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Posts posted by alexis

  1. Hey guys,

    So, I was sitting through a lesson today and I realized that even though I've been a member for 9 months I don't know some basic things!

    The first thing that bothered me was "Baptismal Covenants". I vaguely remember the questions asked of me, namely, do you believe in Heavenly Father, do you sustain the First Presidency, do you follow the WOW, are you engaging in homosexual behavior, ect. But I realized that I don't actually know what I promised Heavenly Father when I was baptized. Could anybody run down for me what those are?

    The Church's definition of the Atonement. I felt in my heart the pain of the Garden of Gethsemane, and I always assumed that this was "The Atonement", but when used in a sentence as if everybody knew what it meant, that freaked me out. The lesson was on having the Gospel become the center in our life. What does "The Atonement" mean in this concept?

    Those were the two that stood out to me. Are there any scriptures that lead specifically to those two concepts?


  2. Hello Friends!

    I was stumble upon-ing (?) on the Mormon channel and ran across BYUtv's website. I found that you can watch every episode of their Discussions on [book of Scripture]. Since this is how I originally got through most of the Book of Mormon, I was delighted that I could watch them again.

    These series are good for anybody. Whether you're brand new to the Book of Mormon and are shying away from the heavy vocabulary or are preparing for your mission, these shows are a great resource. Be sure to keep your scriptures nearby. They do reference verses and such without reading them but they do display the current verses on the screen. Such as (Book Chapter: Verse). That way you can follow along.

    Here are the links, if anybody is interested.

    BYUtv - Discussions on the Old Testament

    BYUtv - The Acts to Revelation: Discussions on the New Testament

    BYUtv - Discussions on the Book of Mormon

    BYUtv - Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants

    BYUtv - Pearl of Great Price Discussions

    And I'd like to add one more to the list. Although it's not a series, nor does it cover LDS beliefs, I still think that the Dead Sea Scrolls are important and do own a copy of them. So to round out this list, I'm adding the program covering these scriptures.

    BYUtv - LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls

    Enjoy your scripture study!

  3. He's not technically my "missionary boyfriend" just a man I deeply admire who's on his mission. He comes home in September. I'm practically counting the days. Well, I'm also counting the days because I'd like to go on my own mission and September is the earliest I can do it. :blush:

  4. It's anxiety it'll pass. If you can take benadryl, do so when your anxiety attacks start. It will make them almost disappear. Do not go see a doctor unless you cannot treat it with OTC meds and relaxation skills. All the psychologists and psychiatrist that I've ever seen as a patient have all been stupid.

  5. Wait. Let me understand this... You want to make an ISO, and use a separate operating system, but without burning a new disk? I would try VM virtual Box, or any other Virtual Desktop environment. Download the desired ISO (Usually a Linux distro) and then follow the steps, and install the ISO files when it tells you to. You should be good to go.

    If you're looking to dual boot your machine (have 2 OSs on the hard disk) that's not possible without first burning a CD. If you get UnetBootin, you can burn the ISO image onto a Thumb drive/USB key as well as a CD.

    Also to note that most ISO creator apps are for burning a CD.

    I hope that helps!


  6. Ha ha ha, I just read a very amusing (to me) post. The inquirer was asking why Prince William and Duchess Kate didn't get married in the temple. Obviously they are not LDS. I feel bad for these people that think the whole world is LDS. Granted, it'd be great if it was. But it's not.

  7. I dunno if you're looking for a specific poem, but here's one that's off the top of my head...

    Piece by piece the little squares get sewn together

    This is a quilt, nice an big to make you feel better.

    If you look closely you will see the work that it required

    The person who made it was inspired to craft this quilt expertly

    But even still you'll see mistakes because nobody crafts prefectly

    You see this quilt was made for you by a friend and by her Father

    For all the times you feel bad and like you shouldn't bother.

    So when you're feeling low, remember the mistakes in the quilt

    And remember that the one who built you crafted you like this quilt.

    I dunno if it's any good. But it's the best I can come up with. Sorry if this doesn't help.


  8. I think the great blessing of Agency is that we can determine what to give to the Lord. If that is in the Word of Wisdom, or Tithing or going to church. We always have a choice. When you look at the Doctrine and Covenants it provides a very basic outline for our lives.

    The AoF say "We belive all that has been revealed all that is now revealed and that many great things will still be revealed..." If the Lord wants to flesh out the Word of Wisdom, he will do so on His time. For now though, I think it's just a test on how faithful we are vs. how conceited we are. I don't mean to be rude, but I have met Mormons who go "I don't do XYZ because the LORD forbids it!" And then they take out their lunch and it's some very minimal something, like rice or whatever. Sometimes I wonder if he's being the Tax Collector or the Pharisee. (Referencing the parable of prayer in the Temple that Jesus taught.)

    Oh, I'm rambling again. Sorry.


  9. Well, from what I understand, a testimony from the holy spirit is a testimony that you bear. Like, say the Holy spirit is a book. You read the book, you believe that what the book says applies to the laws of the universe, and then you share the fact that what the book said is true, and then what the book says. Am I making sense, or am I just confusing you more?

    I think a testimony is anything you believe is True pertaining to the Kingdom of the Father. It doesn't really *have* to be a burning or peace. It just usually is. When I read the book of Mormon, I get this strong impression that makes me say (sometimes out loud) This Is True.

    Just my two cents.

  10. I know this is the wrong place for this, but I can't figure out where the blog sub-thread is, so Pam, Heather, or whomever please move this to the appropriate thread. If the whole post is inappropriate for this site, please delete the thread and reprimand me in whichever way you deem proper. (But please don't delete my account because I like it here!) <br><br>

    Mom knows that I'm active online, and so I'm trying to promote her new blog. I'll admit I'm a tad shameful about it, but I want to get the message out, because it makes me look like a hero. /blush. The blog covers travel, nail beauty (polish and such), and knitting. <br><br>

    This is a disclaimer that this blog is not written by an LDS woman, nor is it really following "lds standards". But I am LDS, and I follow LDS standards. So please help me out and at least check it out. Thanks! <br><br>

    Here is the link: <br><br>

    three things

  11. Ok, I'm probably going to piss a lot of people off, but I just wanted to say this.

    Yes, marriage is between a man and a woman. That's why we have marriage licenses. (except for New York and California, to my knowledge) A domestic partnership is a separate thing that's not a marriage, but has lesser rights for those involved. So, while I do not believe that marriage should be (or is) between a man and man, or a woman and a woman, I do believe that those people should get equal rights under CIVIL law.

    There's a billboard that I saw online that said "Gays want to marry! Next they're going to want to vote and have home ownership!". Obviously, homosexuals already have these rights, so why not give them the rights to care for those they love? Just because Heavenly Father wants us to be pure and attempt procreation with those of the opposite sex, I don't recall reading anything about LOVING those of the same sex as you would a normal spouse. And that's all I really see this marriage fight about. In my eyes, they're not trying to redefine marriage, they're just trying to make sure that if anything bad happens to their partner they can be there for them.

    This is especially important today as more families are inclined to kick out LGBT youth, and (in extreme cases) disown them. If these people have no Power of Attorney, and their partner can't do anything, then they basically either die, or just sit in a vegetative state forever.

    Maybe I've got this all wrong. *shrugs* I am very young, and so I've got a more-than-normal liberal mindset. Please feel free to correct me. I apologize in advance if I annoy anybody. That's not my intent.

  12. I am 20, almost 21, and my parents are anxious for me to get married, but not to have children yet. Even so, all my boyfriends keep moving away after about 6 months. So I'm kind of unlucky in that respect. But that's not the point of my response.

    People say that they're concerned about the marriage age going up. But consider this, your son is going away on his mission at 19 or 20, and returning when he's 21 or 22. By the time he gets back on his feet in his community (job, house, good money, car, ect) he could be as old as 24.

    Now switch gears, a little bit. A young man has returned from his Mission, and gotten on his feet. He is 23 (just for kicks). Your daughter is choosing not to go on a mission, because maybe she's not called, or she has 5 brothers who all need to go on missions. So instead she decides to go to BYU. While there, she meets a nice young man who's 23. This is an age difference of FIVE YEARS. That means, that if you go back in time a bit, he graduated high school when she was still in middle school. Creepy much?

    I think there's a certain trade-off that must be considered when encouraging our sons and daughters to get married. Yes, we want them to bring Heavenly Father's children to Earth, but women don't start having disabled children until she's at least 35. (I think the number is actually 38, but I'm not sure). So therefore, give your daughters time and by the time she has a good education, there will be wonderful young men in her classes that are not only worthy, but also close to her same age.

    That's all I have to say, thanks for reading this really long post.