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Everything posted by aurora

  1. welcome mama. :) and just wanted to say hi again to y'all i've been away for a long while but am back :)
  2. aurora

    Seventh Seal

    Has anyone out there read the seventh seal series by the Drapers? I found it exciting, scary and a fab read. When I tried to recommend it to a friend he told me he would not read it as he thought that it was unneccessary scaremongering. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Harsh or insightful ?
  3. Thought it might be fun to find out what carols or Christmas songs get everyone in the Christmas mood. my favourite Carol is Far Far away on Judeas Plain. My absolute favourite though is O' Holy Night. A couple of years back a member of a local ward sang it (she is a trained opera singer) and there was not a dry eye. Whenever I hear that song I start to feel excited and full of christmas cheer. Your Turn !!!
  4. I have three children and I am unable to have any more. I think that the members of the church are kinda split on this point. we have the " It's a sin to hold back the spirits of the pre-mortal exsistance" in one corner and on the other hand we have people like me who believe that the prophets were inspired when they told us, that we should not hold back spirits from life, however we should consider the health of the Mother and the unborn child as well as the children which already exsist. I had to have three sections for all my children due to various complications and I have been advised that any above three goes against medical advice. After my youngest was born I returned to church and was immediately asked when I would be POPPING out the next. I explained I couldn't have anymore for the reasons above and a member actually said to me Oh you'll be alright I know someone who's had six by section and they're fine. I'm sorry but I believe the Lord blessed us with free agency and Intelligence for a reason. If you have the means and the physical capability to pop out a sprog every year or so then go for it if thats what you really want. There is no hard and fast rule and sometimes those of us who have less or no children are made to feel inferior or selfish which is not the case. I would be selfish to give into my broodiness and have another baby and put both our lives at risk. I also have a friend who suffers severely from post-natal depression every time she has a child and it worsens with each one. She has made the decision not to have anymore as she can not cope and I think that she has made the right decision. Just a thought we don't always know peoples indiviual circumstances so we should just really keep our noses out when it comes to the kids. I learnt this the hard way. When I was about 17 I worked at the social services offices as a personnel officer, my boss was nasty, she took every opportunity to put me down, she shouted at me for not doing things which she had forgotten to tell me to do to cover her own butt. Anyway needless to say we weren't friendly as such. I stayed away from her, did my job. One day I was talking to a guy in the office after hearing her talking again about how much money her and her husband earned, how she was having skiing holidays etc new cars. I said to my colleague what a selfish cow. She's too self involved to have children. (i was less active at the time, hence the gossiping) anyway It turned out she couldn't have children and she and her husband had been waiting for years for a child to adopt to come through. I felt horrible. Since then I have tried not to say anything regarding children. Anyway down from my soapbox. cheers for the chance to RANT
  5. Sorry for your loss. Let the Lord emabrace you and keep you safe. He loves you beyond measure. XX
  6. my fave. scripture at the mo. is Enos chapter 1 verse 27 And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and I shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen. I love this one because it always remjinds me what I'm aiming for and helps me to be less afraid of the future
  7. 1.Name Dawn 2.Age 27 Bradford West Yorkshire, England (bronte country) with my husband, two daughters and son 5.Pets: Happy the gerbil 6.Occupation : psycho-therapist and aspiring writer I would most like to visit would have to be China, japan in the east 8.fave book of all time Jane Austin Pride and predjudice, but also loving the Chris Stewart The great and the terrible series 9.Favourite Movie ooh toughy. antwone fisher I think at the moment 10.Favourite Band: has to be PEARL JAM They rock even now 11.Favourite food: Lamb and potatoe Curry Fave Drink: Pepsi Max (my big weakness) 12.Fave Forum Pal: not really made any yet
  8. aurora

    New Church Books

    there are a few I'd recommend. The great and the terrible series by Chris Stewart. Seventh seal can't remember the author. O f course those are good if your into end of day and second coming like me. More happy ones are a promise of forever by Anita Stansfield also of goodly parents.
  9. i think an anti mormon, is not someone who disagrees, but someone who is predjudiced against us. Let me explain what I mean I would consider some one who is anti to be closed minded, someone who will not give us the respect of allowing us our basic freedoms, someone who is aggresive in their objection to us and not only questions our beliefs but trys to convince members or investigators that we are wrong and to abandon our pricipals.
  10. it depends which one you mean