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Posts posted by japacific

  1. I think YOU are sexist in complaining and refusing to consider that there may be a methodology that works that does not fit into your viewpoint. Should I complain, because God didn't create me to bear children? Personally, having such a close relationship with a child, as a mother has with her newborn that she has carried for 9 months, is something that I wish I could experience.

    I have step and adopted children, no biological kids. Does that mean that God was personally mean to me, simply because he did not bring me my own biological kids? Methinks you protest too much!

    As it is, God has promised to make us kings and priests, queens and priestesses to God.

    I don't see the connection as to why that makes me sexist.

  2. I don't think anything like that is happening. I used to think about it this way. When people say that Satan is putting evil thoughts in their head - I think how is he doing that exactly? If it was really happening, what would the process be? Does he think out a 5 second movie in his head, save it somehow knowing it is your exact weakness, take it out from just a thought and puts it in a case, then sends it to your brain?

    Do you see what I'm saying?

    I think everyone is unique and the thoughts that come to their head are not temptations sent from someone but just what they think about sometimes.

  3. Why not?

    I don't think its fair.

    If women's greatest calling is motherhood, then wouldn't the equal to that given to man in fatherhood? As far as giving birth goes, every species of animal is the same but do you think think God gives the priesthood to animals? The bible does not say its a higher calling then the priesthood.

    Genesis 3:16: To the woman he said,"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children.Your desire will be for your husband,and he will rule over you."