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Posts posted by pooter1

  1. I have been watching the news and im just wondering how bad does it have to get before God spreads his wrath? I found this musical that is going to be very disturbing to the lds faith here is the link.It just makes me sick and so sad. [[south Park's Creators New Comedy-Musical - the book of mormon]]. Also this new series called SKINS is about teenagers and drug use and they are having sex with one another and they are saying this will be a hit show????? I don't get it!!!!!

    Moderator edit: Have removed the link due to vulgar language

  2. My soo has decided to go on a mission.I am having bad panic attacks over this.Knowing I won't see him for two years is killing me. Can't sleep at night and wake up in panic attacks gasping for air. Any other mother go through this?

  3. Yes I have taught him about going on a mission but I have heard some parents TELL their children" You WILL go on a mission" I never did that. I even heard a missionary say that they went on their mission because their dad said he would get a new car when he came home if he did. Thanks for all the replies.Im so thankful for other opinions besides my own.

  4. As far as pressuring him.I will not.Ive told him he does whatever he wants to do. We had a family in our Stake who's son killed himself the day before he was suppose to get on the plane for his mission. When it happened I remember thinking my children will decide for themselves,there will never be any kind of pressure from me or their dad.

  5. I know ive posted about my son before but I need more advice. In his patriarachal blessing it says he will serve a mission.He called me two days ago and told me right now he doesn't want to go. Is the rest of his patriarchal blessing deleted if he doesn't go on his mission ? Can he still get other blessings if he doesn't go?

  6. Here is my problem with all of this. Miracles happen everyday.I have seen so many of them in my lifetime.Why did an angel or something happen to save this Bishop. Was this his time to go?My husband says everyone has an appointed time of death.Was this his? We can pray all we want but it will be Gods will no matter what we pray for. I believe there are no coincedents(probably mispelled that) everything that happens is for a reason.I just hope we hear some good that came out of this horrible tragedy.

  7. Thank You Not Ashamed your reply meant a lot to me. There is no going back now.I told my superviser and my boss and I wrote a regnation letter.When I went to church yesterday and walked into sacrement meeting I knew right then and there that I had to quit my job. Thanks for all the help and replys.

  8. Also I am Primary Pres.I asked my Bishop if he wanted to release me and he said No that God called me to that position and he wasn't releasing me.I can only go to churchn1 sunday a month. It is apparent I don't feel good about this job.I have an opportunity to go back to my old job Mon.-Fri it just doesn't pay as much as the one I have now. Didn't sleep last night.Anxiety attacks all night.Im just gonna quit and go back to my old job and keep paying my tithing and trust that god will provide. Right?

  9. In my mind Ive quit I just haven't told my employer yet.I was going to write a resignation letter and then stopped and thought "What if this happens?" "What if that happens" Ive told my superviser but it's not official till I write my resignation letter. Sorry if I confused you with the other post.

  10. My husband and I have been on church welfare for years off and on. We feel humilitated,worthless,and our self esteem is very low.I have been praying and praying for a job.My prayers were answered.I got a job where we can pay our bills and have money left over. The problem is.I have to work almost every weekend. I never see my husband or children. I hate the job. If I quit we go back on church welfare.I will feel worthless no matter what I do.What would you do?