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Posts posted by ViolinGirl

  1. What about just taking some time apart from each other? Is it possible for one of you to go live with a friend or another church family or move out on our own for a period of time? Maybe some time and space would both help you see the big picture clearer. Sometimes when we are in the trenches, it's hard to see everything we need to see when there is a decision that needs to be made. Right now, the only thing between you is anger and hate. Those strong emotions block your vision and prevent you from being able to see the good things in your marriage.

  2. Here are my thoughts. The girlfriend...Don't take this the wrong way, but you hardly know her. It might feel like you do, but you don't. You've barely spent any time in person with her. She is taking missionary lessons, which means she's planning on going on a mission, right? Why not give yourself some more time to think about marrying her and pray about it? Give her the time she needs to go and serve God and give yourself some time to get settled and start a firm foundation for your life. You shouldn't marry her unless you can provide for her. If she's meant for you, she'll be around when your life has calmed down. I'm not a supporter of people getting married just to help solve some problems in life. I think that marrying her right now would lead to regrets and it would certainly add even more stress to your life.

    Your parents' divorce is an unfortunate situation to find yourself involved in. However, you can take this and turn it into something positive. You are at an age where you are old enough to care for yourself. I'm sure your parents will be able to help you move out into an apartment of your own and I'm sure they'll help you until you get on your feet financially. I think you're in panic mode at the moment and all you see are the 'what-ifs.' It's scary to be 21, when reality hits and you realize you're an adult. Responsibility can be scary, but it can also be a fantastic thing. This is the beginning of your life...go live it.

    As far as a job is concerned, have faith that God will provide for you. Pray about where He wants you to be...and listen to what He tells you. You might be surprised where He leads you. Take one situation at a time and prioritize...job first, place to live second, girlfriend last.

  3. He and I have almost always talked of a future together. Lately, though, he seemed very preoccupied and when the email came this morning, it didn't surprise me. The Spirit reminded me "Didn't I tell you months ago that this was going to happen?" I can't ignore God, but at the same time, my human side is hurt and not sure how I'm ever going to manage to be without him.

  4. Without going into the reason he's MIA, I believe he's trying to get his life in order so that he can fully be with me. I'm not exactly sure how long this period of time is going to be. I'm trying not to question God, but at the same time, I don't want to spend the next x number of months, maybe years of my life in a holding pattern, just waiting.

  5. Okay, so here's the scoop. I've been involved with a man for about 9 months, the last 4 being fairly serious. I've prayed about him and about the potential for a future with him and have received, what I believe to be a true confirmation that we will be married one day. My dilemma is...I received an email from him today requesting me not to contact him anymore, that he is going to focus on another area of his life. He said he's going to be MIA for an undetermined amount of time. I knew this moment was coming because many months ago during prayer, I was told that he was going to have to go away for awhile, but that everything would be okay eventually.

    I was curious if anyone else has been in a situation like this. I'd like to know what you did to remain faithful to the promise God made you. How did you manage to wait and not doubt the truth?

  6. Yes, it does help. I am not an LDS member, but a friend of mine is and he's a 2nd Counselor. I've been trying to learn as much as I can about his faith and everyone here has been great!

    Skippy, there is a part of me that seems to have an unquenchable need to understand the LDS church. I don't quite know why that is because I am an active member in an independent church, but I continue to be curious.

  7. In reply to Hemidakota:

    Christ died for all sinners in order to save them. When you accept Christ and become his follower, intentional sin should no longer be a part of your life. No human being, no matter how Christ-like, no matter what denomination, is without sin, but it's wonderful to know that we are forgiven and welcomed back to salvation each time we confess our shortcomings. If you willingly reject Christ (denounce him), then I believe you will not be saved.

  8. Your parents will love you no matter what you tell them. They may not agree with your lifestyle, but they won't stop loving you because you have some tattoos and drink beer. I'm sure they want you to be happy no matter what path you choose. It sounds to me like it's really on your heart to talk to them about your life, so do it. You'll feel better and you're probably worrying for nothing.

  9. I would like to encourage you to date others while your boyfriend is on his mission trip. You are way too young to tie yourself down to one person, even though I know it feels like you know what you want for your life. Take the time apart from him to pray about your future--ask God to lead you where He wants you to go. If you and your boyfriend are supposed to be together, you will be. You have all the time in the world to figure that out. Relax, my dear. Breathe. It will all be okay according to God's plan.

  10. My theory is...she (or he) who does the cooking, makes the food choices for the family. Maybe DH should consider making dinner a few nights a week for you. My husband is somewhat picky when it comes to dinner. It used to really bother me and I used to try really hard to please him, but now...if he doesn't like what I make, he can feel free to fix something different for himself.

  11. LDSVALLEY, I appreciate your information about attending church. My boyfriend and I don't live close enough to each other to attend services together at this point in time (he's moving here eventually, though). I've been afraid to attend a service on my own simply because I wouldn't know where to go or what to do. The church service I grew up with is very organized and it doesn't seem to me like the LDS service would be that way. I didn't want to get in over my head.

    Religious beliefs are very important in a relationship. I don't expect him to change what he believes for my sake, nor do I want him to expect me to change my faith for his sake. BUT what I do want is for us to understand each other and try to find some common ground between our beliefs. We're both Christians and both believe in God and both of us feel that God has led us to one another. He's truly the most wonderful man I've ever known and I'm very lucky to have him in my life.

  12. Thanks everyone for your help. I do have a ton of questions, but mostly it's because I only have bits and pieces of the truth. Would anyone recommend attending Sunday services as a way to gain a better understanding of the LDS faith? My boyfriend has been able to provide answers for me, but I'm trying to learn some things on my own, though, so I'm not always tossing questions at him. I feel like a curious three year old always asking 'why'.