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Everything posted by lusciouschaos

  1. Granted. But these Brownies are little annoying fairy like creatures. I wish for a svelte body.
  2. It is so easy to advocate not doing something when we have no interest in doing it in the first place. Easy for me to give up football on Sunday since I don't care to watch football the other six days either. But just try to tell me the Sunday nap is not recommended and watch out. Again, with regards to Sunday, the Lord is asking us to find ways to "sup" with him and renew our spirits.
  3. I didn't marry until I was 34 but it wasn't a decision not to marry. I was just in the temple last week and the part about multiplying in their own .... and find joy in their posterity hit me powerfully. Since we never know the whole story behind a choice to marry or have children I wouldn't want to judge but I suspect as you get closer to God and Christ you seek these things.
  4. i usually just spend most of the day napping so not much controversy
  5. on the sunday stuff, I like to think about it differently. on Sunday, the Lord doesn't want to hand me a list of things not to do but wants me to use my agency to seek ways to spend the day with him in spirit. then the choices to do or not do something become much clearer.
  6. With the money comes relatives with their hands out. I wish I was more spiritual.
  7. Granted! However, your bank has gone belly up and they were not FDIC insured. I wish for -- oh wait I have everything I need.
  8. You are way too generous in your comments about me. One day we will have the discussion about Prop 8. Love you.
  9. Thanks for the shout out. I have received as much feedback about giving the talk off the cuff as the message of the talk. You are a wonderfully supportive brother.