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Posts posted by Danite

  1. Well, I'm not sure the Bishop or the church would want to take over all my debts, bills taxes, and insurance I pay, But it sounds great to me. I do think one of the reasons we don't live with all things in common now is because very few people here(USA) own any thing outright. The bank or lenders own most of the stuff people claim they own. Just try not making payments and see what happens. I personally don't see us living with all things in common until just before the Lords return or the millennium.

  2. Well, I think folks can be fully converted to the Lord and let things like fear and discouragement influence them. Most people do know what Heavenly Father expects them to do, but lack the courage to act. They really doubt their ability to live the gospel. They know the gospel is true, but don't believe they can be true to the gospel.

  3. The brethren have asked us not to fast more than 24 hours. so 24 hours is the limit. I suppose some folks went on Marathon fasts and got sick. There's a world of difference between fasting and going hungry.The Book of Mormon describes fasting with joy and happiness or joy(Alma 45:1)(Hel 3:35). If use this principle for selfish reasons or without real intent you will harden to it, and then you will doubt it and stop fasting. Remember spiritual things must be treated with care

  4. Well The handbook does have some guide lines for bishops and branch presidents, But to answer your question about breaking the the law of Chasity, it depends on circumstances ( Like the number of times or multi partners or children born) you really need to council with branch presidents and your misson president because belated confessions will have you packing your bags for home for once your in the mission field. The application for missionary service has a very detailed medical question air I was surprised by it. I helped fill it out with my son who's in the MTC right now. The brethren probable won't send to a mission that you can't get your meds or get to a Doc easily

  5. Wow, Some more very hard doctrine. I do think it's part of our test, we must be tried in all things. It very hard not to ask Heavenly Father to save us from the mission we are called to serve. President Monson wrote once " To live greatlly, we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage,disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility. You ask , How might me achieve these goals? I answer ,By getting a true perspective of who we really are! We are sons and daughters of a living God in whose image we have been created. Think of the that truth: "Created in the image of God". We cannot sincerly hold this conviction without experiencing a profound new sense of strengh to live the commandments of God, the power to resist the temptations of Satan ( Pathways to Perfection, Desert Book Co, 1973 , page 81.)

  6. My my motto is Puny preparation equals Puny revelation or in other words revelation is based on the laws of revelation and you received according your willingness to believe and obey. Heavenly Father doesn't give more revelation most of time until we are living the revelation we have are recieved. The spirit of the Lord is postive and enlightens our minds that's why you read things did I not speak peace to your soul ,or I will tell you in your minds and in your hearts or my mind was filled with unspeakable joy and my desire was to do good continually, Some times its a good idea to ask Heavenly Father how he communcates with you

  7. The fact that your doubting might be your answer. but you may not be ready to accept that answer right now. Without conformation on which way to go, I would ask the Lord to bless your decision. Your righteous desires will be blessed. Sometimes we have to learn to walk in the dark for while. We resist the idea of opposition in all things, and wish Heavenly Father to work on our time table which he never seems in my case any way.But this much I do know that he will bless your desires to live the commandments and do his will.

  8. There may be some folks who made a marriage agreement in the prexistance. And President Kimball did say that all marriages were not predestine. The is always chioce in everything we do. This includes the people we marry,unfortunely some members of church have gottten this idea from somewhere. It might have come from Saturdays Warrior, but what looks good in a script does not always prove to be correct when you shine the light of scriptures on these ideas. It's chioce not chance

  9. Well I never required my kids to fast. You have to be able to understand the principle of fasting or your just going hungry ,and you will harden to fasting and start to hate fast Sunday and fasting altogether, ever kids different but time there teenagers they should be able understan the power that comes from fasting. Just going hungry is silly.

  10. To me this story has meant different things to me at different times of my life. The Prodigal Son wasted his inheritance and most folks say how foolish he is for his partying life style and the the father welcomed him back with open arms, but there's another son here that needs to be repent and be forgiven to. The son that stayed home with his father needs to repent for his hard and unforgiving heart which will cost him if doesn't repent. The sins that we think are small and tend to over look will be the ones that will keep us from obtaining the celestial kingdom. Sins against love are probably worst to a god who is love the sins of the flesh.