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Everything posted by unixknight

  1. Crazy is good. It's very, very good. Thanks for the kind words :)
  2. Thanks guys. Yeah I do pretty much those things. I got my ex to form an agreement with me to keep our issues between us and not criticize each other to the kids. Lately my kids have expressed to me their gladness that I've held up my end of that deal, even as they tell me about how she doesn't. They're with me every other weekend and so I can get them to church. When they're at home they go with their grandparents, who live in the same home with them and are members. They are getting to church and my oldest is in Seminary, so that much is covered. As I understand it, he even leads his younger siblings in prayer. I just wish it didn't have to fall to him to take up that slack but he is handling it admirably. It's the younger two I worry about the most.
  3. I hope maybe someone can relate to this, and I'll do my very best to express the situation is as neutral a tone as I can. A couple of years ago my wife and I split up, and while we share custody of our 3 children they live with her most of the time. I had gone through a stage where I was inactive in the Church and didn't live the Gospel very well at all, but eventually got back on my feet and found a new wife who has joined the Church and all is well on that front. The problem is that recently, my ex found a new boyfriend and in no time at all they started to sleep together, justifying it in the eyes of the kids by insisting that nothing immoral is happening. My kids are very uncomfortable with what they see as a thin rationalization of something that ought not to be. Recently she came to me to tell me she'd ceased wearing her garments because she felt that living the Gospel was just too taxing and wanted to not worry about it anymore. I feel like I'm in a very difficult position because yes, there was a time when I too was setting a lousy example as well, so I feel like while I am now responsible for setting a good example, I feel, at the same time, like a hypocrite. I don't think I can take the moral high ground, but somebody's got to otherwise I fear my kids will lose their testimony. It's true that I'm an example of the forgiveness of the Savior and how it is possible for someone to fall and pick themselves up again, but when the kids spend 90% of their time living with their mom, I feel helpless to take the reins, as it were. Anybody else experienced anything like this?
  4. Hey all, Been a member of the Church for 10 years as of last Saturday. I'm here because I'm something of a forum junkie, and I have a tendency to get involved in forums that, rather than stimulating my mind, tend to leave me in a bad mood and stressed out. I'm hoping this will be the antidote. :)