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  1. Dear Sister, It seems that you are getting a lot of good advise and ideas from lots of people. But the bottom line is this: What this man is doing or trying to do is illegal in almost all countries. Laws and enforsment of laws differ. But the difference between right and wrong are universal and don't change depending on where you live. If law enforcement is good where you live, report it and get it into court and him behind bars where he belongs. If not you, he could eventually hurt someone else in the future. If a legal remedy is not possible move or change jobs period. Employment and money is important. But not more important than your life and safety. Not to mention your eternal spirit. Hope you can get this resolved soon. Life is hard enough without the added pressures of unwanted advances by someone in a position of athority. Bro. Davis-Philippines...
  2. Whatever you do, don't take chances. Often times someone in the police or social service roll offers advise based on what they were taught in books only. You are in the best position to know what to do to portect youself. listen to yourself and follow your 1st instint. Its usually right. Another idea or answer might be to move completely away from where anyone knows you and start over. Expensive and hard to do but you don't want to take chances with your life and safety...
  3. Ahhh, I finally found how to locate this site again. Hahaha. Just want to say thank you to everyone that has sent notes to me. It really is great to have and here in this part of it. It seems like a place that is apart from the wild world-both online and outstide ones door. Thank you all again for the nice words and comments that I read every day. I may not comment on all sites here, but I do read a lot of the posts. And I promise to do better at answering any comments or questions sent to me. Gene...
  4. Hi also, we are doing good here. But sorry I really dont understand Tagalog.---Just English. We are in Magalang, Pampanga-about 12 Km from Clark air base. Hope to visit with you here when you have time. Gene...
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm Gene. I've been a member of the church since 1977. Guess that kinda peggs my age. I'm from California but retired and living in the Philippine Islands. Will try to make it back to this site agan. All the best, Gene