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Everything posted by superdad69

  1. For those who care to read what I have written I would like to show you that I meant what I said. Here is it. The basic concept of Mormonism..... - Atheist's Corner if anything seems off please let me know and I will attempt to edit this. To all of yu who helped again I thank you!
  2. Ok....I'm amazed by that. I was simply running with the conversation at hand. As soon as I start to learn I'm railroaded by a fellow service member of all people. Ok well you got it. I'm sorry for including my opinions here. Obviously they are falling on predominantly deaf ears. You all have some very good points and regardless of what is out there on the net I think you are a pretty well educated group for the most part. I would hate to cause your thread to be "closed" because I am asking questions and making you guys think so much so I will retire. Thank you all for all of your input, ideas, and even the criticism "Semper Fi"
  3. Ok....your church in the eyes of a non LDS member could be perceived as being built on the "front lawn" of theirs. I'm sure they might have a reason to be offended by that. I'm not speaking of you as a person. I'm talking about you as a MORMON. The very existence of such a religion MAY offend them. The fact that YOU personally are not offended by my presence here, is very sweet, but irrelevant. I'm asking could you see how someone ELSE could be offended if you are going against their principal beliefs in their mind and calling it the same as their's?
  4. I work in Memphis. People kill other people here for dumb things all the time. You are right. Jesus did not teach that. But we will never add up to his perfection or so it says in the Bible. That was his reason for coming here in the first place. To forgive us before we even did anything. So again I'm NOT saying it's right. But some Christians especially here in the "Bible Belt" would kill over their religion at the drop of a hat. Believe me I've had my life threatened before. And now they are in jail. But that is not the point. The point is they WILL fight you Physically or Verbally if they feel they are attacked. Some may believe that your belief's very existence is an attack on their entire religion. Again. I'm not saying they are right. But I could see how IF and I stress IF they felt that way the obvious recourse in their mind would be to attack as well.
  5. Sorry! lol notch down engage since we are in star trek now...It's hard to do sometimes isn't it? Not to do anything at all i mean Why do you think that is? It goes against our nature. Because it is logical to attack when you feel attacked. I don't think anyone here has attacked a non LDS member. I don't think you ever Atheist on the other hand? Maybe lol
  6. AGAIN I am NOT agreeing with these attacks. I am just asking if you can understand why they feel like they need to attack? Of course the church in your hometown doesn't offend you. But if they opened it on your front lawn it would. That's how non LDS members may see your beliefs. I'm not asking you to agree with them. I'm just asking you to acknowledge the fact that they may be a little "booty hurt"
  7. If you attack my brother. And I see you on the street. It is logical to think I may attack you. Not the correct answer. But it IS logical. If I throw a ball at someone. It hits someone else by mistake. The person it hits goes and tells their big brother I attacked him with the ball. His big brother sees me on the street. Fill in the blank......I'm not saying it's right. I have to deal with this all the time. I just locked someone up the other day for shooting someone who shorted his little cousin 10 dollars
  8. I can sympathize with you there. But as I said, do you think that maybe you DO offend them weather knowingly or UNknowingly?
  9. That is totally different again. You words where "yet I chose to not be offended" how can you make that choice for someone else? The choice of a non LDS member to get offended is not your choice to make
  10. I'm not shouting at all. I'm just saying I understand how some NON-LDS Christians can take offense to some of the LDS Christians beliefs. I am not debating the validity of your religion either. I'm simply stating that if someone feels you offend them it's logical that they will attack back. That's all. How is that a contentious debate? Never once did I say you are wrong. In fact I'm playing devil's advocate and speaking from the viewpoint of a non LDS member. I would only debate your beliefs on a thread started on that topic.
  11. So the logic fails in that particular instance. I can agree with you on that. I fail to see how this pertains to the subject at hand. Do you not see it as logical for standard Christians or NON-LDS-Christians to attack you if they feel attacked? Or do you not feel you are attacking them?
  12. Again...This has to do with a different topic. You where talking to people of a different faith. If I told you I was starting a faith based on Jesus' teachings yet they where slightly off untill something interacted to change those teachings and you where a Christian it's only logical to me that you would be offended right?
  13. That is true. But like I said they feel like you attack them simply by existing. There is only so much even a loving person can take before they attack back. I can sympathize. But also your interpretation of "Christ-like" may differ from there's as well. My opinion of being "Christ-like" I'm sure differs from both. But I'm arguing the logic of the attacks. NOT weather they are wrong or right.
  14. Again...this is your opinion. Most feel that if you get the most points you win. The saying "It's not weather you win or lose, it's how you play the game." comes to mind. Who do you think said that first? Someone who just one the World Series? Or the guys who just lost? The head Coach of a pro football team also comes to mind. When the coach got caugh cheating what happened? Nothing. Why? Because he was winning. The fact of the matter is Majority rules the Majority of the time. Personally I think both are wrong. But, I'm just saying it IS logical for them to attack you. It will probably continue the rest of the time these religions exist
  15. This is where this is where the analogy fails in YOUR opinion. It failed with a standard Christian as soon as you said "I'm gonna add to my house" In their mind there is no god but god (sound familiar? It's in the quran to) and the Bible and ONLY the Bible represents that God. As soon as you say "But wait! There is MORE!!!" they instantly attack. It's perfectly logical. May not be right. But it IS logical. That's all I'm saying
  16. Very nice. But let's face it. Any time you tell someone their religion is "almost" right but not quite, it's the same to them as telling them they are wrong. For instance if I was to quote Stephen Roberts and say "I contend we are both Atheists. I just believe in one fewer God than you do." You would instantly see that as condescending and mean. But I'm just adding to what you believe right? It's really in the words what you get out of it.
  17. Wow. That is a better analogy. But there is one major issue. The people who built the house feel like they have more right to it than the people who built the second house. That is my understanding of why Christians may be so upset with Mormons. All I'm saying is that it is logical. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. It's just an outsiders perspective of things
  18. Very good point. I know that is the way you see it as a Mormon, BUT look at it from their viewpoint. To them this statement "Mormonism is a restoration of truth that was lost" implies that they are "lost" I'm sure they don't take kindly to this. Again I'm not saying they are wrong but how could they not start be attacking? Is not your very existence an attack on them? You are here to restore truth. They feel like there in no truth to restore. So by you believing what you believe I could see how they would feel they need to attack. I'm not condoning it. Just trying to see it from their perspective.
  19. We don't have to many Churches in Olive Branch that are Mormon but thanks for the advice
  20. How is it not totally? I mean like I said I am just learning but...let me use an analogy to better explain myself. If I was to build an addition to my house, lets call my house Christianity, and I wanted to build it upstairs. The addition I would call Mormonism. If I built that addition so big that it hurts the original foundation of my house would i not want to tear it down? I'm not saying that your religion does this but, I'm sure this is the viewpoint of many standard Christians. Now on the other hand if I had this house named Christianity and I had not YET built the addition wouldn't it make sense to leave the house intact and just build from there? If I'm wrong at all please point it out. As I said I am JUST learning
  21. I know I'm an Atheist and I only JUST recently learned the difference in the 2 but if I may...the Mormon religion was founded on the back of Christianity. Of course you can add to their existing religion. That is exactly what your belief is. And it seems to me only logical for them to have to tear you down then rebuild you to their specs. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the tactic but you have to is logical
  22. just to clarify...the majority of the help I got was through pm's. So if you are reading this trying to get the same understanding I was I will post my conclusion as soon as I'm done with it here so that you can find it easier than I did. After this it's off to the Jehova's Witness sites. I'm sure I'll get bashed there to but I think people deserve to know without going to a church or having to go to college. Some can't afford it. I know. I'm a cop. I see it every day.
  23. Not entirely true. I have been given a chapter of a book that says different. You have different customs than most Christians as well. What specifically am I looking for? As I said..not much. I got it all I think. I was really trying to concentrate on the main differences as I have all ready written about standard Christian beliefs. Mormons are way different in my humble opinion now that I have talked to some and have learned ALOT! I really want to thank all those who helped. To the rest of you I hope your God blesses you in his/her own way with the understanding that some people are NOT out to get you or make fun of you. I swear that was not my intention