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Posts posted by annewandering

  1. some people have gifts. i have a couple of odd ones. like being able to wake up at a particular time without an alarm clock.

    i would think there are a number of gifts of this order that are real and not bunk or evil. seeing others who are not here now is no more unlikely is it?

    talk to any family history researcher. they can tell you a lot of stories they have experienced.

    which brings up the idea that if you do see something like that, it has to have a purpose. and i doubt getting a few dollars for it is good enough reason for it to happen.

  2. i was so glad to see this thread. and i bet you are going to guess why really really fast!

    i have a feeling i am going to drive you all nuts on here so i want to apologize right off the bat.

    i try to spell but my fingers have their own ideas on how that should be done and i dont always catch it. they are phonetic fingers and i am dictionary minded. we have big debates a lot on that topic.

    a while back i made a big decision in my online life. i am not much of a typist and i have fingers that hurt. sooooo i have made a compromise. i will try to catch typos but will not attempt to do routine capitalization and 's unless the meaning becomes unclear.

    please understand and forgive me?