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Everything posted by InfiniteEternity

  1. I don't know my parents are "different" my mom is bipolar and rather crazy she's been a pretty bad parent and my dad is physically abusive but a bit better of a parent than my mom, I know my mom loves me but my dad loves god and therefore is required to love me. this isnt the typical mormon situation i gues.
  2. "blabbing off about how mormonism is false and looking for support" that's not what i was doing buddy. Notice how whenever I speak i give the idea that "this is my opinion" not "this is the way it is" like your doing. I have one question of you... if mormonism was false would you want to know or would you rather continue living the way you were. I know your all hardcore one opinionated so you'll never believe anything else no matter what evidence I just want to know in a "what-if" sort of sense... if that's even possible for you. everyone is free to their own opinion and you've been making alot of very complicated judgements on a petite ammount of data which leaves me to my own, more simple and evaluated assumption of what kind of person u are.
  3. It has been used in certain cultures for thousands of years without ill effects. It has no damaging properties it occurs naturally inside of you!
  4. I love bringing up the topic of religion with everyone except my family. Your making alot of assumptions about me. You've read a few sentances and think you know so much about me, very judgemental. I have no backbone? My parents know I'm not mormon and they know I use psychedelics, I just don't want to tell them I'm ex-communicating myself because that would hurt them. Agnostic bandwagon? ... it's called the evolution of intellegence.
  5. I believe in the inifinite. I've been writing up an essay on alot of my beliefs and thoughts I'll paste it here I hope it doesn't go against the rules or anything lol . I don't really have any specific beliefs because I am agnostic and open to all ideas as a possibility and the ones I currently find more likely than others could change within minutes of some very important new information. This agnostic tactic frees me from wishful thinking and helps me mould my ideas towards something I find more appealing. Through my interest in anthropology and shamanism I have found tryptamines extremely interesting – especially dimethyl-tryptomine or DMT. DMT exists naturally in every human being, in fact it occurs naturally in many living things. Many mammals, marine animals, trees, grasses, flowers, and shoots contain DMT. DMT is released in your brain when you are born, when you die, and while you dream by the Pineal gland (remember this term) - along with a blocker so that it will not be diluted, and melatonin. Edward Burnett Tylor, founder of British social anthropology had the idea, that religion evolved from dreams. I think it is quite possible that it was within a tryptamine dream in which mankind first communicated with the cosmos or god. DMT has been used by the Amazonian people for at least thousands of years, and it is mind boggling how they made the found the complicated process of making their hallucinogenic drink without the aid of modern science. I believe it's possible that god could be energy itself, which is too complicated for us to understand. Or else god could be everything, a single conscious which we could possibly return to after we leave the state we're in or maybe not these are all just possibilities and they could be bogus. Situation within the brain is a peculiar organ, the pineal gland, which, until recent years, was a source of mystery-although the Orientals have long held that the gland has significance in relation to the occult. The pineal gland, aside from it’s physiological importance, is now recognized by many Western students of psychics, as well as by the Orientals, as being a connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Swami Bhakta Vishita states: “The pineal gland is a mass of nervous substance which is found located in the brain, in a position near the centre of the skull, almost directly above the extreme top of the spinal column. It is shaped like a small cone, and is of a reddish grey colour. It lies in front of the cerebellum and is attached to the third ventricle of the brain. “It contains a small quantitiy of gritty particles, a sand-like substance, which is commonly known as “brain sand.” It derives it’s scientific name from it’s shape, which resembles a pine-cone. The Oriental occultists claim that the pineal gland, with it’s peculiar arrangement of nerve-cell coruscles, and it’s tiny grains of brain sand, is intimately associated with certain forms of transmission and reception of waves of mental vibration. “Western students have been struck with the remarkable resemblance between the pineal gland and a certain part of the receiving apparatus employed in wireless telegraphy, the latter also containing small particles which bear a close resemblance to “brain sand” of the pineal gland.” The bible is like the telephone game - who knows how much truth is left. I believe there is probably some form of truth involved though. In Genesis 32:30 it reads; And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. Peniel means “Face of god”. I know Hebrew doesn’t have vowels which makes pronunciations different. The word Pineal came from the word Pinecone, because if you opened up a human skull and took out their pineal gland it’s shape would closely resemble a pinecone. It was also a common decoration for the Baetulus (house of god) of the Phoenicians. The most noteable thing when you walk into the masonic temple and look up, the ceiling is covered in a golden grid with a rather large very detailed pine cone in the center of each square. The pine cone symbolism goes back to Roman/Egyptian days (and probably beyond that) - what did they know about the Pineal Gland, does this also say the symbolism is masonic?" Is this why milk and gluten, the foodstuffs so propegated by the church, contain opiod peptides that, in combination with fluoride, calcify the pineal gland. "It is said the Catholic church symbolizes this gland with the "Pine Cone" (although they say it symbolizes rebirth)... VATICAN & THE POPE: I WAS ACTUALLY WRITING THIS FOR MY STATEMENT OF FAITH GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY BUT I SAVED IT IN MICROSOFT WORD I WILL BE FINISHING THE REST LATER AND PUTTING IT IN MY SOF.
  6. Well I'm not trying to troll or anything if I was I'd be using a VPN or atleast some proxies . I'm trying to explain my point of view. The truth being that things are alot better than even they understand - meaning yes mormonism is false (but not a fraud that sounds bad and can something be bad if it was created with the best intentions) in my point of view. I'm not trying to get any support I'm just trying to explain my stance and get an answer to my question. I'm trying to understand how they are feeling about me not being part of the church and how much I can expose myself to them without hurting them. also I can't answer the question for myself because I have somehow forgotten ( I can't remember if ppl from the celestial kingdom can visit ppl from the telestial kingdom or whatever.
  7. Yeah I don't want to do something to deliberately get ex-communicated unless I have to (which I now see I don't). I will just write a short letter, print it, sign it, and give it to someone at my friend's ward next sunday. I actually look forward to speaking with my bishop we've had some nice long conversation's discussing Albert Hofmann, Amazonian Shamanism, and some other stuff I find really interesting. A lot of mormon's are really cool I have nothing against them - organized religion just aint my cup of tea . And I'll make sure to pee on all the un-cool mormon's who can't accept the huge changes I've made in my beliefs and lifestyle . lol
  8. I was wondering... in my parent's opinion (they are mormon's) if I end up going to the terestial kingdom or something because of how i am and they end up in the celestial kingdom cause of how they are will they never be able to see me again? I've been wondering this because if that were true in their opinion then that would mean i would be worthless in their eyes until i become mormon which will never happen rendering them sad and praying for me for the rest of their days and me sad and wishing they could see the truth for the rest of mine.
  9. Thanks for ur help I think I understand now I found this handy guide.
  10. I hear it so unbelievably often. I moved to a new place with my old best friend from highschool and I go to church with him sometimes or help people move or whatnot. It's always different conversation but it always ends up the same. example me: "yeah back when I was mormon and we were playing dodgeball that was so much fun haha" person: "back when you were mormon?" "your not mormon anymore?" me: "no I've been athiest for a year or so, and recently converted to agnosticism" person: "well your still mormon, you were baptized weren't you?" i was just wondering how do i like make myself unmormon to a further extent than just removing my records from the church. I smoke, injest, and insufflate substances that are against the word of wisdom to partake of would that qualify me as a candidate to get ex-communicated or whatever???
  11. I'm agnostic. It's because whenever I tell the mormons I am not mormon anymore they say "no your still technically a mormon, you were baptized weren't you?" I don't care if they are wrong or whatever it's just quite annoying and I'd like to show them I'm serious about my opinion and my own beliefs that I could remove myself from the church. It's not just removing my records that I'm interested in, I want it to have been like I'd never have been baptized - from a mormon's perspective... if that makes sense >_>. I will never tell my family though. I am a member of a family of 10 and like a bajillion relatives all mormon on my mom's side except me it would mess things up if they knew. I just wanna prove my mormon friends that I can do this and there's no turning back for me.
  12. I heard someone mention Runescape. I started playing Jagex's multiplayer chess back in late 2000 and when Runescape Beta came out in January 2001 I was hooked. I befriended a few pre-beta-testers who helped create different quests and test new parts of the game before they came out. Rab created Melzar's Maze (dragon slayer quest), Romeo & Juliette Quest, Doric's Quest (lol), and a bunch more. Lightning and Merlin mostly tested stuff and found bugs though Light gave alot of suggestions which are still inplace in the game today. Merlin pretty much moulded the whole PK'ing culture having started the most popular high level clan in pre-wilderness RS. Eventually I made money off Runescape selling old accounts and gold I had from the game. I moved onto bruteforce cracking and account merchanting. By the time I was 16 I moved out of my parents house making almost as much money as them off Runescape, and some other computer related money-making methods. I am one of the most well known cheaters on the most popular Runescape cheating site, aswell as many others. I learnt alot from my addiction but I don't spend near as much time on the computer anymore.
  13. I have talked to the missionaries about setting up an interview with the bishop to get removed from the churches records. The bishop is currently on vacation so I have to wait till he get's back to discuss everything with him. I am just curious as to how this process will go and what options I have. I remember talking to my dad a few years back when I was active asking him if people got "un-baptized" when they left the church and I can't remember exactly what he told me but I remember him saying there were more than one option. Like you could get your records removed, or you could completely ex-communicate yourself or something along those lines. I would really appreciate any information I could get & or links about this process. I would like to come to the Bishop's office prepared and knowing exactly what I'm asking for and the mormon lingo to boot. Thanks, Seth.
  14. im not G or L but you can't the decisions you can't really call it peril maybe they are just really confused and actually a good person. i hope this doesn't count as flaming im just trying to be nice if it does could som1 please msg me so I can edit out my post .
  15. hi im new to this forum the names seth ;o I love pretty much any type of boarding (snow, skate, long, wake, etc). I used to spend alot of time on the computer making my living through film editing, website design, graphics, or SEO but now I'm bored of computers and I'm interested in starting my own board shop while I study anthropology and pharmacology. I LOVE music... sum of my favs are Sublime (#1) Pink Floyd The Doors Bob Marley Jimmi Hendrix BB King Stevie Ray Vaughn & pretty much alot of Classic Rock, Blues, Ska, Reggae, and most music except things which make my ears blead like Justin Bieber, Nickleback, & most country (xcept perhaps Johnny Cash).