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Posts posted by EQ_Guy

  1. EQ_Guy, did you ask this girl out yet? Nosy people want to know!

    Acutually I did and she said she'd be up for getting together with me, BUT she said, "as friends right?" So that pretty much tells me she's not "into" me.

    Women continue to confuse me. Everyone I shared this situation with were like, "dude, do you not see she's interested in you?" I guess they were all wrong. :)

  2. Even if the occult usage of inverted pentagram stems for before the claimed 1854 date, it has not always been so associated as a satanic symbol. It is also seen as the symbol used in the United States Armed Force's Medal of Honor, as well as the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star.

    I've been doing research on Temples and church as well and read about those stars. I read that during the time of the original Temple that they carried a good meaning and later on I think they took on a negative connotation. I also read that they asked President Hinckley about putting the stars on the new Temple, him knowing it would be controversial and he decided to have them added.

  3. EQ, go up 2 posts to Stallion's post where he is quoting me. I included a link to a talk given by Elder Oaks on hanging out.

    mm, I agree to a point. But, it was my experience while in the YSA that we did way more hanging out than dating. In fact, one of the guys I actually did date--we had very, very few dates. We mostly hung out with the YSA branch or our YSA friends. What I agree with Elder Oaks is that it is very easy for people who are insecure or shy or both to just continue to hang out and not take it a step further to actually spend time with their chosen person.

    Oh oh, I get it now. thanks

  4. I scanned the article -- sounds like he's talking about chronic hanging out, which never leads to commitment. I tend to agree with him. However, in the beginning stages, there's a bit of a tentative phase where you need to get comfortable with each other -- for a certain amount of trust to develop. I found if I moved too fast, and then found soon after the girl wasn't right for me, it really hurt her if I broke it off. Or if I moved too fast, there was too much pressure on the relationship for it to progress naturally.

    For my wife and I, it was an engineered young adult activity, with about 15 people. Then it was a dinner where we all pitched in and made it -- about 5 of us -- again, engineered so I could get to know her better. After that meeting, we both knew we liked each other, some trust had developed, and it was natural to be alone with each other on a date. Then it led to dating in the Dallin H. Oakes sense of the word...

    My wife and I are 10 years apart, by the way. Caused some issues in the beginning as I fell into the role of a teacher and trainer, which sort of jolted me (I had to show her things, like how to write a check, for example), and she hadn't yet shed certain immature behaviors. But that has passed and now she coaches me :)

    WHO is talking about chronic hanging out? Someone did mention that, but I never did. I was just posting to get feed-back on this girl. My number 1 thing is just to find out if this girl is interested me in that way, romantically. The touching and hugging thing can be confusing.

  5. To OP. There's no harm in asking this girl out. It either is or isn't. But you'll never find that out by keeping your feelings to yourself. For many people big age gaps are taboo. My husband and I are about 20 years difference in age and we've heard everyone's two cents on why our relationship can't and won't work. We've been together two years now and every obstacle we've come across, we've worked together to see through it, just like with any relationship. What is important is that you treat each other with respect and commit. Those are your key ingredients if you and this girl should start courting.

    Wow thank you Bini for this beautiful reply. I still don't know if she's into me that way, but soon I guess I'll find out.

    I wish you and your husband all the best.

  6. Don't worry about it.

    You asked for advice and you got both barrels full. Aren't we helpful? But seriously, you are no worse a person just because someone on an internet discussion list said something about you. If she was right, take her words to heart and improve yourself. If she was wrong, ignore her. Easy as that.

    Thank you.

  7. Vort--:P.

    Look, all I'm saying is that even considering if someone can have children or not is very junvenile. I cannot tell you how many of my friends, in their 20's, had extreme difficulty conceiving children. I know of at least 5 couples, while in their 20's, had to have in vitro to have children (and even then, some miscarriages happened). A child with your blood does not mean that child is any more yours than an adopted child or even someone who had another child and you become the father of that child. Just something to think about--23 years old does not mean you 2 would have biological children.

    BTW, when I was 23, I would never have considered dating a guy who was 41.

    Having said all that negative stuff--she is an adult. So, if you are that attracted, just ask the girl out. Quit the teen stuff of "hanging out" or "wondering what she thinks of me" stuff. Be a man and ask the girl out. The worst she can do is scream at the top of her lungs, cry foul, call the cops or simply drop kick you. And I seriously doubt if any of those things will happen. :D

    I'm new to this site, but I really don't get why I'm called juvenile because of my view on having kids. Sure, there's people that are in their early 20s that are sterile and who knows maybe this girl is, but odds are that she's not. Lots of people say they'd like to marry an RM or something for whatever reasons. Maybe they think they'll better grounded in the faith or whatever, but there are NO guarantees. Some RMs go inactive and never return. All I'm talking about is statistics. Just because someone has a Temple recommend and goes to the Temple on a regular basis doesn't mean they will in the future, but a person might like the idea of marrying a recommend person than someone who hasn't gone to church in 20 years and has no immediate desire to.

  8. EQ_Guy, I gotta say that the bolded part above raises some red flags in my mind.

    As a general principle, I agree that someone who is very interested in his or her religion should seek out a mate who is equally interested. That's just common sense. But human beings are not mere automatons or playthings, to be valued for their external characteristics and discarded when they no longer appeal to you. I would hope that if you decided you truly cared for this girl, you would stand by her if she hit a rough patch. Maybe you would let her know you would not marry her until her feelings better matched yours, but you wouldn't just leave her in the cold -- and if you were already married to her, you would stand by her even if she made poor choices. Maybe you feel this way, but it didn't quite come through to me.

    Someone on this forum has a great tagline, a couplet translation of an ancient Greek, I think, something like, "Life's heaven if you marry well; but marry poorly, live in hell." Unlike some others I've heard during my life, I don't think marriage is particularly hard (especially given the alternative), but a successful marriage certainly takes a lot of work and sacrifice. As an adult man approaching middle age, you should be well aware of this, at least in principle, before getting involved in a serious relationship. Especially if your dating partner is very young (and therefore very inexperienced), you will need to take the lead in that. When two people marry young, they essentially grow up together; but if one is middle-aged or close to it, that dynamic changes.

    Don't like my advice? I don't blame you. But remember, you asked. :)

    What I meant by her going inactive is that I do NOT care to date non-members. If I had met this girl someone else and she treated me the same way I might have thought, "wow, what a nice girl... how come I can't meet a member liker her." One of the reasons I'd like to talk with her more in-depth is to ask her why she came back to church. I asked her this and she told me, but not in-depth. I can identify with her because I've had inactive phases as well.

  9. I think I should be offended by this statement. I hope I meet someone who isn't considering my womb as a marriage factor.

    Hello Beefche,

    My comment wasn't meant in a bad way. If possible, I'd just like to have my own kids. Most do that, so I don't think I'm asking for too much. I'm just being honest. I'm only interested in dating members and more directly, members who attend church on a regular basis and if possible someone that worthily has a Temple Recommend. I've been a member for awhile and hopefully will have a recommend soon, so yes, I'd like someone that has made those commitments as well.

    Yes, I'm attracted to this person and they seem decent, but if I get some one-on-one time with her and feel we don't connect then my interest will die, just as it would if she suddenly goes inactive again. She was inactive for awhile and has just come back the last few months.

  10. You want advice, friend? I will give you advice.

    • Ask this girl out tonight. Not tomorrow, not Sunday. Tonight. Call her up at 7:00 sharp and ask her out for Friday. Make sure you plan out something reasonably nice and fun -- say, dinner and a movie. Not creative, but you're not looking for creativity here. You're looking for time together.
    • Develop a relationship with this girl over the next few weeks.
    • Never, ever, ever hide your age from her. But don't volunteer it up front, either. If she makes an age-related comment, you can slip in that you just recently reached the Big 4-0 milestone.
    • If you have not had a chance to mention your age after two or three weeks, you should tell her straight up (but casually) how old you are. "Bernice, I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but you know I'm an old guy, right? Don't let the elder's quorum calling fool you; I'm old enough to be a GA!" That sort of thing: light, mildly self-effacing, but not embarrassed. Just straightforward truth.
    • If she shows less interest in you, so be it. She is young and is probably better suited to some guy in his 20s. By the same token, if after a few weeks you find her so callow that it starts to get irritating (or, heaven forbid, you don't understand all her Tweeting and texting or whatever newfangled nonsense them thar kids 'r doin' these days), maybe you decide to look for someone a little more your age. No harm, no foul, no bad feelings.
    • On the other hand, if things do work out between you, enjoy it! Eighteen years is a lot, but so what? You might help her get a more mature view on things, and she can help you stay young at heart (and body). Such marriages are historically common (if not so much in today's society) and can be very good. You'll have to learn to laugh at or ignore all the "cradle robber" comments, but if you two form a good relationship and truly love each other, then that's really not a big deal.

    Now, start doing some research so that WHEN (not if) you call her tonight, you have a nice evening planned for Friday (or Saturday, if she's not available Friday, or at any other time of her convenience).

    Send me a wedding invite and I'll send you a toaster.

    Whoa, that's quite a reply, thanks. She actually told me that she works at night, so I won't be calling her then. Geez, I'm so lost on what to do about this. Part of me thinks, "dude, stay away from her" but another knows that I've been making lots of progress this year, that I'll be going to the Temple soon and that maybe, just maybe this girl was sent for a reason.

  11. There are two general handbooks of instructions -- one is for priesthood leaders in EQ and HP, and others are for Bishopric -- this might detail it....we interpreted that rule pretty loosely in our Ward because there were so many single sisters and not enough High Priests to home teach them, so the EQ took their share.

    My personal opinion is that it's OK for EQ to home teach single sisters as long as its part of a companionship, and not an individual visiting the single sister. But that's just me. Better stick with the rules....create your own opportunities to spend time with her, in non-threatening activities like the ones I suggested earlier....

    We only have about 10 HP in our ward. I actually just emailed my HT companion and asked how did he feel about me going to visit a couple of our teachees by myself... he travels a lot. We have 4 families and ONE is a single sister and I wrote and told him that I did NOT think I should visit her alone.


    Ps. Not sure if I mistyped, but I'm NOT the hometeacher for this girl that hugged me.

  12. Why? Because women in their 30's aren't as fertile?

    I remember thinking my spec list of future mates would bring me happiness. As if tall meant they were better. I don't know, I just think its crazy to think that you are most likely to find happiness with someone so much younger than you. Not that it couldn't happen. Just that I think you limit yourself by laying down narrow specifics......ideals that could mean nothing to you in the years to come.

    This is crazy! You are older than I am yet you sound like all those college guys I used to roll my eyes at. They shot themselves in the foot before the relationship even started and then wondered why they were still single.

    Just open you mind a bit, that's all. I mean you are 41! Marry someone you don't have to raise!

    I meant late 20 and up to about 31 or 32. I do NOT want to marry someone 41 and it be too tough for them to have kids. Again, the FIRST thing I thought about this girl was, "please, don't let her be 22 or 23." I'd much prefer she was in her late 20s, but she's not. I live in a part of the country where there's next to no members and singles. There's other things I could share about all this, but I'd rather not single myself out too much.

  13. So, something stinks here. Church policy is that single sisters are taught by High Priests, NOT the Elder's quorum. The Bishop is supposed to oversee this stuff also.

    What on earth are you doing hometeaching single sisters in the first place?


    I'm a convert that's just coming back to church this year and have been secretary only a couple months. I have NO idea whose suppose to teach single sisters. I DO know that our bishop approves all home teaching assignments. This cute girl that has hugged me is NOT my teachee by the way. I've recently thought about how odd it might be if an Elder home taught a single girl and he was attracted/dated her. I'm sure she'd be transferred to another companionship.

    Anywhere where I can look up this policy on EQ teaching single sisters?

  14. Ok....not that I don't believe in true love or anything.....but are you sure you wanna pursue a relationship with someone who is so much younger than you? I am sorry but I know so many single fabulous women closer to your age. Why not pursue someone who can match you in life experience?

    Hi Miss. I get your comment. When this girl first came up to me I was attracted to her, then we talked and it only increased. And the following week she hugged me. Right after I met her I thought to myself, "please don't let this girl be 22 or 23." She IS. I guess I'm just curious to know if she's interested in me that way.

    I do want a wife younger however because I'd like to have kids one day. Ideally someone in their late 20s.

  15. Im in the presidency right now and we have a pretty good secretary. I think one thing that makes him successful is not viewing him as 4th down the line. I have been a secretary before, and really felt like I wasnt part of the presidency. We really treat one another as equals. We all take turns taking minutes, we all help with appointments, and we all do visits. I'd try to get as involved as possible, while always respecting and honoring the EQP's decisions and direction.

    That being said, I think when a secretary isnt afraid to make phone calls, set up visits, set up PPI's, and enter in home teaching #'s, they are super helpful.

    Good luck in your calling!

    Thanks. When you say "enter in home teaching #s" do you mean into MLS? This last meeting he said that the 2 counselors would do PPIs during Elders Quorum. I'm not sure if I said it but I'm just coming active again after years of being away and am a convert. I just received the Melchizedek Priesthood a couple months ago. All of these things are new to me.

  16. I think I learned most the first time I served on an EQ from the secretary! He took minutes, which was nice, but he also sent me a summery of things outlining what I was to be doing. Then, he would send me email asking if I had met with this person or if i have finished something, just stayed on top of things. Sometimes i might miss an assignment and when he sent my summary it saved me a lot of heartache. when I had an appointment he would sned me a note to advise me that he had set up the appointment, then the night before a reminder that I had this appoinment.

    Seems like he nagged a lot, but it wasn't that way at all. He didn't have the meetings with the ward or stake people, didn't have to meet and get reports from other elders, he was the 'right hand man' and really kept htings moving. It was sad when the Bishop learned about him and stole him away to have him serve as Exec. Sec.

    So, be the 'right hand man' and suport the EQ president. Keep him on top of things and stay on top of his councilors so they get their job done. Nag!!! it helps more than you know!

    Wow, thank you... so much information here. It's funny, the EQ Presidency is new as well as I've told the President a couple times, "hey, why don't you let me know of everything you have to do every month and I'll remind you. Well, he's never told me what. I REALLY want to get everything together and do the best job possible.

    Thank you

  17. Do you know how old this girl is? If she's near your age, you should just ask her out for dinner one night. If it makes you feel better, you can roleplay with a friend (or an inanimate object, if you feel embarassed roleplaying with another person).

    If you don't do anything, in time she'll move on. Carpe Diem! If she's as nice as you say she is, she won't laugh at you or do anything cruel. Asking her to dinner once is totally acceptable- you won't be crossing any social lines. If she says no... she says no, and you won't be agonizing over it anymore.

    Good luck!

    Hi Maxel, I wrote so much in that letter that I'm not even sure what I put in there. :) She's 23 and I'm 41. Yes, I KNOW! She asked me why I didn't go to a singles ward and I told her I was out of the age-range. I asked her how old did she think I was and she thought I was near the cut-off age I think. I mean I'm not sure if she knows what the cut-off age is, so if she knows it's 30 then she must have thought I was at the most 30. So yeah, I look young for my age.

    I think I will just call her or email and ask her. Some have advised me not to call her again and to just wait until next Sunday to see her in church. They said if I called I might look desperate.

  18. I imagine the anticipation of rejection is worse than rejection itself. Not that I have any experience on that matter, but if most other fears are any indication and what you tend to hear as advice then such is the case.

    Yes, you're right, the anticipation is the killer.

  19. I actually did call her. In sacrament she ended up sitting right behind me and when I was getting up to go to Sunday School she said hi to me and actually remembered my name. I told her that I called and left a message and she said she didn't recognize it that was and so didn't call the person, ME, back.

    I've asked a few for advice on this and everybodys telling me different things. The vast majority say she might be interested in me. Also, she asked me why I didn't go to the Singles Ward. The reason I don't go is that I'm 41. lol She was thinking I was BELOW the 31 or whatever cut-off.

  20. I'm an adult convert to our church and have just been called to be the secretary for the Elders Quorum Presidency. I feel really honored to have this position. I'm also preparing to be endowed very soon. I'm seeking advice on being the best secretary I can be and would love to hear from others who've had this calling in the past or presently.

    Yes, I pray about things and all, but I'd like to hear of actualy mechanical things I can do to do what's right. I mean like taking minutes in EQ meetings and amplifying my calling in all possible ways.


  21. Hello Brothers and Sisters. I once posted on here, but it got removed and I'm not sure why, so I'm posting about a different subject now. Below is a letter I emailed to a friend recently and thought I'd cut and paste it here. I'm sorry, it's very long, so I'm not even sure anyone will read it all the way thru.

    There's an update to the below letter that happened this Sunday. I was able to talk with this girl a couple times Sunday - once after sacrament and we ended up being the last two people in the chapel and again after church and talked for about 20 mins. I'm STILL unsure of my next step. I asked her and she said she was hugging people that day... this will make sense after you read my long post. I just found out yesterday that she sits with the senior missionaries and ANOTHER question is, do you think it's OK for me to ask the senior missionairies if they visit her and if so go along with them? I know this may sound like I'm in 5th grade, but I go to a family ward and rarely have I been interested in someone and had them maybe be interested in me. I've also just found out that this girl and I have the same home teachers. I'm leaning more towards contacting one of them about her, more so than the missionaires. Again, sorry if I've violated some rules by such a long post.

    This all started 2 Sundays ago. For some reason we've had about a handful of single girls move in to our ward and the Elders Quorum Presidency President decided to spread them around to us, Presidency and ME secretary, for home teaching - we all took one of them. I'm also an usher and I was talking to the EQ president while he was sitting down in the over-flow and this girl was sitting in a chair behind him so I decided to ask her what her name was. When she told me her first name it hit me that I was her home teacher now. Anyway, that was right before sacrament and at the end of the day in EQ I thought, "I'm going to go to Relief Society and give her my name, email and phone number along with my home teaching companions name.

    Well I go in there after class and find her and give her my stuff. This other girl comes over and starts talking with us. I was instantly attracted to her. I asked her what her name was. She told me her first name, but I asked for her last too so I could better remember if I had seen her name around, I hadn't. I ask her, "are you new?" She says, "my first Sunday here was the Sunday you gave your talk." That was a few months ago. After church the day of my talk a couple people were talking to me and someone came over but didn't stop walking and made contact and said, "I liked your talk." I was very attracted to her and asked, "are you new here?" She said yes. For months I had been wondering who that person was. I thought it was a certain person and asked this person a couple months ago and they were like, "no, that wasn't me." So when this girl told me that was her first Sunday when I gave my talk I asked, "hey, are you the person that came up to me and said you liked it" and she said yes.

    She said, "You set the bar pretty high... I'm going to be giving a talk next Sunday so you have to come up to me next Sunday and compliment me." I had been thinking about that girl all week and was looking forward to Sunday. So last Sunday I was sitting up there, getting ready to bless sacrament talking with the other guy up there with me. Then all of a sudden I see this cute girl walking up getting ready to go up the stairs and it hit me that it was her. She looked different - new haircut. I say, "hey... are you ready!?" I put my thumb up and she said, "yeah, you have to applaud for me when I finish." And then she puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes my clavicle. I was really surprised by that... she touched me! I then said, "of course, I'm going to clap and whistle."

    Well somebody else gave a talk before her and she was just sitting there and smiling and smiling some more... she smiles a lot. At the end of this person's talk they read a poem and this girl started smiling even more and I'm thinking, "why is this girl smiling so much?" When she finally got up, she thanked the other lady for the poem and said she liked it and she wrote poetry herself. I virtually never "get" poetry, but I thought I was going to email her and ask to read some of hers. I was just so taken with this girl. She talks and talks and talks. A good 20 plus mins. She said, "I don't know how long my talk is, I haven't read all the way thru it." It didn't bother me though. She got emotional talking about running an AIDS marathon in Hawaii and how one of her brothers put up a sign and screamed that he loved her at 5 miles and how he was there on vacation and could have been on the beach or surfing or something. I love talks when people speak from the heart and get emotional and she was.

    I was thinking, "man, I want to hug this girl when she finishes" but thought, no way could I do that - she'd think I was trying to make a move on her. Well after her talk and sacrament was over I went to the next class and a minute later came back and tried to find her. She was talking with a group of people and had her arm around some guy. I was like, "no freakin' way... who is that!?" I was thinking it was some boyfriend guy, but then realized it was one of her brothers. I came over and told her how great her talk was and she introduced all of her family to me... brother, brother, father, etc. She said, "well, you set the bar pretty high...." Again, giving me a compliment, but I told her that she blew me away and she did. When I was about to go to class I asked was she coming to class and she said she wasn't sure, that her family might leave. I asked were they members and she said something like, "not anymore...." I told her, "well I guess you'll tell me about that later." Get this, all these writing is going somewhere. She then she shakes my hand and then HUGS me! I was totally surprised by this and didn't know what to say, so while she was hugging me I said in her ear, "hi" and she said, "hi" back to me. I felt like an idiot for saying that. It was such a shock to see her face coming that close to me... she's so cute. I then asked one of her brother's something and then went to class.

    Everytime someone would open the door I'd hope it was her... it wasn't. I guess she left with her family.

    I really wanted to find out more about her and wanted to call her or something. My main question was her age and had a talk with someone and once I got the business/purposes of the talk over with I asked them about her and I was afraid and ... they said she was about 22 or 23. & Well I still wanted to find out and see if she had a thing for me or just being friendly. All these months I had never seen this girl before in church. That's very odd because of course, I'm always on the look out for cute single girls... very few in my ward are single. I came home and looked to see if she was on the ward's roster and she is and it confirmed she was single and it had her number there. I decided to look up on our ward's website to see if her email was there... but it wasn't. Her number was there and address and a photo. I much prefer to email someone than call. Now I had a problem... how would I be able to hide behind a legitimate reason for calling her? I couldn't think of anything, but I just wanted to contact her. So... I called. It went to voicemail and I left a message. I basically said I was from church, gave my name, told her again how good her talk was and ... told her I called to her more about her Hawaii marathon and left my number and told her my email was on the church's website and hung-up. I left that a couple days ago but haven't heard back. Now, I'm wondering if I made her uncomfortable or freaked her out.

    Do you think she may have a thing for me or something? I've only had a couple women before her hug me and one for sure wasn't interested in me, it was just a friendly thing and the other lady that hugs me is a super-new convert and Puerto Rican and I'm sure you know Latin people hug all the time. So again, do you think she was just being friendly or something more? If she has a thing for me then I don't think I scared her, but if she doesn't then maybe I did. I do not intend on contacting her again. I just plan on seeing how she reacts to me in church the next time I see her. She'll either avoid me, act weird if we come face-to-face or be happy to see me and maybe hug or touch me again.

    She's a total stranger to me because I never see her in church, but she sees me on a regular basis because I bless sacrament about 3 times a month and I've gotten up and given my testimony a couple times since she's been there. I'm just itchin' to find out what the deal is with her.

  22. A couple random thoughts on the descriptors:

    Average: it may depend on what you idea of average is, in my mind at least it's code for healthy body weight, nothing wrong with that.

    Athletic: If somebody is into sports, camping or what have you that requires a degree of physical fitness this could be important. If I weighed 320lb like I used to and some gal had dreams of Saturday morning bike rides with her tru wuv in the future one look at me would kinda throw that idea out of the window. They could of course just be superficial.

    Slender/Slim + Washboard: I wouldn't turn a girl down who met this but if there are requirements of Barbie proportions that's something I'd classify as superficial.

    On the whole attractive a must idea:

    One has to be attracted, which neccesitates the other person being attractive (however you define that), both personality wise and physically, and call me what you will an over abundance of one doesn't compensate for a complete lack of the other (works both ways, stunning looks don't compensate for being the Wicked Witch of the Wasatch). That said, one hardly needs to have a super model's body to be attractive.

    I'm new to this site, so I hope I'm doing this right. I too am on a couple LDS dating sites. The term "average" does include average women as far as body-weight. I've also been accused of wanting someone "perfect" but it's been said over and over that the "average" US women is like size 14. I've been involved with a few of those and all of them did not like their bodies because they thought they were too large.

    I appreciate above all others and people DO want someone they're attracted to. I remember a single sister in my ward saying that one day she saw Keanu Reeves on the street. I almost thought she was going to pass-out. lol This cute girl with a Temple Recommend was sounding like some 12 year old girl.

    There's also been studies that say that babies tend to crawl towards a more attractive woman, than an average or less than average women. I think some things about attraction are just embedded in us from birth perhaps. There's is NO WAY that a 9 month old baby has been taught to only go after pretty girls.

    I've read some profiles on some really beautiful girls and some have really sounded stuck on themselves and that's a big turn-off. For instance, when a girl says, "I want a really hot guy." Geez, come on... that's so... 12 or 14 yr old sounding. Or when a girl's main hobby is shopping. I have a hard time thinking that someone that enjoys shopping so much is in control of their spending. They say money/finance is the main thing that causes divorce. Beauty doesn't go far when your credit cards are maxed-out and maybe even over-the-limit and your bank account is nearly negative.

    Physical attraction draws a person in and that's just being honest. As someone said here, one good thing doesn't over-shadow negative traits. I'm in the process of getting my Temple Recommend and I want my future spouse to have that as well. I have no desire to be with someone who's a knock-out but never goes to church... they're only a member on paper and not in their heart.

    Every now and then I'll come upon a profile/person that seems to have the "incredients" that I'm looking for... nice looks, some wit, spiritually on track, etc. and I'm drawn to them. I've been called cute, handsome, nice-looking and sometimes even beautiful, but I don't really see myself that way, but I DO believe I can get a beautiful girl. I'm also is good physical shape and like to do physical activities and some that have been interested in me were NOT in shape. I don't want someone to just WATCH me do things - I want them to be right beside me, doing them with me.