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Posts posted by alexis

  1. I would like to make a confession and say that I was one of the "evil" people. I hung out with a LOT of Mormons (there were 3 meetinghouses within a 5 mile radius of our high school) and I would swear and make bad jokes around them. Mostly it was because I didn't understand LDS values, because they would never explain them too me. They would ask me not to swear, but I'd be like, oh, Ok, sure whatever.

    I would encourage young people that need to ask their Christian friends to be closer to the Gospel to explain why. Not only does it make the request easier to follow, but BAM, you've just opened the door for a missionary experience. Doesn't mean that the person will take it, but it does open the door.

    I would not be where I am today if it weren't for my LDS friends in high school. Keep up the good work!

  2. *Disclaimer: I am not a Member!*

    I would think that it would be fine, as long as she is in college. I am 20 years old, and a college freshman, and the missionaries actually recommended that I go to my local YSA ward meeting. I don't know if she's having struggles with her faith, but if she is, going to the YSA meeting might be just the thing to rekindle the fire in her heart.

  3. Hello my friendly community of Saints.

    I think I'm finally ready to attend my first church service. I almost attended 5/29, but I talked myself out of it. I still feel like I have a lot to work on before I get baptized. For instance:

    --The Law of Chasity (Self-Explanatory)

    --The Word of Wisdom (Caffeine, Tobacco, Junk food)

    --Reading every page of Scripture (Almost there....almost there.....)

    --Saving money for a mission (Is never gonna happen, no matter how hard I try. I won't get enough saved by the age limit.)

    --Making sure this is the right move for me.

    I'm looking forward to:

    --Relief Society Meetings

    --A Temple Marriage/Endowment

    --Visiting Teaching


    I'm worried about:

    --What to wear (I have no "modest" dresses. All of them hit above the knee.)

    --What to answer to/sing/pray about.

    --How awkward it will look when I don't take the Sacrament.

    --Missionaries flocking to my house like ants to a candy.

    Does anybody have any advice for me? Anything is much appreciated!


  4. I apologize for my comments. I was in an unusually bad mood that night and I was in no mood for playful games. *Just ask Soulsearcher. I was talking to him on Chat that night*

    I did read the rules and I was absolutely in the wrong. I hope that you can forgive me for this unsightly incident.


  5. [i warned you.]


    You have just received the Amish Computer Virus. Because the Amish don't have technology, computers, or any programming experience, this virus is based on the honor system. Please delete all the files from your computer and forward this to all your friends. Thank you for your cooperation.

    I find this offensive as all get out. This is a Mormon chat and forum board, and recently it's become a slew of the most recent Internet trolling memes. Rickrolling, and now an "Amish" computer virus.

    I guess as a computer science major these things annoy me more than they should. Either way, I would like to see us get back to general discussion that is USUALLY in the Gen Disc board.

    That's all I have to say.


  6. You should be ashamed for not mentioning the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Indeed, your friends are correct--you failed to bare an honest and true testimony if you missed these elements. I'm also guessing you failed to follow the Church-wide accepted protocol of proper testimony baring. These protocol are:

    1) Thou shalt begin your testimony with "I would like to bare my testimony that I know the Church is true"

    2) Thou shalt state in unambiguous terms that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God

    3) Thou shalt state that the Book of Mormon is the word of God

    4) If any fewer than two Articles of Faith are quoted, it is not considered a testimony

    5) If no tears are shed, your words will be considered "comments" instead of a "testimony"

    6) At least 1 mention to family must be given, preferably with regard to how many quilts your mother made.

    If you failing to meet these requirements for your testimony, I also will assume that your prayers are inadequate. For this reason, I recommend you practice reciting the following prayer:

    Please check back and update us on your progress toward an appropriate testimony.

    Are you pulling our leg? Or is there actual protocol? Because I've never heard of such a thing. I guess all of them make sense except the last one about the quilts.

    A testimony should be from the heart, guided by the Spirit. If you ask the Spirit to guide you, you can give an effective talk. You can do it with just a short simple little prayer.

    O Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide. Please help me as I bear my testimony!

    That's all I have to say on the subject.

  7. To the forum,

    Thank you for welcoming me so kindly to this website. I really enjoy the forums and the chat rooms, as they help me understand more fully the LDS faith. Right now, I am a Catholic, who teaches others about Catholicism. I know, it's kind of a paradox, teaching one religion, while researching another. I still battle with that concept.

    In general statistics, I'm 19, female, and a college student. I'm working towards an Associate of Applied Science in Computer Programming. Complicated name, complicated topic.

    Anyway, thank you again,
