Obviously you know that I don't see it that way. I see it as testing what I thought I knew and finding out it was wrong, and replacing my beliefs and opinions with facts.

  6. Its natural to like the stuff, but if you really have an addiction that it does have the potential to do alot of damage in your life. I agree with what has been said above, that if you cut it out of your life it will leave a hole, so you need something to replace it. More than that if you just had ways to keep busy then that will stop you from looking at it. Just spend your time with others, or spend your time doing something else.

    If you really wanna get some good advice, go to google and search pornography addiction. Alot of resources there. You should be able to find some good help.

  7. When we leave the path, or our life is inactiviity, our knowledge begins to recede. Only by returning back to that path, will we be given back what was taken.

    That's what they tell you at church, but my experience was that I only learned a few things over and over again in going to church for 23 years. While I was still very active in the church I learned more about its secret history and after gaining much more knowledge on the subject, I then made the decision to leave the church. So I wouldn't my knowledge receded when I left the path. My journey was - gain more knowledge - then leave the path.

  8. I found this quote in a book called The Coming of The Lord by Gerald Lund. It is talking about what we need physically to build zion. The quote is from David O McKay in 1935

    "If we have in mind the physical Zion, then we must strive for more fertile acres; bring from the mountains gold and silver in abundance; found factories to furnish more employment; extend in length and width our concrete public highways; build banks to protect, or to dissipate, as has been the case recently, the wealth we accumulate; transform our vast coal fields into electricity that will furnish light, heat and power to eavery family; improve the means of communication until with radio in our pockets we may communicate with friends and loved ones from any point at any given moment."

    Can I just say Cell phones. I love prophets.

    Are you aware that the telephone was invented in 1876??

    Phones had been invented 60 years prior to this prophecy of radios. So Mr McKay did not need to use the word radio to describe a cell phone. He said we would carry radios in our pockets. To me that sounds like exactly the kind of thing that someone would say that knew about telephones and also knew about the development of radio technology during the early 1900's.

  9. I've done some study on the subject. It sounds like there isn't any evidence that says he exists. My opinion is that he did exist but that he was just a man who started a movement. No one can really say anything for sure about that, but this is why I have formed that opinion.

    The Jewish opponents of Christianity never tried to argue that he never existed. They said he was a fraud and liar among other things. I think they would have tried to argue he was a mythological figure if there was any possibility that was the case. It is worth noting that those Jewish apologists themselves lived several generations after when Jesus would have lived.

    Among the reasons I have why I don't think he is the all-powerful-creator-of-the-universe--god model is because if he was going around walking on water, bringing people back to life, dying and coming back to life himself, you think the Romans would have recorded something about him. I would actually expect there to be A LOT of things written about him. The records we have of him in the Bible as most of you probably know are written by people long after Jesus' time who never saw him themselves anyway and at best only agreed on some of the stories they wrote about him.

  10. Thanks for everyone thats contributed to this thread. Someone mentioned if I am a returned missionary why would ask such a simple question like Is Satan going to hell. I returned home from my mission in 2004 but I left the church almost two years ago so now I have different opinions on everything.