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Posts posted by musashi

  1. i was just thinking. if god said he will die in the day that he eats it, as in within 1000 years - is that really like a threat or a warning to adam? coz its really not that amazing to say if you eat that apple you will die within a thousand years pal.

    the other thing is when god said that to adam...was it supposed to be like a riddle? or did adam know what god meant about it being a day kolob time, not earth time. maybe god was just talking to himself, coz i think adam might not have got it like we do.

    adam was probably so scared that oh man...i'm gonna die. and then at the end of the day when he didn't die...he would have been like - wait a second...oh god must have meant KOLOB time, not earth time :P silly me

  2. What is the doctine on miracles? In Jesus's time on earth, and when the apostles preached they performed alot of miracles. The God of the Old Testament performed some mighty miracles. Why are miracles not performed in a similar way today?

  3. If an angel visited an ancient prophet he would have spoken to him in Hebrew. If an angel visited Joseph Smith he would have spoken to him in English. If one visited Elder Kikuchi he would speak to him in Japanese. That's right isn't it?

    They speak to the prophets in the language that they understand. Maybe Joseph Smith was such a religiously minded young man that the language that he had always studied in the Holy Bible was basic to him, and maybe God just deemed that that old english would be more suitable even though it is not used today.

  4. I talked to my father about it and he showed me something that said that there was no dove there at all. He said that the Holy Ghost was is bodily shape, meaning that it was the figure of a man, and that his decent was like that of a dove's. The sign of the dove was instituted before the foundations of the world to represent the Holy Ghost. It's something of a calling card. The devil cannot appear in the sign of the dove. What do you think?

  5. I'm aware that the new testament accounts talk about his descent being like that of a dove's. The account in 1 Nephi 11:27 says that the Holy Ghost came down out of heaven and abide upon him in the FORM of a dove. That's why I posted this question. I'm confused. Was he in the dove? Or was his descent only dove-like? The BOM account makes it sound like there was a dove there.

  6. Sometimes when I'm studying the scriptures I find myself struggling to fully grasp the meaning of certain passages because of the ancient styles of writing. Occasionally I have found it beneficial to read a passage from the KJV new testament and then to compare it with a version written in modern english. Our church leaders have said that the version of the Bible that LDS use is the KJV.

    Wouldn't it be great if our prophet now could do a translation into modern english? If it was the Lord's will then it would be done already, so I'll just trust in His wisdom.

    My question is - Why do you think that when Joseph Smith was translating the Book of Mormon that it was translated into such a traditional style of English? What are your opinions on why it was not translated into something a little more colloquial and current of that period?

  7. Everyone knows that at the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of the Father was heard from heaven and the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove. I have studied the topic before but remain a little bit confused.

    In regards to the presence of the Holy Ghost, was he there ..inside the dove? Or was he there, and at the same time as the dove? Or was his descent similar in the way that a dove would descend?... I'm a little confused. I think I remember Bruce R McConkie clarifying the event, but maybe I'm stupid. I don't get it yet.