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Everything posted by wrbeattie

  1. Seek the Spirit, Teach God's doctrine, and Teach with the Spirit! May God bless you in all you do!
  2. Glow, Welcome to humanity, we have all been sent here to overcome the natural man (Mosiah 3:19). Praise the Lord that you feel sorrow and remorse, these are the second step of repentance! (2 Corinthians 7:10) We must know sorrow that we might know joy (2 Nephi 2:23). I am not saying to be happy that we commit sin, but that Heavenly Father and the Savior knew that we would need a Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5). For this reason did the Savior even Jesus Christ suffer for each of our sins that through faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end we could return to our Heavenly Father by the power of the Atonement (3 Nephi 11:11). The sacrament allows us to renew our baptismal covenants. Blessing of strength will come to you as you pray (Alma 34:17-29), read the scriptures (1 Nephi 15:24) and fast (Isaiah 58:6,8-9)and strive to obey the commandments of God. There was only One perfect that was born to this earth, thankfully the rest of us can be made perfect one day through Him. Don't lose hope, pray to the Father in the name of the Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as jadams has advised and if the Holy Spirit leads you to see the Branch President then go, he is blessed with the power of discernment, where the Spirit can guide him and can help you. I know you will make a great missionary and you will use this experience to help you do it. I used a lot of scriptures not because I have them memorized, but because as I study them I gain strength to help me overcome my trials and weaknesses. May Heavenly Father bless you, may He give you strength, may the Savior wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
  3. I agree with lost87 2 Ne 4 is a great scripture (they all are) that helps us understand that we all have trials overcoming the natural man even great prophets like Nephi. And as he did, pray even when you feel you can't, pray!
  4. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I had a great day in church today at fast and testimony meeting. It always recharges my spirit. God is truly great and loves all His children.