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Everything posted by pbush

  1. I don't really know exactly what to say. It must be really hard and spiritually draining right now. I know that this may be difficult but now is the time to really focus on yourself. Work on strengthening your own testimony. Pray even though you don't feel like you know how. Read your scriptures even if they don't seem to be helping. Attend your meetings even if it is hard to focus. If you strengthen yourself and build a stronger foundation for yourself you will feel better and you will better be able to help your family members and be a good example for them. If you need a spiritual boost you can check out my blog at Becoming LDS There are also some links on the side that can lead you to other's testimonies and conversion stories which may be uplifting, comfoting, and supportive. I hope this helps even a little. If you ever want to you can email me at [email protected]. Good luck with all.
  2. So I have created a blog. I got the idea from Elder Ballard's talk in the Ensign a few months ago. I don't even know if anyone is looking at it besides my family. Do any of you have any ideas on how to get the word out there? I guess in a sense I am doing that right now. Anyway, please let me know if you have any other ideas on how to get the word out so that people are actually getting something from it. Thanks!!! www.becominglds.blogspot.com
  3. Lostinspace, A few other great places to visit would be lds.org and/or mormon.org. I am sure most of your questions can be answered there. Good luck with all. What an exciting time!
  4. pbush


    I have just created a new blog that can be found at becominglds.blogspot.com It is pretty simple so far but I would love to have some visitors. No one knows about it yet so I would love to get some comments going, etc. Hope to see some of you there.
  5. I just wanted to write back and wish you good luck in all of your endeavors to come to know the truth for yourself. The Gospel is true. The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith truly did translate the book and restored the Gospel to the Earth. President Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet who guides us today . Jesus Christ lives and He atoned for us so that we could make it back to Him and our Father in Heaven. Heavenly Father is real and he does answer our prayers. The Holy Ghost helps us to hear those answers and guides us to make correct choices. I just wanted to bear this testimony to you. Again, good luck with all and write with any more questions.
  6. I am sorry I didn't mean to strike the wrong chord. You are right about it not giving you any credit but I was able to get plenty of credits to graduate without any problem. I don't know. I guess I just have fond memories of seminary. It taught me a lot. I remeber having a teacher that everyone referred to as "boring", although I could see where they were coming from I still gleaned a lot from the class and enjoyed it. Maybe I have too optimistic of a view but I felt that seminary was a wonderful boost to school days that were sometimes filled with much gunk (bad language in the hallways, etc.). About studying it on your own - with seminary you are supposed to do a lot of scripture reading on your own the teacher is there to help clarify and deepen your understanding. There can be things that are hard to understand or are misunderstood about the scriptures or what our church believes in general and seminary teachers are there to help. Sorry I didn't mean to go on and on I guess I just have a love for my seminary experience. Anyway, good luck in all of your other endeavors. Read, Pray, and Ponder. Oh and what time does your school start? That is crazy that you already get up that early.
  7. QUOTE: Why?...I have always been curious about this. As far as I know, this is the only church that wants to control which ward/Parish/etc you attend. All the other ones I know of are simply happy you are going, regardless of when or which building. Well, there are a few reasons that I am aware of but I am not an expert on this. One is that your church records are in that ward therefore you can have a calling there, etc. Also, the bishop in your home ward has the ability to receive revelation for those he is over. Just like the prophet receives revelation for the entire church or a father for his family. Those are just a few that I know of. In response to seminary, I grew up in Utah as well and I am pretty sure that seminary is just part of the curriculum meaning if you don't take it you are getting extra credits and if you do it doesn't mean that you lose out on credits. Secondly, I know that most schools offer an early morning class for students in your situation. Some even offer summer classes that happen only once a week. I think it would be worth a shot. This next year is the New Testament and so you would be learning a lot about Christ's life. Once again, try focusing on the things you could learn there not on how the teacher's teach. The scriptures should be the real teacher. Once again answers will come more readily when you act. Sorry I am probably banging that idea into the ground but I think it is crucial. Any more questions...shoot them my way or better yet missionaries or your bishop could be a very good route.
  8. I am finally back to reply on what you could be doing along with your praying. Many of these have already been mentioned. First, be praying about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon but you must also be diligently reading it. You also may find answers to other questions you have as you read. You could even study the scriptures by topic such as faith or whatever else may help. Talking to your bishop may help. Reading talks in the Ensign or at lds.org may help. Try attending church again, without the expectation of socialness, go to feel the spirit and try not to focus on how people interact with you but on what you get out of the messages spoken. You may even try to go to another ward besides your own to have a low key first experience back but I wouldn't make it a long term habit - going to your home ward is always best. You could sign up for one more year of seminary and try to have a very open mind. Try reading the book, True to the Faith, you can get it at the Distribution Center online or at an actual store. It has a lot of good info about the Gospel and may help clarify things like the Godhead or other questions you may have. Basically, just keep acting and doing things that will answer questions, clarify things, etc. If you just pray it is harder to find answers, many times your answers will come while reading the scriptures, while reading a talk, while attending a meeting, etc. Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any more questions. Good Luck with all!
  9. Just a reminder to not only pray but to do. You can't just wait for answers you have to work for them. Good luck!!!
  10. Quote: On asking different questions, what would you suggest? I have asked, 'Is the BoM true?'.....Nothing. 'Is this church true?'.....Nothing. 'Do I need to be somewhere else besides this Church?.....YES! You are actually asking great questions. In the Bible Dictionary it says that, "Prayer is a form of work." So along with your asking, are you doing? For example, you asked if the Book of Mormon is true, are you reading the Book of Mormon daily? If not, read it daily and pray daily about it. You asked if the church is true, maybe try attending church or sign up for seminary this next year if you haven't already. I could go on but you get the point. So pray and act. You could even ask what do I need to DO to receive answers to these questions, you may be guided to do some specific things to find your answers. In response to the last answer you received, maybe it isn't that you need to be out the church but maybe that you need to be somewhere in addition to the church...doing service, getting involved in something new...I don't know just a thought. Lastly, here are a few really good talks that might help, they may seem kind of random but I felt impressed to share them: And Nothing Shall Offend Them - Elder Bednar LDS.org - Liahona Article - And Nothing Shall Offend Them The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge - President Packer LDS.org - Liahona Article - The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge Beware of Pride - President Benson LDS.org - Ensign Article - Beware of Pride Let me know if you have any more questions, good luck with everything.
  11. Let me clarify my previous statement which said "Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away." I really did not word that appropriately. When you pray and receive an answer yes it does come from God. I was not receiving answers through prayer from Satan - if that is how I made it sound. What I meant was that Satan was planting seeds of doubt, he was discouraging me, making me question real true answers from God and thus giving me opposing direction which could be confused as answers from God. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and therefore I know that if you pray for direction it may take time but you will be guided to stay a member of the church and become active again. Try asking a different question or search out answers in the scriptures. I hope for you the best. Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any more questions.
  12. I randomly came across your post and it caught my attention. I just wanted to give a quick reply. I too have gone through faith finding periods in my life. I was born and raised in the church and have had moments of question and confusion. I grew up with a small testimony that saddled my parents and siblings testimonies for most of my youth. (Faith is kindled by hearing the testimony of those who have faith (Rom. 10: 14-17)) As I battled the thought of the direction I was headed I turned to prayer and also to the words of the leaders of the church. Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away. Basically, I guess I just wanted to say to you, take your time to really study this decision out. I know that the happiest I have ever been is when I am fully living the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a member of the LDS church. When ever my faith is wavering or I have moments of doubt prayer, scripture study, the words of our prophets and words of those I love and trust, have never failed me. Take Moroni's Challenge to find out if the Book of Mormon is true and that will lead you to other answers. :) Here is one of my favorite scriptures: Alma 32:36 Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good. Wow, I said a quick reply. It wasn't so quick, sorry. Good luck with everything and remember to take your time! Sincerely, Your Friend