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Everything posted by susansboneyard

  1. My husband went before a Church Disciplinary Council in Sept. 2008 for adultery and was disfellowed. He had been having a 2 year affair with a co-worker, whom he baptized into the church in July 2008. (No action was taken against the woman and she went on to steal another woman's husband.) My husband has since gone through an Alma-like repentance, and is a different person. I, on the other hand, am having issues. At the time of the Church Council my Stake President told me to be friends with the other woman, and seemed more concerned with her than with myself and my children. Since that time neither he, nor our Bishop have extended any contact with our family. Our home teacher, who is on the High Council, has not visited us in over a year. During this period of time my husband also had cancer. I have gotten over the devastating pain my husband caused, have forgiven him, and we are doing well, but I am hurt by the absence of support by my church leaders. I am a strong member of the church, but I almost feel as if I have been disfellowed as well. What exactly is the role of a Stake President, Bishop and home teacher after a member has been disfellowed? With this history, I am afraid they have forgotten about our family and my husband will be in limbo for some time yet.