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Posts posted by spiritseeker

  1. So, let me ask a yes or no question. Is soda allowed or not by the WoW? Is it the caffeine so non caffeinated is okay? Seriously I am a new member and I thought all soda was out. So what Is the answer?

  2. To be honest I have no clue how you could equate the two. Fascism and religion?? Fascism is the system of goverment marked by centralization of authority under a dictator. It is strongly nationalistic and works under the guise that only the strong survive. That is totally the oppposite of our faith. In Christianity we are to take care of our weaker brethren , lift them up and love all no matter race , creed or colour. Now I am speaking from an LDS position I took by what you were inferring that somehow you equate Church leadership as a kind of dictatorship??? :confused: By no means are our Prophets dictators... They love and care for us and guide us in a world that is not so loving and caring. They do not dictate to us in the way I view as fascist .... And within our blessed Church all are welcome to come no matter socio-economic background or their race and we are not nationalistic. Perhaps I misunderstood your intent with this question but it sent chills up my spine...:eek:

  3. I believe you are on the right track. Sometimes when we don't feel like doing something and force ourselves to do it . We may feel phony but God knows that we are doing it from the right place and He rewards that. Just talk to Heavenly Father and tell him exactly what you have said to us. He really does understand and He loves you for trying. Be gentle with yourself. Okay???:)

  4. (1) What do I like most about the LDS church? The Spirit that lives there. When you come to know the truth of the Church it is the most wonderful feeling. Within the ward or here on LDS net there is a Spirit that permeates all around. It's really not something you can explain you have to expierence it for yourself. And, also I love the Church because it has the restored gospel. That makes all the difference!!:D

    (2) What is your favourite book , passage , part of Mormon scripture (old and new testament and beyond ?) I love the promise in Moroni Chpt. 10:3-7 and all the Nephi 's. Psalm 23 and 51 are beautiful. Book of Abraham...

    (3) Who is my favourite person of the Church? Joseph Smith of course for he was Heavenly Fathers vehicle to restore the truth to earth. Also, I love the fifth President of our Church , Lorenzo Snow. There are so many powerful people in LDS history it's hard to choose..

  5. aj4u I am sorry that Moses David and The Family International has hurt you. But , a false prophet does not negate that there is a true prophet alive today on earth. I wish that you could know the security a true prophet gives in a world filled with such chaos. I believe you were hurt very deeply I see it in your post and my heart goes out to you. You are here on LDS net for a reason I believe God wants to heal that hurt. That healing will come when you forgive what the false prophet did to you and when you are able to accept the true Prophet of God Forgiving does not mean forgetting but it does mean moving past the hurt for your sanity... I testify to you that Thomas Monson is a true Prophet of God. I know about "The Family" so I do understand where you are at, I send you my prayers and friendship.:)

  6. The saying that you were quoting was from one of our Prophets named Lorenzo Snow. He is my personal favourite. Not that I guess you should have favourites :P but I do... Anyway it is called the Lorenzo Snow couplet;

    "As man is God once was , as God is man may be."

    The following link from mormon wiki is a brief synopsis,

    Lorenzo snow couplet theology - MormonWiki.org

    I highly recommend this site for mormon information. Good luck on your study and don't be afraid to ask questions.:)

  7. The Law of tithing was reiterated to Mormons at the turn of the 20th century by our Prophet direct from Heavenly Father. The Church was in debt and the Prophet declared from the Lord that if the Saints would pay their tithe the Church would prosper! And , it did... Mosaic law or not it is a commandment of God to LDS.

  8. Welcome!!! This is a wonderful site where you can ask questions and recieve answers. Let me say I started out on this site as an investigator and now I am a member of the Church!!

  9. IMO the soul has nothing to do with changes in the brain or any other human function. I work on an Alzheimer unit and though they don't always know everything they have sporadic moments where they remember. I have a couple of patients who actually have moments where they begin to cry and when you go to comfort them and find out why they are crying they say; "Oh this da*n Alzheimers I hate it so much!" Their cognizant of the disease...:( But still they are the same person they always were... I have come to learn in my life there are so many things that happen to us and in this life we will not understand the why of it. But , in the reunion with our Heavenly Father we will. That gives me hope and should for your friend and others. I also had a friend who was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder formerly know as Multiple Personality Disorder . But, I believe that though she had this disorder at the core of her was one soul, albeit with many personalities. It certainly is a thought provoking question you've raised...

  10. I will most definatley pray for him. I know how rough family opposition can be. When I was a teen and first came in contact with the Church my parents put a stop to it. They even threatned to call the police on the missionaries!!! So , my heart goes out to this young man...

  11. Hi Carter welcome to LDS.net This a great site and it truly is like a family... I am the only member in my birth family also. It's difficult but bearable. Just connect with your local ward and pray alot. Good luck!!!

  12. Welcome Seth!!! This is a wonderful place filled with kind and caring people always ready to support and lift you up. Keep us informed how your study of the Book of Mormon is going and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.:) Blessings to you my brother!