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  1. Some people do take all the neceessary precautions when having an intimate relationship, and yet things do still happen. I don't believe that God would condone the killing of an innocent child, but He would still realize that there are some people who get pregnant and don't have the means to be able to sustain the pregnancy or to raise the child. Adoption can be a wonderful option for some people, but it takes a lot of strength to go through. I gave my son up for adoption 3 years ago, and without the love and support of my family and God, I never would have made it through the process or the months that followed. You can't really run and hide even after you've had an abortion, you still live with the knowledge that there was a child that you could've given life to, and people I know that have had abortions find it hard to forget what they did. What it comes down to is there is no easy answer for an unplanned pregnancy, my friends, mine or anyone elses. It becomes a choice for you to make, and hopefully an informed one. My friend who might be pregnant right now is in a loving, somewhat stable relationship (they're both in their 20s), they took all the precautions they could and the child would not be unwanted. But is it worth it for her to put her life at risk (the medication she's on is a trial drug, there are no other treatements for the condition she has)? We've both been praying that she gets the guidance and strength to get through this time, and hopefully that'll help and she'll be able to make the right choices if she has to and will be able to get through this.
  2. First let me say, I don't agree with abortion unless the baby was a result of rape, incest, or the mother or baby's health is at risk. With that said, here is a situation a friend of mine is in. She is waiting to find out if she is pregnant, by a guy she's been dating a little more than a month. Her first instinct when she realized she was pregnant was to have an abortion, as if she were pregnant she'd have to go off of a blood pressure medication that without she has daily dizzy spells and passes out. It's most likely that she'll end up being a single parent if she keeps the baby. Her boyfriend didn't initially react very well to the prospect of being a father. Would being a single mother and putting her health at risk be enough of a good reason to have an abortion? And where would God stand on this position? Would God be forgiving of her if she had an abortion for those reasons?