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Posts posted by talisyn

  1. I love this letter to A&F.

    Amy Taylor: An Open Letter from a 'Fat Chick' to Mike Jeffries, CEO of Abercrombie And Fitch

    Funny thing about wearing your struggle on the outside: it makes you stronger. It teaches you how to adapt. It forces you to dig deep and do more. And while people like you are sitting at the cool kids table intent on holding others down, the ragtag team of not-so-cool kids is busy pulling others up...and we've become an unstoppable force driving the world forward.

  2. I ddin't say it was right, just that it was.

    But then how can you have a "good" country when so many people believe so many things.

    Some might think completely the opposite, where as others will agree one hundred percent

    You can have a 'great' country, or you can have everyone belong to the same party. Can't have both at the same time :P

  3. I wanted my oldest daughter to know money skills early so I started her on a $5 allowance at age 6 (I think). She learned pretty fast that that was the only amount she'd get and she had to factor in taxes :D At that age I didn't tie in any special jobs . As she got older I'd increase the amount, and add job requirements. Right now her job is to clean (including vacuuming) my car. She has the choice to do the work and get paid or not do the work and go without her own personal money, just like anyone else with a job except she doesn't get fired lol. She's old enough now to decide if she wants to work or not, but she is getting a good lesson on financial independence ('Mom, can you buy this *whatever* for me?' ' Clean my car.' *deep sigh*).

    My youngest will also get an allowance at the right time, in the same way for the most part.

  4. It's precisely because this man is at the end of his career that announcing he's gay won't hurt his career. Why is this important? BECAUSE if it was at the beginning or middle of his career we'd never see him play professional basketball again. Because people in certain fields cannot be openly homosexual and survive. This is the problem. Not an encouraging phone call from the president.

  5. Which links to a leftist, pro-income-redistribution Slate article. As much as I enjoy some Slate articles, I really, desperately hate their leftist bent. Honestly, I'm thinking that, just maybe, the John Birch Society has been right all along: The danger to our society comes from the political and social left, who control both the media (source of information) and public education (inculcation of values).

    It's ok, Vort. I feel the same way about theblaze.com and the dangerous political and social right, who totally control the media and Congress :lol:

  6. If you haven't been in the Sacramento area, you should know that there are about 5 different hospitals within a 15 mile radius. Going from Sutter to Kaiser was a fairly short trip, the baby wasn't in any danger (UC Davis would have been closer, and a better baby hospital, but I digress lol).

    But I would like to ask, since when can we not leave the hospital without a 'proper' discharge? Hospitals are not embassies, they do not get their own laws. They are not nation-states. We should be able to take our kids out of a hospital at any time, for any reason.

    When my youngest was was born, lo these few years ago, she had jaundice and the doctors immediately wanted her supplemented with formula and on a bili blanket, and there was a def undertone of 'you better do exactly what we say or you don't get to take her home'. My first child also had jaundice as bad and all her doctor told me was keep nursing her often and put her in indirect sunlight, and she was def my baby lol. Sigh.

  7. Me, too. And Eowyn, we are good parents! It's terrible for goodly parents to be so scared of an agency that is suppose to help children

    I've been reading the comments (I tell myself to never read comments but I do it anyways lol) and it seems like we have good company :(

  8. CPS Takes Baby After Parents Seek Second Medical Opinion

    PC's post about closure to news stories reminded me of this story I read last night. My take on it is, once you take a child to the hospital you are no longer the guardian of said child. Since when was a second opinion a bad thing?

    Another link: Sacramento couple still unclear why CPS took their baby boy after dispute with doctors | news10.net

    On Thursday, the family met with leaders of Sacramento's Slavic community hoping to get help. That resulted in a one-hour visit with Sammy, but the couple's attorney said they were not allowed to see the boy's medical chart. The parents said they did not have a chance to talk to doctors about Sammy's health either.

    Then on Friday, the couple and their attorney managed to secure a second one-hour visit with Sammy, but only if they agreed to much stricter pre-conditions.

    "She called us back and said we can have this visit at 6 o'clock without any video camera in the room, without taking any pictures," Anna said, describing her conversation with CPS.

    Another update! Judge orders transport of Baby Sammy to Stanford Medical Center | news10.net

    At least the baby is out of Sutter.

  9. BBC News - Bringing people back from the dead

    I like this article, too :D

    "As Parnia explains in his new book the Lazarus Effect (the US title is Erasing Death), after the brain stops receiving a regular supply of oxygen through the circulation of blood it does not instantly perish but goes into a sort of hibernation, a way of fending off its own process of decay.

    The process of "waking up" this hibernated brain may well be the riskiest time of all, since oxygen can potentially be toxic at this stage.

    The effect, Parnia says, is like that of a tsunami following an earthquake, and the best response is to cool patients down, from 37C to 32C.

    "Cooling therapy, the reason it works so well, is that it actually slows down brain cell decay," says Parnia."

  10. I think I get this now. If you like a person who died, that person was great and should be remembered with gratitude. If you don't like a person who died, that person was evil and nothing he did was for the good of the people and it's ok to say he was evil because that's just a debate about policy, not character. But it's not ok to debate policy about someone you liked because that is a smear campaign and yet another example of how society has downgraded. Gotcha.

  11. Adolphus Busch IV resigns NRA membership | ksdk.com

    "I am simply unable to comprehend how assault weapons and large capacity magazines have a role in your vision," he said. "The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established. Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members."

    "One only has to look at the makeup of the 75-member board of directors, dominated by manufacturing interests, to confirm my point. The NRA appears to have evolved into the lobby for gun and ammunition manufacturers rather than gun owners."