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Posts posted by kduncan99

  1. To the critics:


    Stop emoting and get the facts as Hobby Lobby was covering 16 out of 20 birth control prevention pills or other devices. They just did not want to pay for the 4 methods that were abortion related, after conception pills.  Women have the right to choose whether or not they get pregnant, but Hobby Lobby was not willing to go as far as paying for them to choose to kill an unborn child.

  2. We have an odyssey, love it, 11 years old. Did have some of the transmission overhauled but it was a recall issue. We got the towing package too. Had a Toyota Sienna too and liked it. 


    Has been all over the US, on campouts, etc. Husband asked me if I wanted to downsize since kids all gone and said no.  Just so nice for hauling stuff and good in the snow. I could keep going...:)

  3. I have a different point of view. Profitable conversation is based on mutual respect -- indeed, it is possible only when there exists such mutual respect. When someone says "Your church is a cult!", that is an absolutely sure sign that no mutual respect exists. Therefore, conversation with that person is useless. Explaining why he's wrong is irrelevant. He won't listen, because he has no respect for you.

    This is the correct response. I have a missionary in the field and serve at the MTC. They are taught to teach from the scriptures and from the Preach My Gospel manual, and give their testimonies. Every time the missionary tries to wing it or discuss other things or be put in a confrontational situation they fail; the spirit is not there. I have seen humble missionaries come from all over the world teach, in a language they hardly know, MTC "investigators" who know the gospel forwards and backwards and can play a pretty good non-member week after week be brought to tears from a simple testimony of the missionary.

    If a person insists on confronting a missionary with anti mormon questions the missionary will see if they can come back with a ward mission leader or some other person in the investigators area for further discussion.

  4. The question I raised in another thread was where are the fruits of seership?

    An entire thread devoted to this topic now, and NO ONE has bothered to point out one example in our recent history- or even our entire history, since Joseph Smith- where the Brethren said "well, we consulted our seer stones, and..." or anything similar to that effect. To my knowledge, it hasn't happened.

    I understand the idea that seers don't have to use stones to "see" things of great spiritual significance- but then those "seers", if they aren't given the gift of the seer stone and using it, are not true "seers" according to the BoM, the keystone of our religion. At the least, they haven't achieved the heights of the gift of seership.

    Maybe I haven't been clear enough. That's my fault.

    I agree with the above statement, and think the Brethren are in possession of the needed tools to fulfill their callings. My contention has always dealt with the fruits of their seership- where are they? You and I can "guess" and "assume" and "believe" that the prophets are guided through the gift of seership- but where is the clearly stated public manifestation of seership? When is the last time a GA remarked that he used his seer stone to find out any information from God? We have had dreams and revelations from time to time from the Brethren- but not public attestations to seership. I don't think a person is obligated to sustain every action the Brethren take as the result of seership, when we're given no reason to do so.

    The gift of seership is one of the greatest gifts of God; a gift that is greater "can no man have" (Mosiah 8:16). If it's no longer utilized among the leadership of the Church- or if the Brethren have to hide the fact that they still utilize it- why?

    In Nephi's day he saw many things in the future, therefore a seer, and yet he did not tell us everything. See 1 Ne 14:28 And behold, I, Nephi, am forbidden that I should write the remainder of the things which I saw and heard; wherefore the things which I have written sufficeth me; and I have written but a small part of the things which I saw.

    Why?.... because we are not ready. It has been said that these latter days are worse than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do not assume they (latter day prophets and apostles) are not seers, or that they have not revealed things to us in a more subtle manner, to see our willingness to understand and obey.

  5. Family Search states:

    "If an individual that was born or married within the last 110 years has died, please add death information to the record, or the system will treat the individual as living."

    To add death information to a living record that you can see:

    In the new FamilySearch, find the individual.

    Click or double-click the name to see the individual's details (below the pedigree or in a pop-up).

    Click the Details button.

    To the right of Death, click theAddlink.

    Follow the instructions on the screen to add the death information.

  6. Having previously worked in the health insurance field for 7 years that is not always true. There are some plans that are called "self funded" plans. Meaning the group supplying the plans are paying for the bills but are paying a company to administer the benefits. Self funded plans are not mandated by state laws. Many large companies are under a self funded type of plan. An example in Utah would be Questar.

    In that case, groups can decide what and who they will pay for and are not governed by the state mandates.

    So, Pam, how do you know if your plan is self funded? Our company's excuse was that even though they had an office with employees in Utah, their corporate was based in California, thus not mandated by Utah law.

  7. Hi,

    New here, but needed to chime in. IF you live in Utah there is a little known Hb law that states dependent children must be covered under a parents health insurance up to the age of 26, even if they arent in school.

    31A-22-610.5. Dependent coverage.

    (2) (a) Any individual or group accident and health insurance policy or health maintenance organization contract that provides coverage for a policyholder's or certificate holder's dependent shall not terminate coverage of an unmarried dependent by reason of the dependent's age before the dependent's 26th birthday and shall, upon application, provide coverage for all unmarried dependents up to age 26."

    Nowhere in the law does it state they need to be in school.