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  1. Just wanted to say thanks to all for the helpful comments. I think I will just put everything on the table with the bishop, and hopefully this will get good results. Thanks again!
  2. Ruthie, thanks for your comment - it's very perceptive and helpful. I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with home teaching - but I really don't want to be the "keep him active" companion. That's my whole concern, really. I don't want to be anyone's project, as any enjoyment I could get from church would be pretty much gone at that point. In terms of my feelings about the Church....the real problem is that I just don't believe anything all that much. I've had spiritual experiences and at least one that is very difficult to rationalize away, but I can't seem to find the motivation to move forward spiritually. This isn't the Church's problem, God's problem, or my EQP's problem - it's mine and I simply need to commit more fully, if only to figure out for sure where I am. So I'm OK with being honest about that, but I worry that trying to engage more than just coming on Sundays will be an invitation to be a project, and I just cannot see myself being willing to tolerate that. In my last ward, I participated as an instructor because there were almost no active members and I really didn't want to be a part of the problem there. So I taught the lessons, and by most accounts did OK, but I didn't feel honest teaching principles to which I haven't really committed. But I can't think of a way to avoid that situation without being at least somewhat honest about my situation, and that honesty may well put me in a position where I'm a project. Sorry that's long and rambling Moksha, thank you as well. There is much that I admire about the Church, and there's obviously everything to admire about the Savior. It may simply be that my personal commitment needs to improve - where I am now, everything bothers me, be it the Church's politics (let's please not talk about that in this thread) or the clumsy commitment pattern attempts of the EQP. That's not appropriate or helpful to anyone, but I think it's kinda where I am, so I want to try to figure out how to approach the next ward and make it the best experience I can.
  3. Hi, just registered for the site and enjoy the content here. Good boards and nice, civil discussions. I must begin by noting that I'm not very active at church. It's been about two or three years since I've been an every Sunday kind of guy, and about four years since I've enjoyed church very much. I'm a convert and was baptized eight years ago. I've got two basic problems: First, I've not felt that church is very uplifting or all that helpful for me much of the time. Second, I've got some real questions about whether the Church is true or the place I need to be. I can't say that I'm sure one way or the other right now, to be perfectly honest. I do want to give it a try, and I know there are some things I need to improve upon. So I want to really try to get the Lord back into my life, and I'm quite sure that however it turns out, being a part of the church community is probably a good thing. I'll be moving here in a couple months and would like to attend my new ward regularly. However, I don't know that I really want to jump feet first into callings, home teaching, and all of that. I have some things I want to figure out for myself and don't really want others to be directly involved in all that, and I certainly don't want to teach things that I'm unsure about at present. Mostly, I want to go to church regularly, meet a few people, and work toward making progress in my own life and in figuring out if the Church really is true. So, my question: would I be likely to get a good result by putting all that on the table with the bishop when I get there? Or would it just put me on the fellowshipping list? Thanks and I appreciate any and all opinions. P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong board - I really didn't see anything that would be appropriate.