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Posts posted by glow_inthe_dark_girl

  1. If you have an issue with something the moderators do or don't do, bring it up with the mods in private.

    If you don't see the point in asking these questions, then simply don't read the thread. I don't read all threads because some of them just don't interest me.

    I think it's pretty ironic that you say you don't understand the point of these questions, but yet you are commenting in the thread. :confused:

    I am not having any issues with moderators, and if i have it i would in fact referred to it in private.

    Wow, I dont know why are you that offended. I just say I dont see the point of the question , but i see the point of expressing myself about it . i dont see the irony, may be a little paradoxic.

    and with all due respect I think the decision wether i read the thread or not is mine

    I also think avoiding to read what we find disturbing or not according to our ideas doesn't make the avoided object disappear, only deprive us of knowing

    what others might think, and I'm not saying because of you, i say it to explain why I choose to read this type of threads

  2. Ummm, what's the point of a forum? To discuss things?

    I had been expecting this... the thing is where is the line that divides the good questions or discussion topics and the bad topics . I can almost asure u that if this question had been asked by an anti-mormon the thread would had been closed earlier.

    and I say it again I don't see the point of asking this type of questions... and to say it's intended to make people think. as if people were only waiting for this question to make them think ..

  3. My husband is a member. His membership record is in Leupp but he is not staying there anymore. The last time i know is he is attending to other ward in Mesa but I'm not sure coz he doesnt talk to me anymore. I talked to my bishop about this. He told me he emailed my husband's stake president in AZ already but until now, there's no reply. I need to see my husband. When we are together, we are ok. Problems like these arise only when he is far from me. I think my presence will change his mind...but how can I see him? I need to apply for a visa to get there but I have a pending petition which i dont know if it is cancelled already or not. I want to fix the marriage and the only solution I think is to see him personally... The problem is, how can I get there? I dont have much money. I am working but earning just enough. I really don't know what to do.....

    may be not what you want to hear, but if you and your husband are ok only when u are together I dont think that is a good sign, there is obviously something going on in his life in the us that makes him change his mind about your marriage, in order to fix it , the effort of both is required, you can not fix it on your own if he is not willing to do so. I'm sorry but it´s true.

  4. In order for a group discussion to be fruitful, participants must be amenable to altering their opinions on the subject of inquiry. Generally, for a productive discussion, it is preferable that members of a group have undecided beliefs on the topic, or lean only slightly in one direction or the other. Such a case would indicate a willingness to change positions when evidence is presented by people with opposing views. However, most of the time, passionate folks club their opponents, verbally.

    and how this definition is different of what i said in the begining, this discussion is pointless since none of the members here is willing to change their point of view

  5. Group discussions are usually pointless.

    may be I should have said doubly pointless.. but I dont agree with you there are some

    good discussions that have a lot of importance it depends on the theme the group discusses and the persons that are involved.

    and in this case some people are just debating wether the bible is literal, if god doesnt answer prayers. etc. so what's the point here?

    when a discussion is not pointless there's a purpose for it, and i wonder what the purpose is here? try to prove who is more analytical?

    who is right? there's no way to prove it ..

    Oh plus I'm getting kind of tired to read that this questions formulated by the OP are just intended to get people to think , as if people couldn't

    think by themselves or needed a little push to realise how things actually are.. it's beyond obvious that the OP is not asking because he or she

    wants an answer for himself, that is clear, but I think the questions are to create debate between the users, and due to the fact that some

    people gets offended by the questions the OP enjoys it.

  6. A pesar de que es justo o no, el dominio del ingles es la clave al exito en este pais, Brilla En La Oscuridad.

    puede ser, el inglés y la inteligencia hacen excelente combinación, y saber aplicarla mucho mas. pero aun más exitoso el que es bilingüe o trilingüe o más.. por esto en la Iglesia se insta a cultivar los talentos y el conocimiento tanto por estudio y fe.

    pero tampoco estoy de acuerdo que se generalice :P

  7. I'm getting use to the online version in different languages and computerized version on a Netbook [smaller laptop] for church vice in hard printed version.

    You may want to go electronic eventually...

    Yeah that sounds interesting, but I dont know where can i find it,.. I've got a tablet pc so i think it would be a good idea. is it like the one on

  8. News release was posted in the LDS resource thread...

    oh ok.. i think a mod can delete the thread if is repetitive.. like I said i had insomnia so i was finding something semi-useful to do.

    and I remember the lds bible, and the date of the realease is closer i was kinda thinking about it anyways. we are looking forward for the quad in spanish and i am sure other languages speaking ppl will be happy as well to have this resources in their own language.

    there are a lot of resources such as pamphlets, books, etc, that are just available in english, although church is making great progress in translating everything to a lot of languages, even dialects.

    The Spanish Quatro will come out about the time the English Quin does--the new combo that includes the hymnal! :lol:

    haha yeah , don't doubt it , I only want the quadruple , the quin would be too big to carry anyways , Im way too lazy .. =)

  9. I just got some LDS books I was trying to find some time ago, such as our search for happiness, faith precedes the miracle,desde cumorah, the great apostasy, etc.

    one of this books was The day of defense, and so far is the book that I am reading,,.. I found it interesting, i didn't know there was a movie based on this book.

    have you read it?

  10. http://

    we can't wait to have this bible! :) just sharing my thoughts and I assure you a lot of people agree here.

    spanish speakers are still waiting for the quadruple combination since we don´t have it yet, just the tiple comb..

    what do you think about this great news?

    edit: well , just finding something to do.. I'm having insomnia ,. 2 stressed

  11. oh in this times i wish this forum was in spanish, since I can't really explain myself with theses biblical terms and old english, such as ye shall. I'm trying to learn, so may be reading the bible in english would help, only that I dont know where I can find a KJV, only have it online.

    I could learn some things in seminary, 4 yrs ago.. I like matthew5;14 one of my fav scriptures =)

    right now I am trying to read the BoM and finish it in a month, and the NT , so probably I will join the challenge, if i am welcomed.. =)

    may be is not much, but as far as i know. this gospel as several ppl has stated already, is written for jews,s riddled with many Old Testament quotes as well as a full genealogy of Jesus Christ. This narrative consists of several parables, teachings and stories of the Life of Jesus Christ.

    It's considered an eclesiastical gospel. Jesus then tackles the issue of the law constantly repeating the phrase ‘you have heard it sai but I say to yo ’This is a flow on the issues of the heart; Jesus takes them a step further as to what they thought the law was and what the original meaning that God had intended it to be. wikipedia provides some info too.

  12. ha ha I hope I won't have a hard time to focus on the convenants I am making every sunday taking sacraments, after reading this. it had never ocurred to me what people do with their full-of-germs hands ...

    anyways I always try to meditate and analyze my behavior in the week, what can i change to be better, suff like this, and thank Jesus for the atonement..

  13. I went to the temple three weeks ago, after two years of not being able to go.. this period of time that I had to wait to go again, made me think or re-think , analyze about the importance of the temple. to me it's the House of the Lord, so I can feel the Spirit much more than in any other place.. We had to wait nearly 5 hours inside the temple for our turn to baptise which is unusual, most of the time we just go and do the work and leave within 1 or 2 hours, but there was a lot of people, during this time I enjoyed every single minute that I was there, in fact, I didn't want to leave!! and yeah, I guess I was able to meditate more and be in harmony with the spirit =)

    when I finally got out, I came as a different person, determined to keep myself worthy of entering into the house of the Lord. and when Iam tempted to do something that is not right, I remember the temple, and the memories of that peaceful and holy place make me choose the right easier!

    I'm going again this saturday, I can't wait 2 go.

  14. When you all are saying "wait" what are you implying exactly?

    As in just not getting married and writing him and keeping the relationship close?

    Or not dating at all? Or what?

    I ask the same .. ha

    cause I probably will serve a mission and so is my BF at the same time we are worried because I heard missionaries are encouraged by their leaders to break up.. i dont know if im wrong.

  15. Hello. Im 21 years old, and my brother is going on a mission this month, in about 10 days. and i had been thinking a lot on this subject. since i was younger people keeps telling me to go on a mission , they tell me because they say I know scriptures and when i bear my testimony they just feel it, and when i give a talk they always congratulate me.

    I wasn´t really active in church for some time. but now i am. i remember whenever someone told me . hey u should go on a mission i used to get annoyed because i never thought about it really, but now i feel a desire to go, this testimony meeting on sunday, a missionary told me again, he said he liked how i talk to people and my testimony.. that i should go.. and now i have this feeling. in my patiarchal blessing there´s a line that says that i will have some power when baring my testimony , and to preach. it doesnt actually says go on a mission but to preach.

    oh and i just came from a youth's conference and we went to preach in the streets and knock doors , i really liked the experience a lot, it was a wonderful feeling, and i made some contacts:D

    now. the thing is that first i need to finish my career , and this is in a year.. after this i was thinking on studying a master degree but that can wait.

    I want some advice on what to do to prepare and go, like reading, i dont know some information about woman on missions, what they do.. stuff like this, the clothes they use , etc..

    oh and if due to the things and mistakes that i made in my "hiatus" from church, is this gonna keep me from serving a mission? :cool:

  16. my mom doesn´t pay me for the chores i do, or my brothers, she gives us money for school and to buy some stuff we like, she let us borrow the car when need it and pays gas so I dont really think she needs to pay us.

    sometimes she would give us money , u know like 20 dls and tells us buy yourself this or that...

    however my brothers and i wanna get paid for getting a's in school ,lol , since we were in elementary school we have good grades, some years ago we found out that this friend from church got paid if he passed a class so we said , how come we are not paid for getting good grades...

    but no, our plan didn't work,. my mom and dad told us it was our obligation to do our best in school...

  17. Your bishop won't tell your parents. He doesn't make that type of decisions, he might ecourage you to tell them but if you decide no to do it , then he can´t tell them.. as far as i know.

    an important step will be telling your bishop

    oh, and I think you can go on a mission if you repent, not if you regret !!! , hurry into your bishop´s office, make an appointment.