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Posts posted by Wingnut

  1. In reading that quote (which I've never heard, but find interesting), it sounds to me like Brigham Young was expressing his opinion, not necessarily teaching doctrine. Yes, there is a difference, part of which includes context (and I don't know the context of this quote).

    To answer your question about scientific proof, I'm going to venture a big "No." That is mostly because we don't really have "scientific proof" of the Book of Mormon either, but we have faith that it is true. Such are the working of God. :) (To those of you who are about the respond to this with studies and digs that have taken place in Latin and South America, chill out. Those things suggest that the Book of Mormon may be true, but don't categorically prove it so.)

  2. Wandering into the realm of LDS fiction, there is a lot to choose from.

    There is the "Tennis Shoes" series, by Chris Heimerdinger. He's written a lot of other books, including "Passage to Zarahemla" (which I enjoyed much less). Being an LDS author, his books are all clean and family friendly. He does write a little bit of romance though, which your 9-year-old might not enjoy.

    There is also the "Work and the Glory" series, by Elder Gerald Lund. This is a great way to help him learn about Church history. It's historical fiction, and in my opinion very well written.

    There are other LDS series that I haven't read, but other here may be able to recommend some.

  3. Last night I was reading 1 Nephi 4-6. I had a couple of thoughts as I read. The first was during the whole Laban-killing thing.

    As I read 4:6, I was again impressed at the near perfect faith that Nephi must have had.

    6 And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.

    I don't think I've ever done that in my life. A few verses later he starts arguing with the Spirit when he is "constrained...that [he] should kill Laban" (v. 10). I was impressed that with such a far-out-in-left-field prompting that Nephi recognized it as the Holy Ghost. I don't think I would have. I would have dismissed a prompting like that as an imitation of the Spirit.

    Okay, moving on to Chapter 5. As I read the part about Sariah murmuring against Lehi, I thought about what had been mentioned on this forum already. I can't say that in the same situation, I wouldn't have also murmured by then. As far as we know, Lehi knew that Jerusalem would be destroyed, but didn't know exactly when...maybe Sariah was worried that her sons would still be there when the destruction began. And I loved verses 4-6 when Lehi responds to her. He gently rebukes her, and reminds her that the Lord is in control. It reminded me of the verses in Doctrine and Covenants 121 that talk about the Priesthood.

    41 No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

    42 By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile—

    43 Reproving betimes with bsharpness, when cmoved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of dlove toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;

    Those are my thoughts for the day.

  4. I just sent wingnut a pm telling her I have a suggestion. This thread could get very long. Why don't we start a new thread with each week's reading assignment. That way we can reference back to the particular chapters we have read...instead of having one thread for the entire book? I think I will start it anyway.

    Sounds good to me. I'll post the new reading assignment in the original post on this thread, but also start a new one each week, if everyone's okay with that?

  5. YEAAAAAAA I'm in. So as Miss 1/2 there a schedule?

    To Pam and 1/2: Yes there is a schedule. I will update it weekly. I will update MY ORIGINAL POST with the current reading schedule at the very bottom. As for discussion, jut post your thoughts in this thread. It doesn't have to be daily, but please share something at least weekly. Thanks for joining!

    P.S. This week's assignment is 1 Nephi 1-18.

    • I wouldn't worry about it because the Lord has an uncanny way of recognizing personal circumstances.

    As well, we have the privilege of knowing that God is both merciful and just and has provided a way for all His children to hear the Gospel, whether in this life or the next.

  6. Tuesday 23rd September 2008:

    I have read 1 Nephi 1-3 this evening. Two main points that have impressed me about reading it this time.

    1: The fact that Nephi’s parents were the ones who taught him the language and learning of his people (Egyptian/jewish respectively). This has great importance to me at this time, as I take on the responsibility of home schooling our children. The most important skill I see to teach our children is our language and how to speak, understand and write it. I also believe that our children are blessed in learning how to do this because my focus in teaching them, is reading the scriptures together. I know that as we read the Book of Mormon together, that they are blessed to know the scriptures and understand them better, and also that they are blessed secularly to understand and comprehend our language quicker.

    2: It amazes me how fast Laman and Lemuel forget who chastises them. In the last verses of chapter 3, we read the part about Laman and Lemuel beating Nephi and Sam with a rod, then an angel of the Lord chastises them, and immediately after the angel is gone, they are murmuring again. I must apply this to myself directly… asking…. When the prophet speaks, how do I react. How long does it take for me to make excuses for myself. I love how bad examples in the scriptures can help me to check myself and become better....

    Good reading. I'm out for the night, peace.

    I also read chapters 1-3 last night, which I've probably read a million times before. I never thought of the significance of teaching the language, but it si important, isn't it? Even today we still have an oral culture that isn't written -- stories, etc.

    I also was amazed at the end of chapter 3 how Laman and Lemuel just start murmuring again. Like, HELLO? How stupid can you guys be? But I'm not sure I don't do it sometimes, too.

  7. In August of 2005, President Hinckley gave us a challenge. He said, "I offer a challenge to members of the Church throughout the world and to our friends everywhere to read or reread the Book of Mormon."

    His challenge was to finish the book by the end of that year. For anyone interested in reading the Book of Mormon by the end of THIS year, join with me in my goal to have it read in 100 days (starting on Tuesday, September 23rd). I am one who always does best with a support group behind me, and I love to offer encouragement to those working on similar goals.

    I understand that many of you are already immersed in your own study or are focusing on different books of scripture. For any who are willing to start from the beginning, I invite you to join a Book of Mormon Study Group. This will not be a topical study. It will be chronological. To join the group, you will need to be prepared to account for your success or failures in keeping with the reading goals.

    A sister in my ward invited us to join her in this challenge (the above are all her words, not mine). As it has been some time since I have read the Book of Mormon in its entirety, and for various reasons I did not participate in President Hinckley's challenge, I eagerly joined her study group. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this study group, and to give an accounting of my reading. I also am better when I have to check in.

    So I invite each of you to join also. We can discuss in this thread our study for the week, and individual insights we may have gained. I will update this post each week with that week's reading assignment.

    Week 1: September 23

    1 Nephi 1-18

    I know it's a lot, but for me, if I can make it through this assignment, I'll be able to do the rest...this is the hurdle that is hardest to get over.

    Week 2: October 1

    1 Nephi 19 - 2 Nephi 13

    Sorry I am late in getting this week's reading assignment sent out! I figure you're all just plugging along in your reading. I think it is best that we stick with the average of 2.5 chapters a day.

    Week 3: October 6

    2 Nephi 14-30

    Week 4: October 15

    2 Nephi 31 - Words of Mormon

    Sorry I'm late again...was out of town and away from a computer.

  8. Justin, there is no faux pas in the traveling. The only thing I would mention about it is that if you are not settled in one place, you may find it hard to set down roots in the Church because you won't have a lot of consistency. Some people may disagree with me.

    (Note: I'm not discouraging your studying and potential baptism, just offering a bit of a warning.)